Meanwhile, the eclipse was destroyed and the red skies of Mobius soon became clear and blue again. Tech City was full of cheers of happiness and relief from the beautiful sight.

Chase was looking into the blue sky with a small smile. 'Way to go, Kayla' he thought.

Airu jumped up in happiness from the sight. "She did it! She really did it! Mobius is saved!" Suddenly he tackled Tahaku, wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him until he realized what he was doing and pulled away. He blushed in embarrassment and couldn't force himself to look at him because he just knew that he would hate him for literally throwing himself on him.

The orange hedgehog stood there in surprise from his actions.

"Um, I…I'm sorry, Tahaku. I uh…" Suddenly, Tahaku had pulled him towards his body and stroked his finger across his lips.

"Stop apologizing and kiss me again", he spoke seductively.

Surprised from his reaction, he was caught off guard and Tahaku had leaned in to kiss him instead. A small moaned escaped him as he felt his warm lips pressing against his. He thought he would practically melt to the ground as he felt his soft tongue lick his lips until he finally allowed his tongue to travel inside of his mouth.

As Tahaku took his mouth from his, his eyes shifted from Airu's and focused on a shocked Chase who was just staring at them. "…Uh, do you mind?"

The fox remained silent again for a moment or two before speaking. "What the hell? You two are fucking gay!"

The hedgehog shrugged his shoulders towards the stunned fox. "Whatever you want to call it…"

He watched as Tahaku approached him while holding the blushing Airu's hand. "And for the record Chase, Airu and I are done with your bullshit."

The fox's mouth hung open still in shock from what he had just saw.

"Have a nice life, jerk."

Chase then watched as Tahaku and Airu walked away from him.

Later after when Shadow, Midnight, and Ker had gotten Kayla, Mesu, Taku, and Rai out of the hole, they all began to check to see if they were all okay.

Shadow hugged Kayla tightly and seemed as though he never wanted to let go. "Oh God, Kayla! I'm so glad you're alive! Are you hurt?"

The squirrel formed a small smile towards him to let him know that she was doing okay. "I'm fine, dad. It's just a few scratches."

"A few scratches?" He took her hand, "Come on! I'm taking you to Espio so he can fix you up!"

Kayla couldn't help but to escape a giggle from her father's reaction. "Heh, relax, dad. I said I'm okay. No need to rush. Besides, I want to talk to my friends for awhile…if that's okay?"

Shadow formed a small smile and understood why she would want to talk to Taku, Rai, and Mesu alone. "Okay", he kissed her forehead and hugged her one last time. "Just meet us back at the Chaotix okay?"

"Sure, dad." She waved to him as she watched him, Ker, and Midnight walk back to the Chaotix.

"Hey, Kayla?" Taku called. "Since Kaliyah is dead…why are you still here?"

Kayla placed a finger to her chin, "Well, whenever me or Kaliyah actually attack each other, it means we both feel pain. But if we get attacked or killed by someone else, it doesn't really effect the other person. Kaliyah had died from natural causes. I never laid a hand on her which means…"

"It means your not dead and you no longer carry a demon inside of you", Mesu finished.

Kayla nodded with a smile, "That's right."

Rai placed her hands on her hips and smiled wide. "Wow Kayla, not only are you officially one of us but you also saved the world!"

"I knew you had Chaos powers somewhere inside of you", Mesu also spoke.

"We never lost faith in you", Taku added.

Suddenly a frown formed on Kayla's face as she walked over to Mesu, took her hand and made her hold Taku's hand.

Mesu blinked blankly towards the squirrel. "Kayla?"

The squirrel had her head tilted down to the ground as she united Taku and Mesu's hands. "You two love each other…"

Both Taku and Mesu gave her blank looks, "Huh?"

She slowly looked over to Taku and tried to form a small smile towards him. "Taku, she loves you and you love her…"

In frustration, the brown hybrid took his hand away from Mesu's and held her hand instead. "No! Kayla, what are you saying? I love you! I swore I'd protect you! Do you not understand how much I care about you?"

The squirrel made a small nod. "Yes I know. You do care for me. You just care and I feel the same way."

Taku's hand began to slip away from Kayla's.

"I don't care for you the same way you claim you care for me. Open your eyes, Taku. Mesu is the girl for you."

Mesu's mouth hung open in surprise over Kayla's shocking words.

"But…but what about you?" He worried that she would suffer emotionally over not having a lover.

She tried to form a small smile, "I'll be fine. Trust me on that. You and Mesu though…you guys were meant to be."

Taku and Mesu turned to each other slowly and formed a warm smile towards each other.

Kayla noticed how they were connecting with each other again and her smile had gotten bigger.

Rai couldn't help but to jump in between them and hug Taku, Mesu, and Kayla. "Oh you, guys! Isn't this great? We're a team again! The unstoppable team Hizumi!"

Everyone laughed and smiled until they heard sudden footsteps approach them. They broke away from each other and turned to a black teenage male fox.

Taku gritted his teeth as he grew annoyed from his presence. "Chase, what the hell do you want?"

The fox shrugged, "Fuck! I can't just innocently talk to you guys without you all ganging up on my ass?"

Rai noticed that Tahaku and Airu wasn't with him and had wondered where they were. "Hey where's your little gang?"

He formed a slight blush as he still remembered them sharing their first kiss right before his eyes. He shook his head as he tried to get rid of the thought in his mind, "Uh…I do not want to talk about those two. Look, I only wanted to truly talk to Kayla."

Taku twitched and quickly jumped in front of Kayla as he wanted to protect her from Chase. "Forget it, asshole! Stay away from her!"

"No, Taku…"

He turned to the squirrel and saw her slowly approaching the fox. "Kayla…"

The squirrel stared into his yellow eyes sternly as she crossed her arms. "What is it you want to talk about?"

"Kayla, I know I've kinda been a jerk to you ever since the day we met and I want to make it up to you…"

She shook her head slowly, "I don't think anything you can do will make me forgive everything you've done to me."

"Really? Not even telling your father what I did to you?"

Her eyes widened in shock from his stunning words. "What? You…you're going to do what?"

The fox made a nod, "That's right. I'll tell him everything."

"But…but won't you go to jail?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe."

She was in complete disbelief and had to think that Chase was playing with her emotions again, "Chase…"

"Look, I thought about this a lot and I'll do it…after when my grandmother dies."

"What? Chase, don't say that!"

"What? My grandmother is dying anyway. She has a bad heart and I don't think she'll last much longer. And I definitely don't want her to watch her own grandson get arrested during her final hours."

"You…you're really serious aren't you?"

He once again shrugged, "What else can I do? I'm a fucking punk, Kayla. I'm drug obsessed. I fuck everything that moves. I'm a total…jerk. No one will want someone like me running around acting like a fucking psychopath."

She looked down to the ground in disappointment. "But what if you can change? You can become someone big and you'll become a huge success just like your parents. Don't you want to at least give it a try? I'll even help you and everything."

The fox shook his head slowly, "Thanks but no. I'm not cut out for that kind of stuff. I've been living like this for awhile and my mind is mentally torn apart. I couldn't act properly to save my fucking life."

"Oh…", she spoke as she was still looking towards the ground. "…That's too bad."

"I guess…" He reached out to her and patted her head as she looked down. "…I don't want to sound mushy or any thing but…I'm really glad that we met. I mean everyone kept telling me that I was a failure and I wasn't capable of doing anything acceptable to anyone. But at least now I know that someone out in this suck ass world believes I can do it."

Once he took his hand away from her head, he began to walk away.

Kayla took her eyes off of the ground and watched Chase walking away. "Where are you going now?"

The fox placed a cigarette in his mouth and turned back to Kayla with a smirk as he continued walking. "To go shopping. What do you think?"

The squirrel knew he meant that he was going to steal more things from the store, but she knew it couldn't be helped. It was the way he was. As she watched him leave, a hand was placed on her shoulder. She turned and saw a worried Taku face her.

"You okay, Kayla?"

She made a small nod and smiled, "Yeah I think things will be just fine."

Later when nightfall fell upon Tech City, Chase had finally arrived to his house with a bouquet of red roses in his hand. He began to walk around the dark and quiet house until he came into the living room and saw his grandmother laying on the ripped sofa with the TV full of static still on. He placed the roses down on the table beside him and found a dark blue blanket tossed on the floor. He picked it up off the floor and placed it over his grandmother's sleeping body. He stared at her sleeping peaceful while she held a photo of Chase while he was young and two other adult figures in the picture. He sighed, took the picture from her grip and set it on the table next to the roses. He leaned over to her and gently kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, grandma…"

Later at Dark's ice base, a black hedgehog who wore a red trench coat sat in one of the many chairs that were placed at a huge dining room table. He sat there while drinking something thick and pink in a wine glass with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

A black creature with piercing red eyes that wore a red cape sat at the end of the table watched as he drank it. "Darkness, I know that you're still upset over losing your would've been queen but…there will be more like her out there."

He stopped sipping on the straw from the glass. "I already told you, father. My name is Demitri in this form."

The black demon rolled his eyes in disgust it seemed. "Why are you in that repulsive Mobian form? And what is that disgusting thing you're drinking? Mortal food? Disgusting!"

"It's not disgusting. It's a…strawberry sundae."


Jasmine: Yes! Yes! It is done bitches!

Shadow: Uh...calm down?

Jasmine: Finally! All those months! All of that hard work! I finished my longest fic ever!

Epsio: Uh she's going to be like this for awhile...

Shadow: Apparently...I guess I'll just take over. Okay Darkness And Light is finally over and you know what that means...

Jasmine: Christmas fic!

Shadow: What? But I thought Eyes Of The Insane was next?

Espio: It is, but it's Christmas. I agree with Jas that a Christmas fic is pretty appropriate during this time don't you think?

Shadow: I...guess?

Jasmine: Christmas bitch!

Shadow: I said calm the fuck down!

Jasmine: Shut up and start smexing with Espio!

Shadow and Espio: O.O *backs away slowly*

Jasmine: Anyway, thank you all for your love and support! Jas-chan loves love and support! Hehe see you in the next fic!