
Sonic and friends continue their search for the Chaos Emeralds. At the present moment they have four. The first three were stolen back from Dr. Eggman, and the fourth was found when Sonic and friends discovered a Maiasaura that had been mutated by the emeralds power. Sonic and friends named the mutant Crystal and took her to Monster Island where they fixed her up with the Son of Godzilla.

(Confused? See it all in my other fanfic Sonic X: The Monster Island Adventure, if you haven't already)

It's been about a month since Sonic and friends visited Monster Island. In station square it's time fore the annual Right 2 Life fest. And Sonic and friends have organized something very special for the occasion.

Chapter 1: A night at the theater

Sonic the Hedgehog was greeted by roar of applause as he stepped onto the outdoor stage. The performance that he and his friends had organized for the Right 2 Life fest had attracted a full house. He gestured for the crowd to be silent.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Station Square and tonight's performance by myself and my friends. All proceeds will be going to the Right to Life foundation."

There was another round of applause.

"That's right! No life, no liberty, no happiness!!! Moving on… Before we begin I have a few brief announcements. The use of flash photography, or the recording of this show by any means, audio or video, is prohibited by management. Also please refrain from eating, drinking, or smoking anything during this performance. Please take a moment now to locate the exit nearest your seat in the event of an emergency… Everybody got that? Okay let's get this show on the road!"

Sonic allowed the audience to applaud for a few more moments.

"Okay, tonight my friends and I have something very special planned for you. We know you haven't been around for all out adventures, so my friends and I will attempt tonight to capture in a single theatrical performance the magic, the mystery, and the grandeur that is the story of one of our deadliest villains ever, which we have titled… GIGEX! THE TRAGEDY OF THE PRINCE OF ANORIMA!"

There was another round of applause as the curtain was lifted.

(Confused? He's telling the story of the villain used in my fanfics Sonic X: Night of the Vampire, and Return of the Vampire)

"Our story begins a very long time ago on the planet Anorima in a galaxy far, far away. It was a simpler time, with simpler pleasures, it was a time of ancient beauty, chivalry and…"

Suddenly a stream of water fell from the ceiling and soaked Sonic. It was just part of the show, but he still didn't like it.

"No indoor plumbing." he said.

The audience laughed.

The first act took place on the planet Anorima as Sonic had said. It told the story of the young Prince Gigex. Gigex's father was King of the planet Anorima. Although he had anything his heart desired, Gigex wanted to go out on adventures, he wanted to be a warrior, but his father forbade it because he was his only son. Then one day when Gigex was sixteen he was visited by an old beggar woman, who promised him that she would take him some place where he could prove his skills as a warrior, in return for his father's Chaos Emerald. Gigex was repulsed by her haggard appearance but he didn't want to stay cooped up in his father's palace forever. That night at great risk he took his father's chaos emerald and ran away from home. Gigex unaware of the power of the emerald gave it to the old woman, apparently she knew how to use chaos control with just one chaos emerald because the next thing Gigex knew they where traveling across time and space. She had taken Gigex to her palace on her own home world. Gigex couldn't believe that an old beggar woman could possibly live in a palace even more lavish then his father's, suddenly the old woman's age and ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful young princess, Princess Elizabeth Morganna of Frumuseţe, and Gigex had instantly fallen in love with her.

The role Gigex was being played by Tails, and the role of Morganna was being played by Cosmo. Since they had done the most work writing the story for the play Sonic and the others thought it was only appropriate that they would get the lead roles.

"I have slain the four kings!" said Tails depicting the scene where Princess Morganna had been charged with witchcraft by the four kings, and Gigex had proven her innocence by force of arms.

(Trail by force of arms: Like in the Arthurian legends, for example, Let's say a woman was charged with adultery. The people who hold the case against her would have a knight champion them, and the woman charged with this crime would have a knight champion her, and the two would face off in a joust. Whoever won would decide if the woman was innocent or guilty)

"Let it be known that anyone who dares question the virtue of my beloved Princess must deal with me first!"

"He's really good at this." said Sonic behind the stage.

"Shh! It's the scene where they kiss!" said Amy.

Tails and Cosmo took each other hand in hand.

"Kiss me, my Princess of the galaxy."

"Kiss me, my Prince of the stars."

Tails and Cosmo were about to kiss when suddenly the ground started shaking and there was a loud rumbling noise.

"Was that in the script?" asked Knuckles.

"Methinks I hear a storm approaching!… Way too early." whispered Tails under his breath.

At that moment some kind of huge robot fell out of the sky and landed on the stage.


"Badly conceived, badly acted, badly staged, the audience actually wants their money back! Ho-ho-ho-ho!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not part of the show."

Sonic didn't need to say that, the audience was already running.

"Sorry to interrupt your little program Sonic, but as you know I need the Chaos Emeralds to achieve my goal and build the Eggman Empire, so hand them over and no one gets hurt."

"Over my dead run over body!"

"That can be arranged."

Sonic went into a spin dash at the robot, but it only punched him away when he got too close.

"You think I'm not prepared for the obvious attacks Sonic? You seem to forget, I learn from my mistakes."

"Then you ought to have been able to beat me by now Egghead."

"I can, and I will."

Eggman's robot raised it's arm and was about to fire several missiles out of its wrist mounted launcher, when suddenly a huge bright light appeared in the sky above them.

"What the heck?"

Suddenly the light opened up like a big portal and what appeared to be a gray elderly looking hedgehog fell out of it and went into a spin dash down on the robot's arm.

"What?! More of these blasted hedgehogs?!"

"Amy! Sneak attack!" said Sonic.

"Anything you say Sonic!"

Amy ran up behind the robot and smacked it's spine in the side causing it to collapse. Dr. Eggman ejected out of it just in time.

"You may have won this round you blasted animals, but there will be others!"

With that Dr. Eggman took off and flew away. The entire crowd who had seen the spectacle applauded.

"Sorry about that folks. Hold onto your ticket stubs and we'll have another performance next week." said Sonic.

Sonic went over to the elderly looking hedgehog who had suddenly appeared and helped defeat Eggman. He was sitting up on the ground looking as if he had just recovered his senses. He was wearing a black jacket, and his limbs appeared to be made of metal.

"I… don't know who you are but thanks. You just helped us take down Dr. Eggman with a record time." said Sonic.

The elderly hedgehog started scratching his head.

"Just beat Dr. Egghead? Oh yeah, I remember that!"

Just then the elderly hedgehog's expression changed, he looked like a blind man seeing for the first time.

"AMY!" he screamed.

"Uh… Have we met?" she asked.

"You know… You do look familiar." said Sonic.

"Can't you recognize your own face?" asked the elderly hedgehog "I'm you… from the future!"

(To be continued)

Could this be true?

Is this elderly hedgehog really Sonic from the future?

If so then why has he come back?

And what about the mess created from Dr. Eggman's attack, who's going to clean that up?

You may find the answer to one of these questions in…

Chapter 2: No matter what!