AN: Prepare for the longest author's note I've ever written.

AU Wizards of Waverly Place & Camp Rock crossover. I'm basically taking the characters and their personalities and putting them into a completely different world. But not in a sci-fi way, more like a metaphorical way, but still in a very different world. I'm making it interesting, too. Camp Rock is for homosexual and bisexual kids. It's not discriminating against straight musicians and singers, it's just a camp that gay kids are welcome at.

In my world, everyone's together.





Brief Cast Rundown

WOWP: Alex and Justin live in New York with their (non-magical) family that owns a sub station. After years of begging and raising the money, they convince their parents to let them fly to California and spend the summer "with grandma". They're actually going to Camp Rock, which was suppose to be the money for their plane tickets home. But they're planning on worrying about that later. Alex is still herself, but Justin will be a little OOC because I'm giving him what he needs. Eye liner, bright colored skinny jeans, and screamo band concert tees.

CR: Mitchie's mother signed an "under the table" agreement with Brown that lets Mitchie go to Camp Rock for practically free, but the best part, her mother will not be the cook. Shane, Jason, and Nate are back from their world tour, all three ready to be guest instructors and judges of final jam. Tess moved to Caitlyn's city and the two spent all school year hanging out and getting to know the "real" them. Shane won't be a jerk (:O shocker, right?) but he will still have his undeniable great hair.

Rated M: We live in perverted times my friends. (Not to mention all the lovable sex scenes and bad language which I've realized are essential to capturing the teen world)

Story will be like SLS, switching between POVs. Ye be warned.


Love Addict

Alex's POV

"Can you believe this? I mean, can you actually freakin believe this?" Justin's smile stretched across his face in an almost mad way. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, looking at the view again.

A large lake was before us, reflecting the orange sun that was almost ready to set behind the tall trees. Campers were already out swimming, laughing, and jumping in from hidden tire swings. I was just glad my crap was safely put away in my cabin and that we were actually on time for something.

I looked over at Justin, thinking about how much we had to go through to get here. We had to spend three years raising up the money. That sucked. Then we had to convince dear mother and father. That sucked worse. And then we had to lie about where we would be this summer. Which only sucked for Justin, who was still holding on to his "good guy" trait.

I think it was his one semester in college that changed him. In high school he was a nerdy genius, but now he's so…laid back and, dare I say it, cool.

"I wish Kyle could see this. He loved the whole outdoors thing." Justin bit his bottom lip, and looked down at his feet. He leaned casually against a tree and stayed quiet for a while.

"You have got to stop talking about that loser. Any guy that doesn't see how great you are, isn't worth keeping around." I told him, smiling an honestly sweet smile. He looked up at me, trying not to smile back.

"You really think so?" He asked thoughtfully, looking back at the lake. I didn't think so, I knew so. It was that Kyle guy that had changed Justin the most. He was the one who finally convinced Justin to wear cool clothes, and make-up, and black nail polish. He was the one who got Justin to stop putting gel in his hair and let it stay in his eyes. He was the one who changed Justin into this cool, suave, and actually charming guy.

I owed this Kyle guy a lot, even if he cheated on my older brother, the closest person to me, and then left him for some male cheerleader.

"Yeah, I do." I replied, sighing.


Mitchie's POV

I shrieked, running up and hugging Caitlyn.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much!" She squealed, as we pulled apart and started laughing our heads off. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we started walking down a dirt path towards the cabin I would be living in for the next two months.

"Tell me everything. Don't leave out a single detail. I haven't talked to you…since last Friday! What happened with you and Tess? Was it just a misunderstanding? I told you it was just a misunderstanding." I laughed, adjusting the weight of my bags. Caitlyn took my guitar case from me, the only help she could really offer at the moment.

"As much as I hate to admit it…you were right." She smiled, looking away from my smirk.

"Told you so." I replied in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She pushed playfully at my shoulder. "But the funny thing is that we both said we were sorry at the same time. I can't believe I thought we would break up over something so stupid. It was just a corn chip!"

"My point exactly." I laughed. "So what about Tess' mom? Did she really stage an intervention?"

"I like how you say that. Stage an intervention. Sounds nice." She used a dramatic voice that made me laugh again. "But yeah, pretty much. She told Tess she'd take her off her will if she didn't start making out with some guys on the cover of a magazine."

"What'd Tess say?" I asked, walking closer as if it was a secret. Caitlyn looked both ways, even behind us, before leaning closer and whispering the answer.

"She told her mom to fuck off." Caitlyn giggled, and I started laughing again.

"Wow, remind me not to mess with Tess. Hey, that rhymed! Let's right a song about it." I added a hop in my step to show some enthusiasm.

"Right. You get started on that." She patted my shoulder. "Are we there yet? My feet hurt. I forgot the whole don't wear boots with heels thing again."

"Yeah, I'm in Cabin 69." I had to close my eyes for a moment to remember. The paper was tucked away in my back pocket, and my hands were full.

Caitlyn busted out laughing, me joining her moments later.

"Looks like you'll be getting some before the end of camp." She poked my arm several times.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to calm down from the laughter eruption.

"You don't know the story? Word is that every two campers that stay in Cabin 69 fall in love. Last summer I think it was the cabin that Barry and Sander had." Caitlyn raised her eyes suggestively. "Might wanna wash the sheets again, because we've all heard about their sex tales."

"Thanks for the tip, but I don't think a stupid old cabin will help my love life at all." I replied, getting shy about the subject. It's not that I don't want to have sex, it's just I'm not sex crazy like everyone else here in this camp.

"I can't wait to find out who your roommate is. Let's hope she's cute." Caitlyn giggled, speeding up and rushing up to the door of Cabin 69.


Shane's POV

"No…a little more to the left. Wait! Right there. That's perfect." Nate nodded approvingly as the movers we hired left the cabin. I stared at the plasma screen TV and wondered how my charming ways ever convinced Uncle Brown to let us bring it.

"Now we'll be able to watch the game on Saturday." Nate started up his rant on baseball again.

"Dude, I've told you before. Me plus sports…equals I don't care." I hit his shoulder and shook my head. Sometimes people could be so thick.

"Did you know that there are canoes out there?" Jason hopped down from his top bunk. "I heard they float on water. We should so totally go out on one. But I'm wearing extra floaties, just in case we start to sink."

"Maybe later. I wanna check out all the channels we get." Nate smiled as he raised his eyebrows and swiftly took a seat on a recliner.

It made me sick sometimes. Nate puts up with so much from Jason, but just so he can sit there and make lovey dovey eyes at him from across the room all day. Sometimes I just feel like I should stand up and yell at them to just make-out already, but I try to keep my distance from the whole love scene.

Shane Gray plus love…equals not happening.


Alex's POV

I sighed, dramatically, so that Justin would know I would know not to ask any questions about my sudden mood change. It happened when I noticed that someone had already moved into my cabin. One minute I'm laughing hysterically with Justin about the whole Cabin 69 thing, and then I'm stopped dead in my tracks because I hear the most wonderful laughter coming from inside.

"What if she's hot?" I whisper-asked Justin, who was loyally standing next to me. I could hear two different voices now, both laughing and teasing each other, and was thinking about keeping him with me while I met my new roommate.

"Alex, I hear two voices. She might already be in a relationship. And you haven't even met her. Just calm down." He replied, biting his bottom lip. Justin still wasn't used to being the one giving girl advice.

"Okay…let's go." I muttered, taking in a few deep breaths as we walked up the stairs. I made sure my footsteps were loud, I didn't want to walk in on someone having a moment on the first day.

I noticed the laughter had stopped, replaced by a hushed whisper. I closed my eyes for a moment, telling myself to stay calm.

I opened my eyes and opened the door. Making sure Justin would follow me, I entered Cabin 69.


Mitchie's POV

I thought I had been nervous when I heard footsteps outside the cabin door, and I thought I had been nervous when Caitlyn whispered, Here comes your new lover.

But those feelings were walks in the park compared to the butterflies in my stomach now that I was actually looking at her.

She was beautiful, no doubt in my mind about that. Her style screamed awesome and her confidence oozed respect.

There was a tall guy standing to her side, but I could easily see the relation between the two. This guy had to be her brother.

"Hi." Caitlyn added a little wave to her greeting, smiling at the two who stood in the doorway. Caitlyn quickly stood up from the bed she had been sitting on. "I guess this is your bed."

"I guess so." The girl walked forward, her things already sitting at the foot of the bed. "I'm Alex Russo, by the way. And this is Justin…my brother."

I smiled, glad I was getting things right, but mostly because he wasn't her boyfriend. I know this is a gay camp, but straight kids still go here, too. And there's always bisexual campers.

"Caitlyn Gellar." She extended her hand. Alex shook it, but it was brief. She glanced over at me, and I thought for a moment I saw disappointment swirling around in her brown eyes.

"So I guess we're going to be roommates for the next two months." She shrugged. I stood up quickly, realizing I'd missed my cue by a mile.

"I'm Mitchie Torres…and actually…I'm gonna be your roommate. I hope that's okay." I glanced at Caitlyn, who raised her eyebrows and nodded slightly towards Alex. I smiled and extended my hand, waiting for her to shake it.

"That's perfectly fine." Alex replied, her hand sliding smoothly against mine in a handshake. She held on to my hand longer than she had held on to Caitlyn's, and her smile seemed less forced. I took those as good signs.

"Great." I replied, trying not to show my loud laugh and ruin everything. I did, however, think of something I hoped would show I'm not the stick in the mud everyone thinks I am. "Looks like it's just you, me, and 69."

She laughed, her smile coming out even more brightly and amazing. Her brother chuckled from the doorway, and even Caitlyn cracked a smile.

Looks like Cabin 69 was working on the whole romance thing after all.


Can you say SUMMER VACATION!? Now that the stupid waste of time called school is over with for the moment, I'll be spending my whole summer glued to this computer! Oh, and any feedback on this new story is always welcome. I'm trying out some new stuff, ya know, mixing it up a little.