Title: You Don't See Me

Authors: sonnycentral and helenaxgal

Rated: T

Summary: Sonny and Chad were strictly platonic. She was his personal assistant and he was Hollywood's newest rising star. They were the best of friends until one night changed everything. Sonny/Chad AU. A sonnycentral and helenaxgal collaboration.

Disclaimer: We unfortunately do not own Sonny With a Chance.

A/N (helenaxgal): sonnycentral and I are extremely excited to present this project! We really hope that you'll enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing it!

Chad Dylan Cooper. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing his name. He was on billboards, television, advertisements, posters; he was everywhere. Not only that but he was admired by everybody, whether the opinion was positive or negative, the respect was always there. Men envied his looks and appeal while women fell to his feet over his blonde hair, lean body, and sparkling blue eyes.

Then there was Alison "Sonny" Demetria Munroe. She was your average Jane. It's not that she wasn't pretty, she was just extremely ordinary. Brown hair, brown eyes, average height--the epitome of normal.

So how exactly are these two related? One was Adonis, the other a mere ordinary mortal. The answer should be that there was no relation. That after all would make sense. However, this was not the case. They were tied together by the link of friendship. Sonny and Chad had known each other since they were children. Their mothers were best friends in college who got married and pregnant at the same time.

Thus, it was inevitable that they would become best friends. Hence, they did. From the time that they were able to crawl, they were each other's best friend. One would think that it would all change once high school came but even then they surprised everyone by remaining the best of friends.

Now, they were both 21 years old. Chad had hit it off in the Hollywood when he was almost 20. It started with a modeling gig. A producer saw him on the runway, and bam, success came flooding. In the time span of nearly 8 months Chad had filmed a successful movie that garnered him a Golden Globe nod, plus he also snagged several endorsement deals. After the Golden Globe nod, things got even more amazing. Chad filmed a movie with the legendary Spielberg with him as one of the supporting characters. Needless to say he one Best Supporting Actor at the Oscars.

Sonny was there to see it all. Not only was she there for him as a best friend but she was his personal assistant and room mate. She made sure he made it everywhere on time whether it be a photo shoot, interview, meeting, or filming. She was always there, ready to help, organize, schedule and even wake up a cranky CDC. She also did nice best friend thing such as cook him his favorite chocolate chip waffles every Sunday and on a regular day, his favorite strawberry toaster strudel.

They had a comfortable companionship. However, there was just one problem. Chad was a womanizer and Sonny was secretly in love with him. She hated to admit this fact while Chad went along, not having a clue of his best friend's feelings. And in typical Sonny Munroe fashion, she pretended like everything was okay. She even helped clean up his bed partners by making them coffee and calling cabs for them. It was unhealthy, but that was Sonny. She was willing to do anything for her best friend.

This leads us to beginning of our story. It was a typical day in the Cooper-Munroe abode...

Sonny tiptoed to Chad's room, he had a shoot at 9 and it was already 7:30 and the shoot was downtown. She would of woken him up earlier, but she knew that he had a long night. Plus, there was also the fact that Sonny wasn't sure if he was in bed alone.

Sonny slowly cracked the door, peeking to see if Chad was alone. Thankfully he was. She was glad because she wasn't in the mood to deal with another one of his 'friends' today.

"Wake up sleepyhead," she whispered, trying not to completely startle him. No movement.

"Chad, you need to get up," she said, this time slightly louder. All she got in response was a disgruntled groan.

"Chad, you need to get up!" she shouted, shaking his shoulder as well. This caught him off guard and he almost fell out of the bed. Finally gaining composure, he sat up, aware of reality.

"What?" he asked, still focusing after a long night.

Sonny took a seat next to him on the bed. "Late party last night?" she guessed.

"Yeah," he nodded quietly.

"Hmmm, well, you have a shoot downtown in like an hour and a half. You need to get ready."

Chad moped with his puppy dog eyes, "ten more minutes," he pleaded. Oh those eyes. Sonny had a hard time resisting them, but she had to. There was never anything between her and Chad and she just needed to accept it.

She stood up and shook her head, breaking the trance. "Nope, you need to get ready. What do you want for breakfast?"

"About ten more minutes of sleep," he teased.

"Okay, guess it'll be oatmeal then," she joked playfully, knowing how much he hated the stuff.

"No way. Fine, I'll get up," he mumbled, annoyed at how bubbly the brunette could be at that time in the morning. He placed his hands on her shoulders, guiding her out of the way. Sonny shivered at his touch- every time.

"You alright?" he asked, taking notice.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine" Sonny feigned. "Just didn't get a lot of sleep last night."

"Why not?" he asked curiously.

"Oh I don't know, maybe I drank too much caffeine before going to bed," she lied. The truth was, she was up all night thinking about him. It was her usual nightly routine that she wished she could stop. But she couldn't.

"I told you not to drink that stuff too late," he smirked his usual cocky grin.

"Yeah I know," she smiled, just excited that he even showed any concern. It's not that he never did, because he did lots of times. He did care about Sonny- a lot, just not in the way she wanted.

They were best friends after all, and he always watched over her; but Sonny wanted more. Amidst his conceited front, there was a sweet guy in there, and Sonny was one of the only people who ever got to see it. Maybe that's why she loved him so much.