A/N: I'll try to keep the history and information to a minimum from now on, but don't complain if I explain something to you guys. If this bothers you. Quit reading ANYTHING all together, because I can guarantee you that published authors write the history of the characters into their stories also. Especially if there was a book written on the characters before. Done with my little rant, on with the story!

A/N:I'm sorry if this chapter is not the best. I'm half asleep, so it's going to be a little iffy. Hopefully it wont be too bad though. Also, Neville and Blaise are not getting together. I put that Blaise was taken in the first chapter. Gah!

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. For proper disclaimer see first chapter. Thank you!


Harry sat at the kitchen table eating his breakfast that consisted of a honey glazed fruit salad and milk. He was watching his older brother and sister bicker with amusement that he hadn't felt in a while.

"Why do we have to go to this muggle school?" Draco questioned Hermione as he dumped his dirty plate in the sink.

"We have to keep our cover. We are wizards living with muggles," Hermione slowly explained as if she was talking to a three year old, and Harry wasn't quite sure that she wasn't, "A group of teenagers not going to school would be suspicious."

"I don't want to go to school with a bunch of muggles. My brain is probably larger then theirs will ever be!" Draco yelled.

"Nope, that's just your head." Ron said, sending a smirk to Neville and Blaise when they both sniggered.

Draco pursed his lips together, trying to keep his face from turning completely red, before he turned and stomped out of the kitchen and back up the stairs to his room.

Hermione huffed and turned to Ron, whose face dropped its smirk at her expression.

"Honestly Ronald," Hermione began, ignoring the wince her boyfriend gave her at the use of his full name, "Did you have to say that? He's still adjusting."

Ron looking like he was caught between being ashamed and adding in his own opinion. He and Draco had become brothers, but that still didn't stop them from picking on one another.

"Don't worry about him," Luna said as she skipped into the kitchen, "He'll be ready to go before we leave."

She was right. By the time they were heading out the door Draco has apologized to Hermione and Ron had apologized to Draco. The blonde still wasn't sure what to think of going to a muggle school, but he had stopped complaining.


Forks High School was practically humming with excitement over the new students that were supposed to be arriving that day. Even Alice Cullen was giddy with anticipation, not that she would tell anyone why. That would ruin all of her fun.

Edward had tried countless times to see into his 'older' sister's mind, but every time he was met with the Pledge of Allegiance being recited in Greek. So he had taken to staring intensely at the tiny vampire, hoping that she would crack and tell him what was going on.

Jasper and Emmett watched the to in amusement, taking step away whenever Alice's smile got wider or Edward's eyes narrowed even more. Rosalie just watched the humans file into the school, grumbling about 'stupid siblings' and 'annoying humans' among other enjoyable topics.

This could have gone on all day if the vampires hadn't been interrupted by the roar of multiple engines growing nearer. They turned to look for the source of the noise when they saw a large, dark aqua Jeep Wrangler Unlimited turn into the student's parking lot, followed closely by a black and lime green Kawasaki Vulcan 1600 Mean Streak and a black Kawasaki Ninja 500R.

Emmett whimpered as he looked at the jeep, "They one upped my baby."

His whimpering was stopped however, when Rosalie elbowed him in the gut.

Edward watched as five teenagers climbed out of the jeep. The driver was a tall, lean boy with chin length, rust colored hair. He wore a pair of faded blue jeans that had rips at the knees, and a green t-shirt with a black panther on the front. The girl that got out of the front passenger seat was tall, skinny, and had shoulder length, brown hair with large natural curls in it. She was wearing a white, peasant top with a blue, plaid skirt. One of the boys that had gotten out of the back seat had light brown hair that hung straight at his ears. He was a little on the chubby side, but you could see the light muscle in his arms from the black button up shirt that he wore over a pair of fitted, dark blue jeans. The fourth person that got out of the Jeep was a blonde girl with a dreamy look on her face. Her hair hung to her waist in a long braid, making her angelic face stand out more. She wore a knee length red baby-doll dress and had what looked like bottle caps hanging from her bracelet's, necklaces, and earrings.

The first biker to take their helmet off had almost white hair that was pulled back into a low pony tail. He was just as tall as the red headed boy, but he wasn't as muscular. A blue men's tank top fit tightly to his thin frame and was partially covered by a black button up shirt that had been left undone. He wore a matching pair of black jeans that hugged his legs in all the right places. Edward could practically hear jaws dropping as the student body stared at him.

The second biker had wavy, short cut, dark brown hair and tan skin, making him stand out around the group of pale teens that he stood with. He was wearing a tight fitted, black shirt that had a green snake wrapping around his chest, and a pair of black slacks that hugged his legs.

What made Edward's breath hitch was the last boy to climb out of the jeep. He was currently pulling his long, black, silver, and red streaked, wavy hair back into a messy bun as he watched his siblings discuss their class schedules with one another. Edward could see his blue-green colored eyes from where he sat in the driver's seat of his car. The boy was noticeably shorter than his other siblings and a lot thinner. He wasn't horribly skinny though, he did have some muscle in his arms. He wore a black t-shirt that showed off his abs that had "Like what you see?" in large letter and underneath "Bite me" in smaller letters, on the front of his shirt.

Edward's eyes widened and he unconsciously gulped, making Alice giggle.

What was worse was that the boy wore a pair of black, form fitting, leather biker pants that looked like they had white paint splattered on them. Only one word came to Edward's mind, 'Gorgeous.'


Harry watched his brothers and sisters talk about their classes, smiling softly as Draco's pout grew. He was pulling his hair back into a messy bun when he felt chills go down his back and his breath left his lungs. Inhaling deeply he deciphered three powerful scents, two weaker than the third.

He was shaken out of his stupor by a hand on his shoulder. Opening his eyes that he didn't know he had closed, he tilted his head up at Ron. The red head looked down at him with a worry showing on his face, asking a silent question.

"Potentials." Harry answered quietly.

Ron rose an eyebrow and asked, "Here? Where?" Before wincing and saying, "Sorry."

Harry smiled, "You should be, "He stuck his tongue out childishly, "And for your punishment, you can lead me towards building number-"

"4," Hermione answered after looking at his schedule.

"Number 4, then." Harry ordered with a smirk.

Ron sighed and grabbed the short male's hand and put it on his shoulder.

The rest of the student body watched the seven new student walk to their first classes. They didn't know what to make of the red head guiding the shorter male, but it just made for more good gossip.


Math had been difficult. Even with all the extra studying that Hermione and Luna had made them do Harry was still lost as he used his enhanced hearing to copy the hand movements that the teacher was making as he wrote notes for them to copy. It was a good thing Blaise was sitting right next to him otherwise the teacher would have wondered how a blind person could write down the notes, which hadn't been said aloud. A plus side to the class had been the girl who had sat at the desk to his side. Her name was Alice and she was the most energetic person he had ever met, and that saying something. He lived with Luna and Draco and both of them were prone to sugar highs.

His seconds class of the day had been a very tense hour. His hands had begun twitching as soon as he walked through the door. He had said goodbye to Alice, who had lead him to the classroom, all the while ignoring the electric zings traveling up and down his spine. He was just lucky that he had already read all of the books and plays that they were to required to read that year. Otherwise he would have had to concentrate on listening to the teacher instead of concentrating on what Ron was saying as a distraction.

He was glad that his family had made mind links to one another, otherwise the teacher would have yelled at them through the whole class for talking out loud.

Third hour, nothing really happened. Government was easy, especially since Hermione had made them read most of the laws along with the Constitution. That had been a very long week.

Now it was lunch and Harry was sitting at a table with Hermione and Neville, waiting for the rest of their siblings to show up. The harpy was currently eating a salad that Hermione had sat down in front of him and seemly staring off into space. Really he was pulling on the emotions of the students around him, feeding off the energy that they produced. It was taking a while because he could only take so much energy from a human before they began to feel tired or they completely forgot what they were feeling.

By the time the rest of the wizards had sat down at the table Harry was completely bored with the emotions traveling around the cafeteria; lust, anger, embarrassment, lust, curiosity, and even more lust.

Don't these people feel anything else? Harry wondered, reaching over and grabbing the apple off of Blaisé's tray.

Before Blaisé could say anything in protest someone sat down at their table.

"Hi!" A high pitched female voice squeaked, "I'm Jessica."

Harry turned his head in her direction as he took a bite of Blaisé's apple.

"Nice to meet you," Luna said, not sounding half as cheery as she normally did, making Harry wonder what this girl would do that had pissed the blonde girl off so bad. She was dating Draco, so what ever this Jessica was going to do must bee pretty bad.

"My name is Hermione," Hermione introduced when she realized that Luna wasn't going to, "and these are my siblings, Harry, Luna, Neville, Blaisé, Draco, and my boyfriend Ron."

"Boyfriend?" Jessica asked, clearly confused, "I thought you were all related."

"Adopted," Harry said, "Not the same as related."

"Oh." Jessica said, seeming not sure what to say.

Suddenly Harry was assaulted by electric shocks down his spine once again. Hermione frowned as she watched her little brother tense. She looked up towards the cafeteria doors and her eyes widened at the five people that ha walked in.

"Who are they?" She asked, rubbing soothing circles over Harry's back.

Jessica turned and looked in the direction that the brunette had been looking in before she answered.

"Oh. They are the Cullens." She said, "The little dark haired girl is Alice. She's kind of weird."

Harry frowned at that, he thought that Alice was really nice.

"The blonde that looks like he's in pain, that's Jasper. The blonde girl with the frown on her face is Rosalie, and the big one next to her is Emmett."

Suddenly Jessica sighed, "Then the last one is Edward. He's gorgeous, but none of the girls hear are good enough-looking for him."

Then, when she realized what she had just said she quickly added, "Not like I care, you know. I mean why would I?"

"So when did he turn you down?" Blaisé asked, and Harry could practically see the smirk on his face.

Then there was a loud 'whack!' and then Blaisé cried, "Ow!"

Harry laughed and high-fived Luna.

"Anyways," Jessica said, trying to hold back her giggles, "They're all adopted, kind of like you guys, but they are all together, like together, together."

Harry raised an eyebrow as he listened to the girl. He wondered what she would think of them. Apparently they were more like the Cullens then anyone else in this school.

"I don't think Mrs. Cullen can have children-" That's when Harry interrupted her.

"That is none of our business, neither is it any of yours."

"S-sorry." Jessica stuttered, making Harry wonder if his face really looked that scary.

Then the bell rang and Harry stood up. He waited patiently for Hermione to throw away her left over food, before he let her lead him to his next class. Biology.

Harry wasn't comfortable at all. Not one of his siblings was in this class. Added to that was the strong electric shocks that made him shiver. The potential in this classroom had the strongest, clearest scent and it was making his inner creature want to come out and play.

He stood at the teacher's desk, waiting for him to sign the slip that the office had given him and point him to his seat.

"Here you are, Mr. Potter." The teacher said, handing the slip back to Harry, "You may sit next to Mr. Cullen."

Harry waited for a second before realizing that the teacher had no idea that he was blind.

Did he not get the memo? Harry thought sarcastically.

"Um," Harry began, "Which direction is my seat?"

Harry heard snickers from the back of the room, but decided to ignore them in favor of listening for the teacher's response.

"Oh!" The teacher exclaimed, remembering his new student's handicap, "I'm sorry! Mr. Cullen, could you please help Mr. Potter to his desk?"

Harry's face turned red. Why couldn't he have lead me to my seat? Harry thought in embarrassment.

"Sure," A masculine voice said from almost straight in front of him.

Soon he felt gentle hands grab onto his arms from behind him, guiding him to his seat. Harry was sure his face looked like a tomato by the time he sat down in his seat. Not only were the snickers louder, but he had figured out who the strong scent was coming from.

Once he was seated the teacher began his lecture, bringing Harry to another problem. He couldn't write notes unless the teacher said them out loud. It would look suspicious if a blind kid could write the notes that were written on the board.

"Hello," The student beside him, and the center of his most embarrassing moment at Forks High School said, "I would like to introduce myself. My name is Edward Cullen."

Harry rose an eyebrow, He talks like a gentleman, not like a modern teenager. Harry could feel Edward tense beside him, Well at least he's not laughing at me. It's nice to meet someone that isn't such a git.

"Harry Potter." Harry greeted with a small smile.

"So, how are you liking Forks so far?" Edward asked.

"I like it. It's a lot like England." Harry replied, "It makes my parents a lot more comfortable. It's a lot calmer here then in England."

"Is that why you moved here?" Edward asked, "Because it is calmer than England?"

Harry paused, wondering how he was going to explain this without giving anything away, "Yeah. Also because my siblings were getting bullied because they were related to me. So out parents picked us all up and moved."

When Edward didn't say anything after that Harry began to feel awkward, so he added, "Plus my Pa has a disease and we needed a calmer place to live."

"A disease?" Edward asked, seeming genuinely interested, "My father is a doctor. I can talk to him for you. He might be able to help your father."

"No!" Harry said a little to quickly, "I mean. It's nice of you, but we already know that it is incurable. We are just trying to make him comfortable."

They were silent after that, but Harry could feel Edward watching him out of the corner of his eye. It wasn't as unnerving as he had expected it to be. Curiosity swept over Harry suddenly, he wanted to know what his man beside him looked like. He didn't just want to know the outlines of his face, he wanted to see the color of his eyes, his skin, his hair.

Concentrating, he pulled a thread of magic from his core and lead it up to his eyes, letting it wrap around them until they let light in. Harry had to look down and blink a few times as bright light hit his eyes along with thousands of colors. Once his eyes were adjusted he looked to his right, at the person beside him.

Harry could have sworn that his heart stopped beating right then. The boy sitting beside him looked like a god. He had short, untamed, bronze hair, high cheek bones, and a strong, squared jaw. His golden topaz eyes and blood red lips stood out against his almost deathly pale skin.

He was so in shock that he didn't notice his control over his magic slipping until the threads around his eyes snapped back to his core, almost giving him whiplash. Harry winced at the slight pain, and felt his energy drain from the extra magic he had used. Of course he had to do something stupid before he had to go to gym.

Edward walked up to his siblings in the empty parking lot feeling a more than a little confused over the new students. Who were the only other witnesses to Alice was bouncing up and down on her toes, Jasper looking tense, and Rosalie and Emmett both looking worried, since everyone else had already left.

"Edward! How did you like Harry? Isn't he cute!" Alice giggled when he got to the car.

"He was…interesting." Edward admitted.

"There's something wrong with him." Rosalie stated rudely.

Alice stopped bouncing and pouted at her sister's statement, while Edward looked at her in confusion.

"What she means is that something happened to him." Emmett explained, "Rosy and I have Gym with him and we both saw scars all over his body."

Edward grimaced as memories of Harry's face, chest, and back ran through his brother and sister's minds. Inhaling through his nose for the first time that day, Edward's eyes widened. The scent that he had caught smelled of lilies and jasmine, and he was sure that if his heart could beat it would be racing by now. His head shot up and he caught Harry walking out of the school office and the scent got even stronger.

Harry seemed to feel his eyes on him as he stopped and turned his head toward him. Suddenly a loud screech rang through Edward's ears and he winced, covering them with his hands, noticing that his siblings were doing the same.

Then he watched as Harry took off toward his brothers and sisters, winding around cars that he shouldn't have been able to see. They all looked at him with worried expressions as he ran up to them.

Go! Get in the car! Merlin! I can't believe this. Of course it would be. It explains why they were potentials. Vampires!

Edward's eyes widened in horror as he listened to the boy's thoughts. His siblings seemed to hear his thought orders as they climbs into their respective vehicles and drove off.

Of course my mate would run from me if he ever found out what I was. Edward thought, slowly becoming depressed, But how did he know?

A/N: Harry and the others have all kept their last names, except for Blaisé and Ron who are now Blacks. Everyone else just has a hyphenated name. Example - Hermione Granger-Black, Draco Malfoy-Black. Ron Black. They aren't hiding from the wizarding world so they don't actually have to change their names.

Also, I tried to describe it, but in case someone didn't get it. Harry doesn't wear glasses. He's blind except for his 'echo location'. When he uses it, it basically looks like his lips twitch, he doesn't really need to open his mouth. His vision with the 'echo location' it pretty good. He can ever see facial features. Have you ever seen the horror movie Pulse? Where the ghosts look like a lighter version of static black against a black background? That's pretty much how he sees unless he uses his magic to give him eyesight for a while.

The whole British slang thing, not likely to happen often. I'm American, so it is kind of hard for me to become British in a matter of seconds. I'll try thought! ANOTHER thing. Geez, I'm explaining a lot of stuff. Harry can read his notes outside of class because of his magic, but the teachers and everyone else will just think that his family reads them to him and helps him study. Very loving family. XD