Disclaimer: I don't own Animaniacs. If I did it would still be on air.

In 1998…

"What do you mean my contract is being cancelled?" Yelled an angry Slappy Squirrel.

"We…well you see here, the board is not pleased with how Animaniacs is doing…" Said a very nervous Mr. Plotz. He was looking at the other angry stars, all looking like they would join Slappy in an instant.

"If you have not seen the ratings, they have attracted a large percent of the audience in are respected time slots, why would they cancel us?" Said a highly annoyed Brain.

"Brain, if we lose are job, does that mean we have to live with a can of tuna, Narf," said the ever-confused Pinky.

"You to have nothing to worry about," Said Plotz, "Your being spun off…"

"Aren't they already?" Said Yakko.

"Isn't a spin off of a spin off redundant?" Said Dot.

"That Simpson show is attracting so much attention you're going to be on a show like it," Said Plotz, "You're going to have a new co-star."

"And might I be inclined to ask who we will be starring with?" Asked Brain.

"Hooray, anew friend!" yelled Pinky, "Who is it?"


"Elmyra!" The Warners shouted.

"I going to love you and squeeze you and keep a warm blanket at beddy bye!" Said Elmyra as she gave her hug of death.

"Let…Me…Go!" Said the Brain as he squeezed out of her grasp. "I will quit if I have to work for with her!"

"You can't, your under contract," Said Plotz bluntly, "Besides, we need to retool your show to be more kid friendly."

"Kid friendly?" asked Brain, "No parents have been sending more the usual amount of complaints about are content, why do we need to make our show kid friendly?"

"Simple, advertisement," Said Plotz, "If our shows appeal to the wrong demographic, then we don't get add revenue."

"Huh?" said Wakko.

"Kids no like, we no paid," said Plotz, "Don't worry, you will all appear in a film together titled Wakko's wish, here's your scripts."

"No, no, no, I am not doing this," Slappy said as soon as she skimmed over it, "there is no way that I am putting my self in that position!"

"Your under contract," said Plotz.

"Yeah, with Warner Brothers," said Slappy, "this is a cut and dry Disney film. Look, lots of singing, a princess, some journey, an evil royal guy, boom boom boom, any way you cut it, it is a Disney film."

"Can you get us out of this Steven?" Said Dot trying to look as cute as possible, "Pleeeeeaaassse."

"Sorry, my hands are tied," said Spielberg, "though I am not, trilled either."

"That's it!" Said Slappy, pulling out a large amount of explosives, "I'll take care of this the old fashion way."

"Wait, hurt me and you will lose every cent you earned," Said a cowering Plotz.

Slappy stopped, looking from the dynamite to Plotz. She dropped the explosives in defeat. "Aw, your not worth it," she said while creaking her back.

"First rehearsals are tomorrow" said Plotz.


"But why Slappy!" said Wakko.

"Stupid studio executives, all they can think about is in price," Said Slappy in her tree house, "No respect for comedy."

"But you're the greatest toon ever to live Aunt Slappy!" said Skippy, "Why don't you crush them like the bugs they are!"

"They have a weapon I could never defeat," Said Slappy.

"What?" said Skippy



"What we do now Slappy?" said Dot.

"We can't do anything, we are now the bright, colorful toons that Disney has been popping out since as far back as I remember."

"Ahhhh… that not a good is it?" said Yakko.

"As good as my Fondue," Said Slappy.

"Spew!" Said Skippy.

Don't worry, the story will get happier by chapter 3. This is my own anger of when I found out why Animaniacs was cancelled. Also some of my own feelings of Wakko's Wish.