You guys wanted it, and here it is. I had more votes for a girl fest, and second up was Dom/Sub with Bella being the Dom. So, I'm going to throw it in the mix. I've never in my life written a lesbian anything, but I will try my damnedest!



I was sitting in Edward's room when he came in and kissed me on the forehead and told me he and the boys were going to go to Canada to hunt for the night, and that they'd be back tomorrow sometime. I was okay with it, since I hadn't really spent much girl time with them, well, since Edward and I have been going at it like crazy since that one night.

Jasper always gives me these sexy looks that makes me want to fuck the vampire right out of him, and Emmett is always whispering in my ear about how he'd like to eat my pussy. Yeah, that wasn't hot or anything. Edward knew that the guys still had a thing for me, but didn't make a deal out of it. Apparently, he got a kick out of the fact that he had me, and they were secretly pining for me.

Once the boys had left, Alice came bounding in and hugged me. "Oh my gosh, Bella! I can't wait to spend the whole day with you! Rosalie is even looking forward to it!"

That got my attention. I mean, Rosalie would hang out with us, but never willingly.

She waltzed into Edward's room wearing next to nothing, and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander. I'm not particularly attracted to women, but I'm not blind. She's hot.

Alice started giggling and I asked her what she was laughing at. "Oh, just what I saw in my vision just now. We're in for an amazing night." Then she winked at me. What the hell is going on here?

Rosalie sat a bag down at my feet. It was from Frederick's. Okay. "Uhm, not that I don't appreciate the sentiment, but what up with the lingerie?"

Alice pulled out a black lacy number that was really kinda' hot. It was a black corset with lacy crotchless panties and black stockings and garters.

"Go change into this, and meet us in the basement." Rosalie told me, and with that, they left. I was confused as shit. And, to be honest, I am not at all comfortable with wearing crotchless underwear. Like, at all. But, I obliged, and went down to the basement and my eyes nearly bugged the hell out.

"Good, you're here. Where do you want us, Mistress Bella?" Alice squealed. Mistress what?

"Uh." Was my genius response.

"Look, you need to take charge of your sex life. We're going to help. You can't tell me that you don't think about what it would be like to be with another woman." Rosalie chimed in. Now that I noticed everything around me, Rosalie was naked, and so the hell was Alice. And, I'll be damned if the sight before me didn't make me a little wet. What the hell is wrong with me?

"What?" Again, my words escape me. This shit is so embarrassing.

Alice walked over to me and dropped to her knees, Rosalie followed suit. I get it. I'm supposed to pretend to be a Dominatrix. They're my subs. I've seen this shit in porn. I think I can do it.

"Okay, you will not speak unless spoken to. Nod if you understand me." I looked them in the eye, and both nodded, Rosalie had a grin on her face. "What's so amusing, you may answer me." I barked. I was getting hot from this.

"You're so hot like that, Bella. Who knew you had it in you?" Rosalie said, her eyes dragging up and down my body.

"What did you call me?" I asked. If I were going to do this, I would do it thoroughly.

"B-Bella." She said, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Stand up. Both of you. It's Mistress Bella. You will refer to me as such when we are in this room, do I make myself clear, my pets?" Both nodded. "Good. Now, Alice, take Rosalie over to the table and strap her to it. I want her bent over, and spread wide."

Alice walked Rosalie over to the table in the middle of the room, and strapped her down, just as I had asked. "Good my pet. For your behavior, you will be rewarded. Would you like that, angel? You may speak."

"Yes, Mistress." She replied meekly. I'm a sick bitch, because I was loving every minute of this.

"Good, my darling. I want you to take that paddle and I want you to spank Rosalie with 10 licks. Rosalie you will count them out. Begin."

Quicker than lightning, Alice had the paddle and was swatting Rose's ass with it. Rosalie was crying out the numbers, and I noticed her ass was turning a delicious shade of pink. I walked over to a big comfortable looking chair and sat down. I couldn't help but spread my legs a bit. My hand found itself moving lower and lower. Jesus, I was getting off on this. Something had to be wrong with me.

When they were done, I ordered Alice to untie her, and bring her to me. Rose sat on my lap as I stroked her hair. "You won't act out of line again, will you?" I purred, rubbing her ass gently as her breathing picked up. She shook her head. "Good girl. Now, thank Alice for giving you your punishment."

"Yes Mistress Bella." Rosalie said, a little breathless. She was hot on this, too. What the hell do these vampires do in their spare time? They're all freaky!

"Alice, I want you in my lap. Spread your legs. Just like that. Yes, my angel." I held her legs open widely, as Rosalie crawled toward us. "Rosalie will pleasure you. You may cum when you are ready. You've been so very good, my sweet."

Again, I have no idea where the hell these words were coming from, but I remember some shit like this being said when I watched the D/s porn on the internet. It seems to be working. So, I'll run with that.

Rosalie flattened out her tongue and ran it from bottom to top on Alice's waiting pussy. Alice lolled her head back onto my shoulder, and I let her, because I know how much I enjoy having my pussy ate. I'd never tell her that Jasper was the best, but she didn't need to know that. Rosalie was moaning at the taste of Alice, as her tongue flicked her entrance, lapping up her juices. I made good use of my hands, and started to fondle Alice's tiny breasts. "That feels wonderful, doesn't it, pet." I asked as I bit her earlobe. She cried out in pleasure. "I bet you taste so good. Does she taste good, Rosalie?" I asked down to her, as she was buried face deep in Alice.

"Yes, Mistress Bella. So good." She continued her ministrations, and Alice was now writhing atop me and grinding her face into Rosalie's waiting mouth. I can't lie, watching that shit was total hotness. I was dripping by this time, and I couldn't wait to make them please me.

I felt Alice start to shake and I bit down on her neck as I pinched and rolled her nipples between my fingers, licking my fingers to wet them for good measure. Her back arched and she came in Rosalie's mouth. "Make sure you drink that up, Rosalie. It's never good to waste, my pet."

She moaned and Alice continued to writhe. "Shh. It will be over soon, love. Just enjoy this." I cooed to her. She nodded her head, and soon, she was having another orgasm. Damn. Rosalie must have a magical tongue. I'd have to experience that. Wait, what? I'm so not gay. I had to keep telling myself that through the night.

Once Rosalie was done, I jerked her hair up to me, and kissed her fiercely. She tasted wonderful. She moaned into my mouth and I found myself playing with her huge breasts, tweaking and fondling, giving her some sort of relief. She was practically screaming to be touched, and I would. I would be the one to make her feel good, and to bring her pleasure. Because, she was stronger than me, but right now, she was succumb to my will. I would milk this for all it's worth.

"Alice, my love, I need you to go pleasure yourself while I reward Rosalie for doing such a good job on you." I kissed her chastely on the lips, and she hopped up and jumped on the table, legs spread wide, her fingers already making their descent to her nether regions.

I looked at Rosalie and she looked as if she had a question. "Yes, pet?"

"What about you?" She asked. Aw. She was cute just then. She wanted to get me off.

"In due time. You both will work me when I'm through with you, how does that sound?" I asked as I looked between the two girls. My subs. They both moaned and I smiled.

"Now, Rosalie, I want you to sit in this chair." I pointed to a wooden chair with straps on the arms rests. She sat down, and I strapped her arms down and she was now facing Alice, who was pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy for all she was worth. Give it hell! I thought.

I kissed Rosalie's mouth, and made my way down to her breasts, circling her nipples with my tongue, nipping with my teeth. Her back arched toward me, and I smiled as I licked one long stroke from between her breasts to her completely bare pussy. Well hot damn. I've never seen anything prettier. Is that weird? Oh my god. I'm so weird. What if I don't like dick when I'm done? I like Edward's dick. And Jasper's. And Emmett's. Oh hell. I'm a slut.

I shrugged that thought off, because I could smell Rosalie's arousal, and it made my mouth water. I gave one long lick, and that shit tasted like wine. It was yummy.

"Alice, Rosalie. I want you both to watch each other. Alice, I want you to watch me licking her pussy. Rosalie, watch Alice fuck herself with her fingers. Can you do that my pets? You don't cum until I say."

Both complied, and I went about my task at hand. My mouth + Rosalie's pussy = Orgasmic gold. I licked and flicked and sucked. Both girls were moaning quite loudly. I think Alice squeaked.

"Rose. Your pussy is fucking fantastic. Has anybody ever told you that?" I breathed into her and she moaned. "It makes me just wet licking it. Sucking it. I bet you want to cum don't you, pet?" I looked up and she nodded, all the while, watching Alice pleasure herself.

I noticed I was so wet that I was, in fact, dripping down my thighs. This shit would be embarrassing if it weren't kinda' hot. "Oh, damn. I'm so wet that it's dripping down my thighs. All my juices, just going to waste. Whoever cums first gets to lick me first. Come on. I want you both to cum now." I kept my movements up, and both girls actually came at the exact same time.

I stood up and kissed Rose's lips sweetly. "You taste wonderful. But, now, it's my turn. I want you both to please me. I want both tongues on my cunt now." Rose broke the straps that were containing her, apparently she was fucking eager to get me off, or pissed. I didn't care. Alice was there in a split second and I lay back on another table, legs spread wide, feet up in stirrups. I wanted as limited space as possible. Alice was on top of me, and Rosalie pulled a stool up and sat facing me. I felt Alice's cold tongue on my clit as Rose's was in my entrance. Holy shit! This was fan-fucking-tastic!

While Alice sucked and flicked my nub, Rosalie was fucking me with her tongue. Both girls moaned at my taste. I moaned, because that shit felt too good.

Soon, I found myself writhing and cumming, and both girls moaned in pleasure. Then, they switched places, and I found Alice fucking me with her fingers. Twisting and turning and stroking my G-spot, while Rosalie kissed my chest, my mouth, my stomach. I was gasping for air. I loved every minute of this.

The door flung open, and there stood all three boys. Hands on their dicks and groaning at the sight before them. Both girls stopped.

"I didn't give you permission to stop. You will get me off, and they will watch. Sit boys. Now. I'll deal with you later." And everyone did as I said.

Alice was now licking my pussy for all she was worth, God Bless her, and Rosalie got behind me and played with my tits, licked my neck. All the while, I watched the boys.

"Stroke yourselves. You cum when I cum." I told them. They all too willingly whipped their cocks out, and stroked themselves. None of them took their eyes off of me, and I loved the sense of power that I was getting from this.

"Oh shit. Oh Goooooooood." I drew out. Alice was fucking amazing with her quick little tongue, as she was lapping at me with vampire speed, and that shit was killing me.

I was sweaty by now, and I was holding off. I wanted to watch the boys enjoy this. Rosalie was lapping up the sweat from my body and I was now close to cumming. Hard.

I threw my head back and Rose pinched my nipples. "Oh shit. Yes. Oh yes. Cum with me. Please. I need you to cum with me. Everybody. Alice, touch yourself. You, too rose. Please." I begged.

Both girls went to work on their pussies, while the boys continued to stroke, and Alice ate me out. Everyone was panting by now, and I knew someone would crack if I didn't let go. Hell, I don't think I could take much more. My pets were being so good now. I should reward them.

"Boys, come to me." I begged. They made their ways to me, and I put Edward's dick in my mouth while I stroked Emmett and Jasper. Both the girls moaned at the sight.

"I'm gonna' cum. I can't" Edward moaned. I was right there with him. "Shit, Bella. Your mouth. Please."

I just nodded and came hard. I came so hard I was squirting and then in one simultaneous motion, I had Edward cumming down my throat, Alice screaming and moaning into my pussy, Rosalie was squirting behind me, because I could feel it on my back, and Emmett and Jasper came on my chest and stomach. It was the single hottest thing I've ever witnessed in my life, and I was the cause of it. I fucking own.

Once I caught my breath, I looked at the girls/ "You clean this up. With your mouths." They hopped up and eagerly started sucking the cum from my body, while the boys were watching, looking at me eagerly. Edward, clean my pussy. You boys, tend to your girls." I ordered.

Edward licked and kissed me tenderly, it was amazing. I moaned as the girls moaned into my flesh as they lapped up the cum, while their boys "cleaned" them up.

Once everyone was good and clean I sat up and fixed my clothes. "Good job. See you in the showers." I said as I smacked Edward on the ass. He laughed and ran after me.

I found Carlisle greeting me in the hallway on my way out, and he smirked at me.

"Bella, you did wonderfully." He said. I was confused.


He chuckled. "Or perhaps, I should call you Mistress Bella. You know, I'd like to show you a few things. I'm glad you enjoyed my playroom, by the way."

And then he disappeared around the corner. What. The. Fuck.


Okay, there you have it. How did I do with the lesbian action? Was it really lame? Because I was totally embarrassed when I wrote that. HAHA! And... what do you think about Carlisle in the end? Hmmm...