I recently got my hands on the Vampire Kisses saga and was permanently hooked! I was in the middle of reading Vampire Kisses: Kissing Coffins, when on my TV screen appeared the official "NEW MOON" trailer! I was jumping up and down, and during that scene wherein Bella leaves Edward, an awesome idea struck me. Bella and Edward remind me so much of Raven and Alexander; and I couldn't help that Jacob Black reminded me of Trevor Mitchell. I decided I had to do something with this story immediately.

Not your average Raven-and-Trevor-story.

I guess it's safe to say that this story was inspired by the Twilight saga's "New Moon" book.

I don't own Vampire Kisses or any of the characters. Everything you see here is owned by their respective owners. The plot was based on Stephenie Meyer's "New Moon" book. Also, I am 100% dedicated to the Trevor/Raven coupling. I love this couple to pieces! Let's hope Ellen Schreiber, the acclaimed author, can write some more sweet and funny moments about these two. Please review and let me know what you think! Thanks a bunch! xD


(Raven's POV)

A blinding shaft of sunlight coursed its way throughout my bedroom, aiming directly on my face. I forced my eyelids to open slowly as I took a deep breath. I sat up sheepishly from my bedside position and sauntered towards the mirror, noticing my Hello Batty calendar that hung up on the wall just beside it. This particular day, though unlike any other day, held a small importance to me; today was my birthday and now I was officially seventeen years old. I was older now to my dismay. If Alexander had turned me into a vampire, I would've remained sweet sixteen forever.

Well, besides that, It felt sort of good to be seventeen – wonderful, even. That meant I'd only have one more year before I get to become a legal adult – then I'd move out of Dullsville forever, and I would follow my vampire boyfriend wherever he'd go. I was thrilled about the idea.

Just then, my pesky little nerd of a brother, Billy Boy, barged into my room together with my parents, holding a chocolate-frosted birthday cake. On top of it was an icing that read "Happy 17th, Raven!" with little red-colored bat designs. I smiled. Today, for the first time, my parents actually embraced the fact that I practically worshipped vampires and anything that had to do with them. Their daughter was a Goth, whether they liked it or not.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart!" My mom greeted me as she pecked my cheek with a kiss. "Sorry there are no candles. We couldn't find anything goth-like."

I laughed.

My dad teared up a little. "One more year and you'll be old enough to run away from us!" He sniffled. "Don't grow up too fast."

I sighed. "Aw dad... don't get all soft on me. Please." I pleaded.

He grinned. "Who's getting soft?" He yelled, jokingly. He handed me a small gift wrapped up in black and white skull designs. "Here's your birthday gift, honey. "

"For me?" I asked, grinning. "You shouldn't have!" I felt like a child again. It felt good. I probably already knew what was inside, though. Probably a fitting pearl bracelet to match my pearl necklace; the necklace my parents had given me for my sixteenth birthday last year. Either that or a pink-colored headband, or a red polka-dotted shirt. It would be something preppy or girly. But I didn't care.

I stuck my finger gently under the wrapper piece and jerked it open under the tape. My eyes widened. Inside wasn't the pearl bracelet or anything pink I was bracing myself for. Laid softly inside the gift box was a silver skull necklace, a black wristband that labeled "Vampire's Girlfriend" and four tickets to the "Twilight" movie premiere which would be coming out two weeks from now. I screamed at the top of my lungs. Not a sad or fearful scream – a happy, girl-like scream that gestured eternal bliss.

Billy boy laughed. "I bet you were screaming because of the 'Twilight' tickets, right?" He said, smirking. "Well those were my idea. People said 'Twilight' would be the next vampire love saga, so I figured it would be something you'd be interested in."

"Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I whispered under my breath.

I immediately hugged him, then I turned to my parents and hugged them too. "This is the best birthday ever!" I announced. It was true. It certainly felt like the best birthday ever. I couldn't wait to tell Becky, or Alexander. They're going to freak!

Mom suddenly looked up at my Emily The Strange alarm clock and it signified 8:00 in bloody red digits. "Now, go get ready, guys." She said. "Or you'll be late for school. "

I grunted, almost forgetting today was Monday. Therefore, a school day. That's alright, though. Nothing could spoil today more than ever. Not even my demonic kindergarten nemesis, Trevor Mitchell, or the snobby cheerleaders, and the boring dull teachers. Nothing.

I ate my Chocolate Vampire O's cereal in a rush, kissed my parents goodbye, nudged Billy Boy for a few seconds and headed for Dullsville High school. There, I met my best friend Becky waiting for me at the school's entrance steps along with Matt. Becky's arms were spread out as she gave me a quick hug. Matt tapped my shoulder with a smile. "Happy birthday, Raven!" They said with delight.

Becky gave me a teeny boxed wrapped in black-colored paper paper. I took it and gave her my thanks. Inside the tiny box was my birthday present – a well done, home-made, bat-piece bracelet; a bracelet which perfectly matched my new necklace.

I grinned and hugged her again. "Thanks, Becky!" I said happily, as I clipped the present on my wrist. "I have something for you two."

I grabbed for my pocket and took out the "Twilight" movie premiere tickets. Becky squealed and jumped, as I did.

"Oh my gosh!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down. "These tickets were already sold out! You're pretty clever Raven Madison!"

Matt nodded. "Yeah, those tickets had been sold out weeks ago. How'd you get it?"

I beamed. "Billy boy got it for me, so now I'm all heads down for him. I guess he's not that nerdy after all."

The three of us walked our way inside the crowded halls of Dullsville High and approached towards our lockers. I opened my locker with a click and grabbed my Biology and English textbook. I closed it after, only to see my nemesis, Trevor, beside me.

"Hey, Monster Girl. Do you know what day is it today?"

""No." I said.

"It's your birthday – or better yet, you're funeral day." He howled with laughter.

"I'm not in the mood for any games today Soccer Boy, so beat it."

He frowned. "You're mean today, Monster Girl." He smirked sexily. "Are you having those PMS things today? Or are you just angry you're aging into a grandmother quickly?"

"None of the above." I answered, heading my way to Biology Class. He quickly followed after me. "Stop following me, jerk."

"I'm not following you," He said matter-of-factly. "In case you forgot, We take Bio together." This was the only subject in which Becky and I didn't have together. I groaned.

"Must have forgotten," I said. We both entered Mr. Gordon's class, and to my surprise, I wasn't late for the first time this year. I took a seat in the front, and so did Trevor.

"Quit following me!" I said, glaring at my nemesis.

"But, don't you want your birthday present?" He asked, adjusting himself on the stool.

I was stunned. "Birthday present?" I echoed after him. "Like you'll spend your money on little ole' me," I teased. "You'd never do that."

"Okay, class." Mr. Gordon popped in from outside the door and walked to his desk. "Quiet down, as I jot these important notes you must copy." He took a marker from a box and began jotting stuff on the board.

"Well I did." Trevor defended himself. "Now Monster Girl, close your eyes."

"Don't be stupid." I whispered.

"Then you won't get the gift." He challenged, his emerald-green eyes daring me to do it. I couldn't refuse a dare. He knew it.

I closed my eyes, but not all the way through, so that I can still defend myself from the evilness my nemesis would do to me. Just in case.

He took out a pink paper and folded it on top of his table. "Okay, you can open your eyes now. Just lean here."

I leaned towards him, curious, and he did something totally unexpected. He cupped one hand of my left cheek, letting his other hand chain my arms, and kissed me, full on the mouth. My head was dizzy, and I couldn't breathe. I tried to wriggle myself away from him, but he only pryed my mouth deeper with his tongue and kissed me more. Then he stopped the kiss and whispered to my ear, "Happy birthday... Raven." He said seductively. Trevor Mitchell's purpose in life was to destroy mine.

"You... maniac..." I whispered under my breath, glaring at him. He smirked. I shivered, hoping no one had witness us. Too bad someone did.

"What do you think you're doing?" Jennifer Warren asked from behind us, her snobby best friend, Heather Ryan, looking ticked off.

Trevor and I looked back. I gulped. "He started it," I said, pointing to Trevor.

Cheerleader snob Jennifer didn't believe me. Neither did Heather.

Jeniffer stood up from her seat, raised an awkward hand and glared at me with evil eyes. "You don't even deserve to be kissed by Trevor, you freak." She whispered.

I shivered. Trevor loved it when I got in trouble.

"Yes, Ms. Warren?" Mr. Gordon asked from the white-board.

"Mr. Gordon, if you don't mind, I'd like to tell everyone that Raven Maddison had just done an act so terrible and needs to go to the detention."

Mr. Gordon raised a brow, as he looked at me skeptically. Everyone's head turned. Eyes were all on me now. "And what did Ms. Maddison do?" Mr. Gordon inquired.

Jeniffer bit her lip. "She forced-kiss Trevor! It's her 17th birthday today, sir, and she thinks she's all grown up and feels obligated to steal people's guys. Trevor wanted to get away, but Raven pulled him towards her and kissed him." A hint of jealousy was evident on her voice. My jaw dropped. That wasn't how it happened! Look at the surveilance camera!, I thought. If only this crappy school had one for emergencies like these!

Heather Ryan quickly stood up as Jennifer took her seat. "I saw it all with my own eyes, Mr. Gordon," She fibbed. "Raven forced Trevor into doing something sexual. She doesn't even deserve him."

I rolled my eyes.

Mr. Gordon frowned at me. "Is that what happened, Ms. Maddison?"

I was about to say my answer when Trevor stood up for me. "Mr. Gordon," He started, "Raven didn't do anything." He said, glancing at me from the sides. "Raven just turned seventeen today, and as her long time childhood friend..." He exaggerated. "...I felt it was my responsibility to be her first kiss. At least since I couldn't do it with her during her sixteenth –"

I grabbed his sleeve and forcefully pulled him back to his seat. "You've said enough, jerk! And stop exaggerating!"

His reply was to hold my hand. I felt my stomach turn. What a way to start my birthday like this...

Mr. Gordon sauntered towards both our tables. "In that case, I want you two to take detention. Together. After class." His words echoed in my head for a long time. Detention. Together. After class.

Snobby pom-pom Jennifer wasn't too pleased with the outcome of her tattetale. I knew she had wanted me – and not Trevor – to be prisoned in detention. Her plan backfired. "Don't be too confident, freak." She said from behind me.

"Yeah," Heather agreed. "You're butt-ugly and you're freaky times ten. Trevor would never like someone like you. Right, Trevor? I bet you just kissed her out of pity."

Trevor snickered and narrowed his eyes on me. "They're making fun of you, ya know."

"Yes, I know that," I said through gritted teeth. "It's because you're a freakin', stupid, jerk and I always have to take punishment for your false action. Why can't you just leave me alone?"

He frowned. "You say big, bad words, Monster." He leaned over to me and whispered, "You know you like this."

My jaw dropped. I would never, ever like Trevor Mitchell. I would never like kissing him, or touching him. All he was to me was a tiny, stupid, annoying insect that kept flying around me, and no matter what I did, I could never get rid of it. "I do not." I said.

"Don't lie, Raven." He replied.

After five-and-a-half hours of endless, boring lectures and pop quizzes, the third bell rang, signifying the end of classes and the beginning of dismissal. But for me, it would be the beginning of detention. Alone. With stupid Trevor.

I waited for Becky to finish unloading her textbooks to her locker, until she was done. I was so pissed and angry, I was fuming inside. "I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!" I shouted.

Becky sighed. "Trevor Mitchell was born evil." She said, sheepishly.

"I know," I agreed. "But he's so evil, I actually think he's the leader of the devils."

"Who's the leader of the devils?" Matt suddenly asked from behind us. Becky ran towards him and gave him a hug. I wished Alexander was here too...

"I gotta get going for detention, guys." I announced flatly.

"You sure you don't want me to wait for you?" Becky asked.

I forced a smile. "No, thanks. Go have fun with Matt. You're my best friend, Becky." I said. "Not my baby-sitter."

Shesighed in relief. "Thanks, Raven!" She beamed. "Sorry you have to get detention for your birthday." She and Matt walked towards the gate. I walked over to Mr. Gordon's Biology class – to detention. I've been to detention so much, it practically seemed like home. I guess today wasn't really the best birthday ever.

I opened the door to the classroom and found Trevor already sitting down. He had been waiting for me. Mr. Gordon was nowhere to be found. I groaned.

"Hey, Monster." He said, gesturing for me to sit beside him.

I ignored him and decided to sit at the far end; far away from he was. He slowly stood up, and sat next to me. I tried to remain calm as I stood up, and changed seats at the front. Trevor quickly followed, taking a seat beside me on the front. I clenched my fists out of habit. I stood up again – please, God, don't let him follow – and sat in the middle. Trevor stood up from his chair and took a seat beside me.

I groaned. Why? Why me?

"Why are you running away from me?" He suddenly asked.

"Because you're a jerk." I said directly. "And because you have no life and you're only purpose is to ruin mine."

He smirked. "I do have a life."

"Oh, yeah?" I said sarcastically. "Doesn't seem like it."

"I have soccer," He pressed. "My honor-student records... my big mansion. Plus, I have different girls every week."

I hate it whenever he rubbed his perfect little life on my face. "Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't you want to be part of it?" He asked, looking at me, his green eyes sparkling with seriousness, as he put his hand inside his pocket, as if to get something.

"A part of yours?" I asked. "No way."

"I see," He said, as he lifted his hand away from his pocket. For the first time, I had seen Trevor Mitchell looking so seriously sad. He was always smirking, always grinning, always smiling. But never frowning or sulking. I wondered what was up with him... but I didn't bother asking.

"Happy birthday," He greeted me again.



After sunset, my vampire boyfriend, Alexander, and I met up at the cemetery to have our very own celebration. I ran up to him and kissed him on the lips, his eyes glistening with joy.

"Sorry, I'm late." I apologized. "I was stuck in detention today for three hours! Trevor tricked me. Again." I groaned.

Alexander ignored my comment and smiled at me.

"Happy seventeenth birthday, love." He greeted me, gently kissing me on the cheek, tucking a strand of my jet black hair to my ears.

"I'm happy," I admitted. "I get to spend my birthday with you."

"Me too," He agreed. He kissed me again, his mouth lingering over mine, until our breaths mixed together. My heart thudded at the touch of his pale skin on mine. He layed me against the soil and kept on kissing me. I couldn't refuse.

My mind dazed and I felt a little dizzy. Just then, I felt a tiny prickle on my arm and stopped the kiss.

"What's wrong?" Alexander asked, his features etched with worry.

"Nothing," I lied. "I think I accidentally cut myself..." I glanced over to my right arm and from the dim candle lights, I could see my cutter – a sharp edge of a tombstone rock. Blood trickled out from my skin. "I'm bleeding," I admitted softly. The wound didn't really hurt, but it was bleeding so much, I think it had pierced the skin deep.

Alexander said nothing. He stared at my bleeding skin with ravenous red eyes, and reality slapped me in the face. Alexander was a vampire. Vampires drank blood. I was bleeding right now.

"Alexander, it's alright," I muttered, wrapping my wounded arm around my black sweater. Alexander didn't move. He stayed in the same awkward position, and he looked as if he was focusing on something.

"Alexander?" I asked.

No answer.

"Please.. Alexa –"

"I have to go." He suddenly responded.

I shook my head. "No, please. It's just blood. I don't even feel pain."

He smiled, and it was a different smile. This smile didn't reach his eyes. It felt forced. "Sorry, Raven." He said, sincerely.

I frowned, looking down, as I tried to hide the pain I was feeling. "It's alright..."

"I really am sorry it had to be like this," He said. His face looks strained. "I just... have something to do tonight. I just realized. I forgot... I forgot your birthday present."

I laughed a little bit. "It's alright. You don't have to give me anything." I said. And with that, I knew I had meant those words.

Alexander wasn't looking at me though. His gaze was fixed up on my wounded arm.

"Sorry," He said, again.

I sighed, as I sat on the tombstones alone. My knight of night had left because he had forgotten my present. I glanced down to the picnic baskets. It was such a waste, we didn't even touch the food.

Not the best birthday after all.

A/N: Fininshed reading? What did you think of it? Should I continue? Review, please.