Disclaimer: Do you own Animaniacs? GIVE IT TO ME!


Dr. Otto von Scratchensniff, Ralph, and Hello Nurse was sitting across from Mr. Plotz. "Gentlemen," said Mr. Plotz, "You know what is the highest costing expences on this lot?"

"Ah, Mel Gibson's acting bill?" said the nervous Scratchensniff.


"Veir always been uncountable," said Scratchensniff, " What has changed now?"

Mr. Plotz gets onto the table and walks over to them. "What has changed," said Plotz, "Is that they are not shooting Animaniacs and now have all the time in the world to cause havoc!"

"Duh, why don't we keep them off the lot?" said Ralph.

"Because," said Plotz, "Their life contract prevents them from ever being forced off the lot, and they can do what they want while there here"

"Why don't we lock them in the water tower like we did for 65 years?" said Hello Nurse.

"Not now Nurse, I need to think up a real plan. Besides, that has not worked since," said Plotz.

"I have heard of a new welding technique that could stop a raging elephant in its tracks," said Hello Nurse.

"Really? I have never… never mind, Ralph, tell my assistant to order that," said Plotz.

"How did you know of vhat?" said Scrachy.

"It is convienent to the plot," replied Hello Nurse.

"Now the big question is how do we get the Warners into the Water tower," said Plotz.

"I also thought of that…" She said, "Oh boys…"

Yakko and Wakko come racing into the room with their tongues out. "Yes ma'am," said Yakko, breathing heavily.

"Can you two be so kind as to show me around the tower?" Said Hello Nurse.

"Anything for you," said Yakko.

"Yeah, anything…" said Wakko as they walked out.

"Can you two ever control your self's?" asked Dot, "Boys…"

A little later in the tower…

"This is my bunk," said Wakko, half melted, "It is the nicest and the comfiest!"

"And this… is my bunk…" said Yakko, breathing heavily, "It might looks small, but it can still fit two…"

"Boys…" said Dot with her face in her palm.

"Thanks for the tour guys," said Hello Nurse, "Bye…"

"Come back anytime," said Yakko.

"Oh, this is a lucky day," said Wakko.

Right then, nails appear pierce through the door, a welding light goes around it, and the sounds of a huge amount of chains circling the tower, and a lock clicking.

"Ahhh… I don't think it is Wakko," said Yakko.

"See what trouble your hormones got us into this time!" said Dot.

"Calm down sister sibling," said Yakko, "Wakko, get the biggest hammer!"

Wakko reaches into his gag bag and pulls out a hammer several times his size. "How this?" he said.

"No, no, bigger!" Yakko said, "Bigger, bigger, that's good."

Wakko spits into his hands, lifts up the mallet with all his might, swings at the door and shakes like a turning fork from the impact.

"Ahhhh… I think we could be in here for a little while sibs…" said Yakko.

"Thank you Mr. Exposition…" said Dot.


"Your sure they won't be able to get out?" said Plotz.

"They have as much chance to get out as another Batman film would be made," said the Engineer.

"Don't you mention Joel Shoemaker in front of me again!" shout Plotz.

"We are free?" asked Scrachy.

"No more hiding in's my ear?" asked Ralph.

"No more jumping out of my shirt?" asked Hello Nurse.

"I think so… WE ARE FREE!" Shouted Plotz, on his knees.

"OH! VHIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!" said Stachansniff, dancing with the other four.

"I've is so happy," said Ralph.

"What are you four yabbering about," said Slappy, "What the…" Slappy looked up to see he chained up mess the tower had become.

"The Warners are locked up forever!" Said Plotz.

"First you cancel their show, then you force them to act as if one of them died, then you lock them up in the place they been in for 65 years?" said Slappy, "Do you have a death wish?"

"No vay vhey are getting out vhis time!" said Stachy.

"If it was not for that life time contract…" said Slappy.

"They are pests! They always have been!" said Plotz, "Can't you see it is better this way?"

"What I see is the three Stuges performing three last act!" said Slappy.

"Think what you want Slappy," Said Plotz, "But today is the beginning of a bright, Warner free future…"

Slappy walks away in disgusted. "The story is not called "Their Back" for nothing…" she said.

I am sorry this took so long to update, I promise I will be better in the future. Anyway, for those that asked why Animaniacs was cancelled? Several reasons, such as studios finding that imported Anime was far cheaper and easier to translate then animate from scratch. Partly due to the failures that Warner Brothers had with its animated movies, with four out of the five it made in the Nineties losing money. But mostly it had to do with Animaniacs being such an adult oriented show. The executives of the animation department, especially Jamie Kellner, thought that they would advertisement money if the show appealed to adults, and thus slowly killed it after its first season. You heard me right, the very thing that made Animaniacs so great was thought to cause it to not be popular "to the right audience," ignoring the high ratings and awards the show had. This has made me come to the conclusion that all the executives Warner Brothers had were Howler monkeys.