Don't own criminal minds


The team was on a case. A man was killing women who had successful jobs. They had just found out who the killer was and where he lived. What they didn't know was that he would be ready for them to come.

John Bishop's house was meticulously clean. Reid and Morgan had gone to his house while everyone else was trying to get more information from friends and family.

They had heard a noise in the back room and went down the hall. All the doors were closed and locked. Morgan slowly led the way to the back room, with Reid a few steps behind him.

They had just passed the first door, when it opened slowly. It didn't creak and neither of them noticed it. A balding man in black clothing held up a cloth to Reid's face, covering his nose and mouth.

Reid struggled but couldn't get out of Bishop's grasp. He yelled for Morgan, but Morgan was already inside the back room. Reid's eyes were getting heavier and heavier. When he passed out Bishop picked him up and slung him over his shoulder. He went back inside the room, forgetting to close the door and went into a secret passageway in the closet.

Morgan came back out and said frustrated, "He's not here Reid. It was just a damn cat." He looked around him, and saw that the first door that he had passed was open. He knew for a fact that door had been closed and locked when he had passed it because he had tried it himself.

He pulled out his gun again and walked into the room cautiously. He looked everywhere. He even got on his hands and knees and looked under the bed. He looked at the closet. It was the only place he hadn't checked yet. He opened the door ready to fire his gun, but no one was in there. He saw instead that there was a passageway in the floor.

Morgan closed his eyes in frustration and said under his breath, "Shit." He took out his phone and called Hotch. "Hotch we got a problem.

Bishop ran through the tunnel as fast as he could with the young man on his shoulder. He stopped and looked around him. There were five tunnels that someone could choose from to go down. He smiled, none of them led anywhere. The cops would be down in those tunnels for hours before they reached a dead end. Then he reached a door that no one would notice unless they were very observant and knew where to look.

Bishop opened the door; stairs were the only thing in the room. He went up the stairs two at a time. Until he got to another door, only this one was made of steal. He heard Reid moan as he started to wake up. Bishop opened the door and flung Reid into the room, making him hit his head on the wall. Reid passed out immediately.

When Reid woke up again, he didn't know where he was. He looked around in wonder. He tried to remember what had happened, and that was when he found that he didn't even know who he was.

That was when the door opened and a skinny, balding man came in. "Hello Spencer, how are you feeling today?" 'So his name was Spencer, but Spencer what?' Reid asked himself.

Reid just glared at him. He didn't like this man one bit. "Who am I?" He finally asked after a while.

"You don't know?" Bishop said laughing. "Oh this is good, but I'll let you try to figure that out for yourself." He said as he walked out still laughing.

The team was down in the tunnels with the other police officers, they had been down there for half the night and the tunnels didn't seem to end. They had all split up and gone down separate tunnels, hoping that one of the tunnels would lead them to the young genius that they had all grown to love.

They all had headsets so they could keep in contact with each other. "This is all my fault." Morgan said defeated.

"No this isn't, you didn't know that the Bishop was behind that door waiting for you guys to pass." Rossi said trying to comfort the younger man.

"I should have though." Morgan said. "Well, shit, I've hit a dead end." He looked at his watch and saw that it was midnight.

"I have I." Rossi said.

"Me too." J.J. and Emily said at the same time.

"Ok everyone head back, we'll find out what to do then." Hotch said.

At that same moment that the team was walking back, Reid was trying to find a way out of the room. He saw a window and looked out. No one was on the street for him to call out to, but there was a fire escape ladder underneath the window. The only thing was the window was locked.

There was no bed in the room, so there was no sheet to cover his arm so he could bust out the window. That was when he got an idea. He took off his shirt and covered his arm with it and hit the window as hard as he could.

He heard Bishop calling from the stairs about the noise and knew he only had a little time. Reid went through the window and went down the ladder as fast as he could. He saw a bus go by and stopped it. He looked through his pants and found some money.

He didn't know that the team would hear Bishop's yells and capture him in a few hours still cursing. He didn't know that the team would find the room he was in, in only an hour of finding Bishop. He didn't know that Bishop had told the team that he had killed him in an hour of having him.