A/N: Yay 2 stories in 1 day! By the way I'm not really sure how to type how Suzy speaks so I might get it wrong. Sorry.

Chapter 2: New Arrivals

Aelita and Ulrich came up the elevator.

"Well done guys, you deactivated the tower," Jeremy said.

"Alright now we need to get back because we have a Science with Mrs. Hertz in 10 minutes and I don't want to get another detention," Ulrich said. When they finished their classes they went in the forest to relax.

"I love it when we have our last class on Friday, no more school until Monday," Odd said.

"I hear you Odd; I love Friday's to," Yumi said.

"I love Friday's the most, it's the same every day and nothing unexpected happens," said Jeremy.

Just then there was a flash of light and when it was gone there were three people in front of the Lyoko gang.

One was a girl who looked around 12 and was wearing a shirt with a band name on it, jeans and had pearly-white wings coming out of her back. The other girl looked out of place and time. She was in an old style army uniform and looked around 12 as well. She also had pearly-white wings coming out of her back. The third was a boy who was six feet tall and strikingly good looking. He had what looked like a clock hand in his belt on his right hip, a trident in a scabbard on his left hip, a rapier in his right hand and he was wearing two grey and gold gloves.

"Where are we?"

A/N: Please review otherwise I'll die.