

"No, Darkrai! I-We're NOT sending those...those innocent kids to-"

"We have to! It's fate! It's destiny..."

"And since when did you believe in fate? And destiny?"

Darkrai scowled. Cresselia was even more annoying today then on the Lunar Eclipse!

"I've looked. The world isn't that bad. And I'll be coming. Arceus gave me the O.K. To transport those two kids will be all right," he insisted.

Cresselia was stunned. Him? Going to help? "Fine," she sighed. "You've got my okay."

"Hey Willow... what's that thingy over there?" asked a curious Xaivier. He pointed to a small swirly pin-sized, dark colored hole in the wall.

"I'm not sure, but first let's get our pokemon just in case..." she answered. They both ran to their P.C. And got out six pokemon each. Willow spun around. Was it just her 12-year-old brain, or did the hole get bigger? Nah, it must be her head... Wait...where was Xaivier? "Xaivier? Where are you?" She looked around, only to see Xaivier being sucked into the hole!

"Xaivier!" she rushed o his side instantly, feeling a strange tingly sensation all over her body. It reminded her of a cheer that she sung in Trainer School, for some reason...

'Thunder! Thunder! Thunderation!

We're the best team in the nation!

When we work with determination

We create a sensation!'

Oh my gosh. She really was going mad. This was all this a dream, and she would wake up and both of them would be okay. But her arms wrapped around Xaivier a bit tighter.

Just a bit tighter.

When Darkrai got there, it was smaller than he expected. Oh well. In he went.

When Willow woke up, she sighed. It really had been just a dream...

"Madam Pomfrey, you are telling me truthfully hat these two just appeared in the school?" asked a voice softly.

"It's true, Professor!" answered a tart voice.

Willow's eyes opened slowly. The first thing she saw was an old looking man with a beard that touched the floor. It somewhat reminded her of Prof. Rowan.... that is, the eyes. They were old, kind, and looked like they knew more than they seemed...

"Xaivier?" she at last, managed to whisper. They immediately turned in her direction.

"Xaivier? Where are you Xaivier...." the pain in her head was intense. The 'Professor' swept over to her bed with long, graceful strides. When he got there...

"Miss, would you please spare me the knowledge of where you came from?" he asked. Well, at least he was polite.

"Um, well , sorry to be impolite but aren't we in Sinnoh?" How could he not know?

"My dear... we are in Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I know of no 'Sinnoh'," he answered. Willow almost jumped out of her bed in shock. Witchcraft? Wizardry? What? This was way too confusing. This meant one thing; Alakazam. She searched around for her bag. When she found it, she pulled out the oh-so-familiar personalized brown pokeball and pressed the button. The old man looked surprised and confused as the pokemon came out, the way you'd look at a brand new species of animal. Alakazam was immediately by her side. "Zammy, where are we?" she asked him. Sorry to displease you, Miss Willow, but we are in no world - or dimension - that I can recognize, he thought. "Well, that's unusual. Are you su- waaaaait a second. Who are you anyways?" she asked the man.

"Unusual, indeed... Oh? Oh yes, I was expecting that... My name," he took a bow, "Is Professor Dumbledore."