"What do you do all day?" Asked Mira, interrupting his thoughts. "I mean, do you just recline here as you are now, and loath the human existence in your own little silent creed?"

Without though he grabbed her by the hair and stomped over to the door, dragging her behind him as she groaned from the pain in her scalp. He opened the hotel door and flung her out. She recollected herself and sat up, looking for him, awaiting an explanation to his prior actions. She didn't get one. He was only doing this though, because it was the only way to see what she can do. She wouldn't be able to do anything while she is on his watch.

"I'll come find you when the darkness comes." He growled, shutting the door. She picked herself off the ground and left the hotel, what was she going to do?

Walking through the town, her maryjanes scraped the cement, at least they where comfortable. She was dressed up when she arrived here, prior to the arrival she was on her way to an old reunion. Her classy clothes where now like dirty rags draped over her body. The poofy, knee length, light sky blue high-waist skirt was cut, scratched, the white lace trim was deteriorating, she threw the petticoat that came under it away of course, for versatility. Yet, the colour of the skirt was comforting; it reminded her of the beautiful blue sky she hadn't seen for a while. Her white knee socks already had holes all over them. And her elegant white blouse which came under her skirt, it was already a grey like colour, and torn. As she walked through town she decided to go into a building, it was getting chilly.

She walked into the next one she saw. A tall grey one. Walking through the halls she heard a voice coming from a vast corridor, slowly approaching it, she recognized it. It was a girl she heard at the church. She hadn't really got to know her because of her impolite, and slightly antisocial nature, but knew she was about her age, perhaps a year older, Mira guessed she was twenty three. Yet, she only heard one voice. Proceeding to get closer to it, she realized the woman was talking to herself. As Mira got close to the door she opened it a little, just to peak in. The fair, dark haired woman was huddled with her face in a corner, muttering obscenities to herself. Most people from the church where nuts anyways, She smiled as she opened the door even wider, seeing a perfect opportunity. It was time to indulge, and do a little something nice for herself.

She put her hand in her skirt pocket, only a pocket knife. Not good. So she would have to improvise this time, not a big deal. She walked even closer to the woman. The girl noticed and faced her. Recognizing her from the church, the woman smiled at her, not even suspecting what was going to happen next. Mira smiled back too, only her smile was different, menacing in a way. Ok, so she'd have to work fast, nothing wrong with that either.

She swiftly stretched her hand out, grabbing the anonymous womans neck, the woman screamed as she used her neck to thrash her head into the wall, breaking her nose. Then threw her onto the floor and restrained her by enveloping herself on top of the lady. The womans pleas for her to stop went unheard as Mira started to choke her. She had it all planned out now, she was going to kill her and use her pocket knife to mutilate her body afterwards. It wasn't much, but enough to entertain her until Pyramid Head would come for her, if he does, that is. Thereafter, the woman stopped struggling. Mira got off of the woman and studied her features. She was so pretty, her dark brown hair was shiny, despite living in this hell hole, her face was artfully crafted, and her body, this impressed even her as she stroked the girls hair. Her breasts where so full and round, her waist was about as small as Miras, and her hips where very delicate.

She couldn't wait to ruin this woman. Taking out her pocket knife, she started to scrape the skin off of the womans face, as she reached her cheeks she carved them off, along with her lips, exposing her teeth completely. She did have nice teeth. This made Mira smile once more; she hadn't smiled an awful lot down here.

Just then, sirens sounded, and darkness filled the air, the sudden change in the air made her stand up from being startled. If Pyramid head was going to come get her, now would be the time. Yet, she really wanted to destroy her kill, she was such a beautiful woman. She bent over, struggling to pick the delicate corpse up. She was too heavy, heavier than Mira herself. Struggling even harder, this may be her only kill in a while. She the sharp sound of Pyramid heads big knife, screeching farther down on the corridor floor. Couldn't he have came at a later time? Of course not, everything always happens at an inconvenient time.

The door was widened even more, Pyramid head stood there, looming. There she was, standing over a cadaver. The person she killed was obviously choked to death. Then slightly mutilated. He was not used to this, a person killing a person for no reason? That's just sick. Animals didn't kill each other just for the fuck of it, why should people. Even he killed for a reason. He stood there appalled, confused, and dumbfounded.