A/N: Don't ask why. I'm just a sucker for Harry Potter fanfiction this summer.

Disclaimer: (scoffs) Oh, I wish.

Magic Me Away

Chapter 1

He was tired.

Tired of the guilt and grief over Cedric's death, of his relentless fury towards Pettigrew, but mostly tired of Dumbledore's less than subtle efforts to limit his freedom. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know the old man was the source behind his lack of comfort. Ron and Hermione's letters had been too brief, which meant they were hiding something from him. And of course, knowing them, they couldn't possibly disobey Dumbledore. Yes, they were his best friends but they were so utterly blind that it made him want to rip out his fingernails in frustration.

Foolish, the lot of them. Willing to break the rules, but only when Harry was involved. What, was that all they saw him as, some kind of immunity from any consequences? It was horrible, these thoughts that plagued his mind. But it was true.

"Most truths tend to be horrible anyway." He muttered under his breath as he worked on finishing his backyard chores. As much as he didn't want to be outside, he knew he had no choice. According to his family, he had to pick up the slack for the months he had been away at school. And if he didn't…

Harry grimaced at the tell-tale sound of his stomach grumbling in reply. He had been working since this morning, raking leaves, pruning bushes, watering the plants, etc. And it was already dusk! He had learned at a young age that starvation; time alone, and too much time alone to think never led to any brilliant ideas. Like the time he was nine and caught himself arguing with a window because it wouldn't close properly. That had been a strange experience because he could have sworn that the window was mocking him with its occasional glare of sunlight. Although he had to admit that windows were far nicer than doors. Bloody wooden things would swing open, whack him on the noggin, and break his glasses. And really, just what were the glasses for?

He could see perfectly without them—Muggle eye surgery took care of that problem. It had been one of his Uncle's work benefits; eyesight correction for a family with perfect vision. And Vernon, being the perfectionist buffoon he was, couldn't let such a good offer of ridding Harry of one of his 'freak attributes' go to waste and gave Harry the only true birthday present during the course of his life so far. Oh, yes. Harry had been immensely grateful and excited, but there was always a price; he was unable to complain about any of his chores after such 'gracious treatment' his whale of an uncle had given him. But again, why the glasses?

Quite simple, really.

He hated being reminded by his friends: "Oh, Harry, you forgot your glasses" or "Found you just in time, mate. We know you can't see the snitch without your specs." Harry loathed reminding them that he didn't need them anymore. "Morons," he mumbled, pushing away the fall of hair that was sticking to his face and neck from sweat. He had forgotten to get it cut this summer, and it was driving him up a wall. It had grown a little ways past his shoulders but not quite long enough to tie into a ponytail. Oh, how he wished he could leave the Dursley's. No one would be able to recognize him now, thanks to his gloriously annoying hair.

"Must you mortals be so vain?"

What the…? Thought Harry before white lights flashed behind his eyes. Moments passed before he became aware of his surroundings. First thing he noticed was his forehead digging into one of the random rocks in his aunt's garden; then he realized he was staring down. At himself! This had to be one of those watchamacallits; an out of body experience. But how could this have happened? "Why can't I ever be normal?" he groaned and knelt to watch his hand pass through his own head.

"Because normalcy is overrated."

"You got that right." He froze, realizing that he had answered to a different voice instead of his own. He also became increasingly aware of the warm puff of air against his hair. Suddenly fearing what could possibly be behind him, he slowly turned his head in curiosity.

…and felt as though his jaw dropped to his toes.

How he could have possibly missed that was beyond him. Of course he had noticed himself first—he was just a bit self-centered—but to completely bypass a creature that was wrapped around his Uncle's house like a snake coiled around the branches of a tree? He had to be blind to miss that! The creature was indeed quite serpentine, but had drastic differences to that of your average snake. For one, it was over fifty feet long and its sides and underbelly had a light orange shade of scales. It also had legs! Its feet reminded him of Hedwig's feet; scaly as well, but with fierce claws. These talons clutched at the walls and roof of the house yet was causing no damage to it. And of course, there was its head.

…which was right in front of his face. It was sort of dog-like, a light orange-brown with hints of yellow and gold. It even had a mane, which was little more than a long strip of fur that ran the length of its body to its tail. And what was with its horns? They protruded up from its head in the spot where its ears should be; not to mention they were a good two feet long, the same length as its outrageous catfish whiskers.

"Tell me, young Potter, does my face fascinate you that much?"

"I'm not a potter," Harry found himself saying; fascinated he was actually replying to this…thing. "I mean, it's not my profession or anything. Who came up with this name anyway?" He was rambling out of nervousness, but he couldn't help himself.

He heard a deep feminine chuckling, like gravel soaked whiskey, and the creature rushed down towards him. What felt like a cool breeze sweep around him was really the snake-dog-bird…uh, thing coiling itself around him. "I have no idea, young…Harry. But I do believe you have some questions for me yes?"

Harry nodded, "Am I dead?" That was his main concern for the time being.

"Yes and no. I wasn't sure if you were worthy enough to see me on the spiritual plane, so I merely took your spirit out for a bit of a test-run." The boy looked like he was going to protest, so she quickly cut him off. "Next question please."

"Um…right. What are you?" He couldn't keep referring to it as well…it.

"I'm a lake spirit. The Chinese refer to my kind as dragons, but they're just delusional. And before you ask why I'm not in China, just believe me that when people say China is overpopulated…it really is overpopulated." She rolled her eyes at that; all the mortals with their endless buildings and pipes. Some spirits, like her, had to move on to other places since their homes were either dried up or destroyed.

"So…why me? And what's your name anyway?" Harry was very curious…in a sort of morbid way. After all, curiosity killed the cat. But he really wouldn't consider himself a cat person; Ms. Figg helped develop his dislike for the creatures.

"Why you? Why not? I was just passing through this area and saw a boy with a powerful magical core. And as far as my name, you may call me Hua-Ling," she paused to uncoil herself and nudged Harry closer to his temporary remains. "One of your kin is about to enter the house, so back inside your body."

Harry could feel himself being pulled down to his unconscious self, an almost frightening compulsion that felt like a severe form of the Imperious Curse. Naturally, he fought against it; he wanted to ask Hua-Ling one more question. "Will you stay with me?" He blurted out, struggling to come up with several reasons to make her stay. Number one being he didn't want to be alone, but that sounded way too childish so that idea was out.

"Stay? And just what can you offer me, young Harry? I only have a few more weeks to find a lake to claim as my own and call home." It was true. If she didn't find a new lair soon, other spirits would come and force her to leave. She wasn't near as old enough to fight them off.

"Uhh…ahh…um…" oh boy, this was getting tough. She was a lake spirit, but Harry had never been to any… Oh, geez. He was such a dunderhead. "Hogwarts!"

"Hog…warts?" That did not sound pleasant at all to Hua-Ling.

"It's my school. There's a lake right next to it and I don't go back for another few days. You can come with me then, right?" And keep me company, went unsaid. He was a guy; he couldn't just say that to a girl, same species or not.

The idea wasn't all that appealing to her, but it was better than nothing. She was still young by her kind's standards, and her elders did say that keeping one's self productive and entertained was better than suffering from boredom or hibernating the years away. "Very well, young Harry, I will stay with you. Now back inside your body you go!" She forced his spirit back into his body just as Vernon was only moments away from checking on Harry. "Get up!" she hissed to his now fully conscious body.

Harry was beyond disoriented, but that wasn't new to him so he shook it off. It was…different than the navel-jerking sensation from a port key and was a little worse than the sucked-through-a-rubber-hose feeling he got from side-along apparition. He could only describe it as being sucked in by his own pores in less than a second. Very strange.


He snapped to attention. Uncle Vernon was probably coming to tell him to get inside and take a shower. All by yelling, of course. "I'm coming Uncle!" he called back while he put away the gardening tools. Feeling very alone, he searched for any sign of his new acquaintance. "Hua-Ling?" He whispered, hoping that he did not hallucinate the whole encounter.

"What a tiny room," her voice floated around him like a soft cloud of comfort. Harry was relieved that he had heard her, but was still apprehensive that she wasn't real.

"How am I supposed to communicate with you if I can't see you?"

"Good point. Stand still, please." Her raspy tone echoed around him before heat enveloped his body. He could almost see emerald flames dance and flicker before his eyes. Squinting, he could almost follow the source of the near-invisible fire up to the roof on the side where his room was located. And just like that, he could see her. She wasn't as solid-looking as before, but he could see her. He would have hugged her if he could, but then it would look like he was hugging the house. And Harry did not want to look any more 'freakish' than his relatives thought he was.

A/N: Woot! Not bad for an intro chapter, eh? So Hua-Ling…why Chinese? Because I happen to be part Chinese! Curse my chinky eyes… lol. Her name, by the way, means 'Magnificent Dawn' or something close to it. And a spirit dragon? Oh, yes, I have been watching Spirited Away. Well, not really. My neighbor plays the song on the piano every day and I got inspired.

Go figure. XD

Also, in case some of you got confused:

"blah":Hua-Ling speaking normally

"blah": Hua-Ling speaking mentally

"blah": normal

blah: normal thought

any other italics is just emphasis on a word.

Reviews are welcomed. As are questions.

So until next time…
