Disclaimer: no ownership and no copyright infringement intended....

I plan on continuing this particular series, i'm sure i will since it's almost summer =D yay!!! Rate/Review/Fave it will be greatly appreciated and will help boost my creative thinking ;)


Mary-Lynette forced the brush down her tangled, midnight-black mess of hair. She scowled at the reflection on the crystal-clear mirror in front of her; she didn't have much light to see with though, just her alarm clock which, right now glowed bright green at the arrival of 6 a.m. sharp. Usually Mary-Lynette wouldn't even have dared to wake this early; the morning sun just wasn't her cup of tea. She preferred the moon and the stars, the nebulae and the galaxies; she was a night person, after all.

It only took Mary-Lynette a moment to realize her mistake. No. She wasn't a night person, she was just an eighteen year old girl who just happened to love the night, but she in no way belonged to it. She saw firsthand what it took to be a Night person last year, and it scared her. No, that's a lie, it terrified her. After what happened with Jeremy—after what she did… She couldn't do it, she just couldn't do it. Mary-Lynette couldn't continue living that way; she couldn't lose her humanity, not even for him. At least that was what she thought last year… 365 days of thought is enough to waver even the strongest of iron wills. To make it frank, Mary-Lynette wasn't so sure of herself anymore.

All right, she thought, enough of that. Mary-Lynette re-busied herself with her hair. She wanted to be as presentable as possible for the task ahead of her, if she was lucky she'd get out of this scenario alive with all her limbs intact that is.

Although Mary-Lynette hoped that she wouldn't make a habit out of it, she checked out her profile in the mirror… again. The pristine sheen of the glass revealed a shiny haired brunette with blue eyes as piercing as they were before any of the supernatural happened. Surely she didn't look any different, aside from the height and more mature features she had gained in a year's time of course; Mary-Lynette has been working her butt off for that exact result. No one had to suffer as much as she did, Mary-Lynette thought, she didn't have the right to make everybody miserable just because she was, so she had to pretend that he had no effect on her, pretend that he wasn't worth her longing.

And that's just what she did this whole year. Pretend.

The dark-haired beauty in front of her let out a big sigh as she reminisced about the past months. This year was purely hell for her, no doubt. Waiting and hoping but never getting an answer, not even one damn phone call. Mary-Lynette thought that she deserved some kind of indication of what he was up to, but no. Nothing.

And that meant that she only had two options, "Plan A" was what she had been doing so far, waiting the way a helpless damsel in distress would wait for her knight in shining armor. And she was sick of it. So she was moving on to "Plan B": find Ash herself. As simple as that. Then, when she does find him, she was going to give him a good kick on the shin for everything he did to her, he deserved it. And then she'll… she'll… Mary-Lynette snapped herself back to reality fast. She couldn't afford to be apathetic now. To stop herself from fantasizing about him, Mary-Lynette went over her plan, making sure she had everything she needed for her trip.

The emergency backpack Mary-Lynette had dug up was full of all the necessities. Food, water, flashlights, clothes, a note-pad, some writing materials, and even a "tent-in-a-bottle", Mary-Lynette had no idea where this journey was going to take her. Looking at the grungy, brown texture of it, a person would think that it was just an ordinary school backpack, but the insides could mean life or death for Mary-Lynette in the normal world. Mary-Lynette involuntarily snorted at the word. If anything, she was practical, so Mary-Lynette had added a few more much needed items: a wooden spear she sharpened herself and her trusty silver dagger. She desperately hoped she wouldn't have to use either.

Mary-Lynette did another one-over, and then another. That was it, she was all set. She took in a deep breath, picked up her trusty backpack, and tiptoed towards her bedside window. Mary-Lynette wasn't stupid, she wasn't going to chance waking her little brother up and besides there was a sturdy spruce tree outside, she was sure it would hold her weight long enough for her to drop down.

The window eased open without a sound, much to Mary-Lynette's relief, and a trusty-looking branch hung just beside it. It was a thick one, so she would be able to walk on it no problem. Mary-Lynette looked down to judge the distance… and realized something.

As quietly as before, she closed the window, and went back to her closet. No way in earth, heaven, or hell was Mary-Lynette going to jump out of her window and go on a journey to find her soulmate in her "starry night" pajamas and moon shaped slippers. She wasn't that crazy.

It's short but it's a prologue... geez... review pls! ;)