"Once is 'Luck',

Twice is 'Coincidence',

Thrice is 'Destiny"

~Lucky Clover (Kuroko no Basuke Fanfic)

This is 'IT' guys…

Go read it…


Rei: Finally another story down.. go finish the others Hira-chan.. :DD

Guess what she is addicted to the new season released anime and started to marathon their manga.


Code:Breaker (well I've read that even before it became an anime =w=)

Kamisama Hajimemashita

Suki tte ii na yo

Hiiro no Kakera (this one is a game)


Great distraction right?

Hira: Meanie!

Rei: Either way, she doesn't won KKM..

Hira: *bows* Kindly read and review..


Few days after the funeral Shinou could be seen inside the sage's room, sitting at the window sill. The king was looking at the scenery outside the window but anyone would doubt if he is seeing anything. His eyes lost its usual mischievousness and any person who could see him right now can definitely tell there is something wrong.

"Heika..." Ulrike worriedly called out to the king upon entering the room.

The castle had been deathly silent ever since the funeral and Shinou not that much talking didn't help ease the situation. A few days later, Shinou summoned the head priestess inside the room.

"I'll be going back Ulrike." Shinou's voice sounded so grave as he finalized his thoughts.

"What do you mean Heika?"

"I think it is time for me to leave this world for good. I'll be sleeping again, and this time it will be for eternity."

The miko was clearly surprised at the king's decision. Yes, she knew that it is really hard for Wilhelm to move on. The death of the great sage was quite a shock especially for the king but never did she imagine that Wilhelm would chose to go back to the realm of the dead than stay at Shin Makoku. She knew how hard the king struggled just to be able to get himself back to the present time yet he is willing to give his second life again.


"Please understand Ulrike." Shinou's voice had lost its usual confidence and is brimming with sadness. He didn't even bother to hide anything at all. He looked to broken and lost.

For a genshi miko like Ulrike who had believed in their king so much, it hurts to hear such word coming from the king they all look after. Never did she experience on her years as Genshi Miko having the king in such situation. But also as a loyal miko of Shinou it is also her pride to obey the king's orders. If it would somehow relieve the pain that the king is experiencing at the moment, she will be willing to let the king go. After all the things he did for the country, he deserves a break.

"If that is your Highness' wish."

"I'll just say my salutations to Yuuri and the others." The king stood up from his position and walked out, tapping the Ulrike's shoulder's before he went out of the door. "Thank you Ulrike." Then the door closed.

"Heika..." The miko couldn't stop the tears that fell down on her eyes. She could see the weariness that reflected inside the king's eyes. If only she would be able to do something about it...

(~page break~)

Blood Pledge castle...

It was exactly that Yuuri and the other's were conducting a meeting when the door inside the room opened. All of them were surprised at the sudden visitor but the look from Shinou's eyes stopped them from saying anything.

"I'm leaving the country to you Yuuri..."


Gwendal and the others immediately understood what the king meant by his words. He looked so grim but didn't comment at all.

Conrad glanced at Yuuri to see his reaction worried that he would fall into depression again. After the sage's death Yuuri had barely talked and eat, if not for Wolfram who punched him awake, he wouldn't be able to realize that he is already drowning himself in misery.

"Shinou Heika..." Wolfram looked wary of what's going to happen to his fiancé again if something were to happen again.

"W-What do you mean by leaving the country to me?" Yuuri had already realized what the king meant but refuses to believe him.

"I think it would be best if I would leave, Yuuri. The country has established its name and you are doing good running it. I know i can leave everything in your hands from now on." A sad smile escaped Shinou's lips. Of course what he said is not a lie but it is somehow farfetched from his true reasons.

Yuuri knew that his depression was nothing from what Shinou felt when his friend died. He can still clearly see the dread lingering inside the king's eyes as if his time had stopped at the moment he saw Murata's body lying on the floor motionless. He knew the king should finally have his rest.

Of course for Shinou to continue living is like reminiscing everything that had happened.

To the surprise of all, Yuuri understandingly nodded. "Yes."

"Yuuri." Wolfram worriedly glanced at his fiancé thinking that Yuuri is just pretending. But no, Wolfram didn't see any hesitation inside those onyx orbs. All he can see is understanding and sympathy. Yuuri can understand what Shinou had been feeling and he is willing to let go.

"Thank you..." and the king disappeared from their sight.

Conrad and the others saluted as a sign of respect their heads raised up feeling the pride of being able to serve the first king even though for just a short amount of time.

The country had been quiet since the funeral but gradually had been trying to cope up with the great loss. Yuuri from time to time fall into depression, seeking for his friend's guidance but later on supported by his vassals became more aware that he needed to stand on his feet. Yuuri knew that his friend wouldn't want him to be too dependent on him, instead he together with Conrad and the others made a good team in running the country.


Year 2XXX...

Japan had always been busy just like the old times. Students walking on the street, people preparing for their works, cars everywhere, buildings, it almost didn't change except for its technology.

He didn't know what happened but he just found himself one day that he is living inside the world somewhat unknown to him. Every since he was born, he had strange dreams about demon races and being the king of the demon kingdom. He had dreamt of a war that happened a long time ago, almost bringing the world to its destruction. Meeting people he had never met before but the familiarity cannot be denied.

He met a man whose knowledge was unparalleled that helped him and his army towards the greatness. A man whose eyes were as black as the darkest night and paired with a piercing onyx colored eyes. Never had be seen such beautiful person in his life. It was like he had been enchanted the first time he saw him in his dreams.

Once again he was visited by the same dream...

'He should be somewhere...' Shinou looked everything around him, and still cannot find any sign of the person he is looking for. A strong wind blew which made Shinou cover his face to prevent dust coming in his eyes this made the king look up at a certain direction which gave him a view of a hill.

'Could it be?'

He motioned his horse to move towards the hill. He just got the feeling that he will be able to find the person he is looking for.

Even at a distance he could see a figure sitting under the shade of a tree. Going nearer, he could see the figure slowly getting clearer for him. 'Quite carefree, huh.'

The sage was casually sitting under the tree holding some kind of book not even bothered by thought that the world might be sent to oblivion in few matters of time. He was just relaxed peacefulness etched on his beautiful face. Being entranced by the man before him, Shinou urged his horse to go slower, trying not to get his presence noticed.

The wind blew harder and Shinou felt something inside of him to introduce himself at the man.

"Oh, you are exactly as the rumors said. Onyx orbs and black hair. What an amazing color." He wasn't able to stop himself from blurting it out. The beauty of the sage is really something to be able to move him so much. The sage didn't look surprised at the sudden visitor but he did lower the book that he reads to show that he is listening.

The sage turned to him.

All Shinou can do was awe. The view from meters away didn't give any justice. Just a mere stare by those onyx orbs made him feel that he is drowning. The beauty was too much for him to handle. Never did he see someone whose color of the darkness would make them more ethereal. It was amazing.

The sage stared at him blankly. His eyes containing something that he couldn't name. "Do you not fear for this color?"

Knowing that the sage was referring to his hair and eye, he smiled. Why fear such beautiful color?" For a moment there Shinou thought he saw surprise reflect on those black orbs and those lips curve into a small unnoticeable smile.

The sage spoke again but this time it had been different. "What business do you have with someone like me?"

'Ah, yes. My intention.' He almost beamed at the sage. "I have heard of your greatness from various people and I want you to join my army." He spoke as he lend out his hand, trying to encourage the sage further on joining him.

Shinou knew that if he were to say something like that to anyone, they would've looked at him like he was some sort of lunatic or outright asking 'are you out of your mind?', but the man before him didn't even reacted normally as he thought. The amusement that is starting to show in his eyes were being controlled.

"Are you sure to fight something unknown? You have no chance of winning this war." The sage sounded like he was trying to convince him that fighting was futile. Everything was bound to be destroyed.

"I have heard of a sage whose knowledge is unparalleled. I have come to get you as my strategist. With you I know we can win this war." Shinou tried to sound very convincing, his eyes almost pleading out to the sage.

He knew what he is saying is the truth. With the sage, they can win this war.

And he knew he won't take 'no' for an answer.


He almost want to give up with the sage's lack of reply but his inner musings and stopped when the man before him moved and reached out his hand. He couldn't suppress the smile that showed on his face. Truly he is happy to be with this man. Screw all the rumors about curses, sorcery and magic.

The hand that fits perfectly with his. That is the most important thing at the moment.

He knew that he will never forget the moment. Even in his succeeding lifetime.

Remembering something, Shinou asked something. "May I know your name?"

He saw the man mouthing something but there was no voice coming from his mouth. He couldn't hear the sage's name no matter how hard he tried to listen. Then he was once greeted by the darkness of his own room.

"Why is it always like this? I'm having the same dream, but I cannot hear him saying his name. It's been constant these past few months." He frustrated brushed his hair away from his face. Glancing at his clock he saw that it is still dawn and knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep after that dream bothering him, he got up from the bed. Better start his day early.

His parents had been bothered that he had been saying weird things since he was a kid. He had undergone several psychiatrist sessions for him to be a 'normal' person. But soon as the days passed he learned that everything that he had been dreaming is a part of what people call 'past life.'.

It was like he was watching a movie where he could feel exactly as the character felt. At first he had been enjoying the dream, with him being the ruler of the demon race. People are obeying him and he posses a power that no one could rival. But as the memories showed itself to him he saw his past self, wallowing in misery and despair, looking for the sage whom he treasured so much.

"Where are you?..." He unconsciously muttered out.

His soul was restless after seeing those visions of the past. It was like the image of the sage was haunting him every time he closed his eyes. He had been unconsciously yearning for a person that will never be his.

Just as morning started itself. He began to walk down the street hoping that jogging would help him clear his fogged up mind. In his jogging attire he ran towards the roads not much walked on by people. Trying to drown his attention on the music playing on his ears he sped up only to almost tumble when he saw a student walk down the street which looked oddly too familiar to him. The student wore a blue blazer over a white long sleeve with black pants. But it wasn't the uniform that caught his very attention. It was the face of the student who he had seen countless times... inside his dreams.

He guy wore oval glasses which emphasized his features well and made him looked like your usual top-student type. His slightly curly hair was flying sideways that gave him an innocent aura. He made a double turn and ran back to catch the student.

"I've finally found you..." Normal people would only say that it's just probably a look alike of the person inside his dreams but he knew better. He knows 'that' person more than anyone else. Even if not for the physical aspects, he could probably recognize the guy anywhere by just looking at him.

The soul whose radiance is like the moon which guided him on his dark path... He wouldnt mistake them for anyone else,

"You—!" not knowing the guy's name he just shouted, trying to call the attention of the student hoping that he would be heard. He won't let the chance escape. Those dreams' haunting him made him restless for days and now is the right chance to clear everything up.

Thankfully the student heard him though there was a strange look on his face when he saw him coming. The student looked so wary of him while his eyes showed no sign of recognition.


"I.. uh..." He scratched his head trying to ransack his mind on how he is going to introduce himself.

Uh.. Hi, I just saw you in my past life can I have your name?

Nah that would be downright freaky.

Sorry I just thought you were someone familiar.

No way!


Before he could form a proper sentence inside his head, his mouth went off without his permission. "We meet again at last 'my' sage." He blurted out of nowhere.

"Huh?" The student stared at him weirdly while his companion also did the same. Maybe the hint of possessiveness in his voice didn't help the situation much. And as if he was controlled by another person, he blurted out something unexpected again.

"Up this lifetime you are still together. It is nice meeting you again Yuuri."

The two students backed off a little, both are looking too wary of him. Of a normal teen would freak out if some stranger say things to them and claiming that they know each other.

"Uh.. I think you mistake us for other person." Yuuri spoke while tugging the sleeve of his friend's gakuran. Yuuri felt something snap inside him. It was like there was something unseen stopping the moving of cogs inside his body.

Yuuri stared at the man in front of them.


Royal blue eyes.

Mischievous grin so nostalgic to him.


"I think we should go now Shibuya." Murata held his classmate's hand on his sleeve and ran off leaving the guy standing there feeling so stupid for blurting out such things.

"Why did I do those things!" he frustrated grunted. It was one way to screw his meeting with the person haunting his dreams. The moment those words came out of his mouth, it felt so natural. Like it was the perfect thing to say at the moment. But facing reality he managed to perfectly freak out the students which practically ran away from him thinking that he is a lunatic.

I need to see him again.

This time he will manage to find out about the person haunting his dream world.

"I wont let you go again..."


The next day...

As usual Wilhelm tried to jog on the same place where he saw the person on his dreams still hoping that he would be able to meet him again. From what he learned the uniform that the two teens wore when he saw them was the uniform of a known private school within the vicinity. They are living within the area.

He was about to go home and start his day when he saw a glimpse of a familiar uniform taking a turn on the next street. Following his instincts, he ran off to the said direction only to see the person he is looking for practically dashing. Obviously, the student was trying to avoid him.

"Wait! I just want to talk to you!" He followed the teen.

""I'm sorry but I don't know you." The teen's steps sped up.

"My sage, just listen to me!"

"I'm not a sage!"

Shinou took a halt upon hearing those words. He really saw no recognition upon those onyx orbs. Did I mistake him for someone?

But his feelings cannot be denied. The overflowing feeling of recognition was too much to bear and it is downright stupidness to ignore it.

He knows.

He could recognize that unique existence above others. The only presence that haunted him in his every sleep. The only person who made him feel that he is alive again.

It is him.

People around them began to whisper, wondering at the sudden scene that is currently happening. The teen also began to notice that they are stirring commotion and looked around quite warily.

Shinou sighed and kept his face blank. "Let's talk somewhere else."


Though at first there was great hesitation reflected inside the sage's eyes, but he got convinced upon looking at the blonde. Shinou's eyes were dead serious, longing and some unknown emotion . He almost gasped when Murata glanced at the man. Those royal blue eyes spoke with utmost sincerity, almost pleading to him. He didn't have the heart to deny his simple wish.

He knew the man will never hurt him in any way.

With him he strangely felt safe.

The two ended up in a cafe nearby and seated in a two-person table facing each other. Though they were finally alone, the student still refused to look at Shinou directly, the awkwardness lingering between them was undeniable.


"Mister, i think you just mistook me for someone else. I am neither a sage nor i remember meeting you either. " Surprisingly the student looked at Shinou directly, his eyes hurting the man for there was no trace of recognition in them. He could see himself reflected on those black orbs but it is definitely the face of a stranger.

Shinou sighed. "Then let me introduce myself so that it may trigger something in your memories." Determination fired up in his eyes. "I am the honorable first king of the demon race bearing the name of Wilhelm."


"And you are a sage whose knowledge was unparallel by no other person who has been with me for a long time and helped me devise a perfect plan to defeat an almost impossible enemy, Noir."


Is this guy nuts? But the guy's eyes spoke with determination. His voice did not waver on the things he revealed though for an average person the things that he just said are to labeled as downright crazy. The man spoke like everything was true. That they were together before..

That they already met...

When the student didn't reply, Shinou continued on his words. "You may not remember me but I will make sure that your memory will be restored. .."

It was like spur of the moment that the man's voice sounded too distant. In just a blink of an eye, he is no longer inside the cafe where they were talking earlier. It was like he was submerged under water filled with colors.


No. They were pictures.

Flashes of different picture passed in front of him. Nothing made sense in his head that it almost pounding his brains. He saw himself in the pictures but he can't recall anything at all. His heart began to beat fast until it felt like it was going to come out of his chest. Nothing made sense to him and it was driving him to the end of his wits.

"My sage!" He felt someone grabbing his shoulders roughly shaking him awake. The very concerned voice of the stranger in front of him registered in his ears. It was like a hand pulled him from the depths in which he as drowning.

"Are you alright?"

"I uh...—" The experience he just had earlier still lingered in his head. Slight panicky, he stood up and was about to leave when he heard someone call his name.

"Murata!" His friend Yuuri was huffing like crazy obviously had gone looking for him since he wasn't able to drop by in the house. His friend's face looked worried and tired but an emotion of relief flooded in his face when he saw that his friend is just alright.

"I heard someone took you away earlier, I got worried!" Yuuri glanced at Shinou.

It was then that he remembered what he dreamt of after they met the blonde man.



Their sleeping time between them started to awaken once more Yuuri.

Again... help them...

Your friend and His Highness.


The woman smiled at him.

I told you that you'd remember this day again...


Help bind their destiny...

Once again Yuuri, remember everything...

Then he felt like he woke up from a very long dream. Different kinds of emotions started to flood into his system completely overwhelming him.

Shock, knowing that he is once the king of a demon race in an unknown world.

Happiness, being able to remember the poeple he met during his past life.

Sadness, knowing what happened to his friend.

Relief, that he was really able to save them...

And finally...

Hope, that Murata and Shinou met again.

The sage doesn't remember anything Yuuri. His soul that was cursed was saved but in returned got sealed. His memories may not be able to return completely.

"But Shinou, he—"

The soul can remember Yuuri.

Deep inside him, he knows his highness. You just need to make him realize that his feelings will never lie...

(~end of flashback~)

"My apologies for an unannounced visit, Yuuri. I just wanted to talk to him. I hope you understand." Shinou smiled at the student though his eyes were saying a different thing. Though his face is current graced by a blissful smile, he looked like he lost something important.


"Don't worry I'll be going now. It was nice meeting you again... my 'beloved' sage..." Then Shinou left.

"Murata?" Yuuri warily looked at his friend when he saw tears falling from his eyes. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I—" it was just then when the student notice the liquid coming out of his eyes. He wipe them away but it doesn't seem like it is going to stop at all. Som3ething is definitely wrong with him.

In just a matter of time his life tumbled around when a man called out to him strangely knowing his name and claiming that he knows him. The said man also referred him as a sage looked at him as if he is something precious to him. He was stalked, he has set a commotion in the nearby neighborhood and went with a man that he doesn't even know.

He thought that the man would just go and convince him more to believe that they really know each other. But as that man introduces himself, he felt scared. Feeling something that is welling up inside him being stirred by some stranger.

It was like there was still a part of him unknown slowly rising to the surface.

He easily understood every word, action and expression the man does. It was like something invisible was implanted in his senses recognizing every move by the stranger. A sense innate within him is driving him like crazy pushing his head to the limits by thinking what is wrong with him.

Not long enough he found himself running towards a place where he knows.


Not far from their school, There was a forest not much known to their in their village. Inside the forest exist a hill where he usually rest and study every time he wanted to be alone. It was like the place was the perfect one for him.


Once more your fate had been intertwined.

Fate? What fate? I don't know that man.

Yet you feel something stirring inside.

It's just—

Still you deny everything? Let him wake you from your deep sleep. Soukoku sage of Shin Makoku.


"Still, you are the same even after a long time. You really like dwelling in this kind of place. "

Murata's thoughts were cut when a familiar voice. He backed off at the tree behind him on an impulse which made the man take a slight step backwards.

"My apologies. It seems that i had traumatized you. If you'll excuse me..." The man dejectedly walked away from him. But before he turned around. He saw the expression which bothered him earlier.

It was an expression he never expected to show on such proud and blissful face.

An expression of defeat.

The eagerness he showed on knowing him and making him accept that he is a sage are no longer shining in his eyes. What was left was only regret and longing.


He can see how badly the man wants him to accept what he is saying. The man calling himself Wilhelm wanted him to recognize the things that he was saying. It was like he was trying to make him remember something that happened some time ago.

But the moment he started to feel fear, Wilhelm looked shocked and immediately retreated. He noticed earlier that he kept a safe distance when he took notice that he back off to the tree. Sadness and unbelievable pain registered upon those royal blue eyes. He knew he was hurt by his sudden expression.

Kindly remember that the thing called 'fate' exists. It maybe unseen, by its hands move in ways that no one can ever tell. Yet, it binds destinies together...

He unconsciously reached out his hand. "Shinou, I—"

They both stopped and stared at each other.

Murata began to shake his head as if it would make him reason out why he called the man 'Shinou'. His mouth moved by itself, as if knowing what to say. He could tell himself that everything is alright but his head knowing nothing at all confuses him.

The man he referred as Shinou, is staring at him with disbelief yet the happiness that was shining in it cannot be denied.

In confusion, Murata got up and slowly backed off. "No... I—"

"My sage." Shinou smiled at him.

"No!" Murata ran away.

Shinou was left alone, thinking all over of he should run after the sage or not. The expression of fear written in his sage's eyes was unbearable for him. He will never hurt his sage, yet those onyx orbs clearly reflected fear.

Shinou's musings had stopped when he heard a voice behind him.

"He remembers you Shinou. Though not fully, but he knows you. He just can't find any logical reason why"

Looking behind him, he was surprised to see Yuuri smiling him.

"You finally remember?"

"Yeah, just a while ago. Julia-san helped me realize everything."

"Julia, huh. Such a mysterious woman."

He felt more down than before. Yuuri remembers everything yet his sage, doesn't recognize him at all.

"Go Shinou. Make him remember. I know only you can do it." Yuuri smiled encouragingly at the man.


"Since when did you become like that?"

"It's just for him..."

Instead of answering, Yuuri only pushed Shinou. "Go. Move with your fate. You know you are bound to be together. You met him again right?"

Shinou remembered something.

'I want to be with you...'

"Your last chance is now given to you. Go make things happen."

Shinou ran off.

Yeah. Yuuri was right. He had been given another chance. His sage somehow remembers him. It is up to him to do things.

He had gone through many trials yet there's only one person who can make those hardships feel like nothing.

There's only one person that could make him happy.

There's only one person that he will love.

And that one person...

"It's him."

His sage.

Not long enough he saw Murata on a nearby park leaning on a tree.

It may take time. But hell, he was able to wait for more than a thousand years before. A few weeks or months won't hurt him. Not when the things he desired more than anything is within the reach of his hands.

The cogs of fate started to roll again, pulling the red string of destiny of those people who are intertwined by destiny.


Hira: *bows*


Sorry for taking this long before updating the last chapter.. Believe me, I thought I finally got away from those skyscrapers on my desk but they multiplied again.

Thankfully it was easier than last time so I was able to cut it down but all those analysis I had to do took more than time usual so I got no chance to write this..

Thank you very much for those who looked after this story and those who reviewed.

You guys are really a great help for me, making me inspired to continue this story..


I'm really grateful to those who supported me till the end f this fic..

My pc

The power supplying company

The snacks beside me

The songs on my phone

My ever reliable headset

My awesome brain.. XDD LOLOL

Reviewers who continued to suggest ideas and inspire me to update.. and nag me to update faster.. XDD

Story Followers who gave me courage to continue the story.

Author Followers who made me go dive in my stories once more.

Story Favorites that always lifts up my spirits..

Guys thanks to you I was able to finish this..

I just noticed I sounded like a politician on a campaign period.. haha..


Also I'm thankful to those saw at the CosMania XII at SM Mall of Asia.. your cosplays stirred ideas inside my head.. =w= if you guys know the event.. Yep I was there too.. white hat, down twintails, pedal pushers, Blue hi-cut chuck, and blue body bag.. and yeah I had a violet pouch hanging on my neck.. my digicam.. XDD

Especially to the guy who cosplayed as Zeref.. I'm so glad I was able to take a pic with you before we went home.. XDD

Next to be updated is my Kuroko no Basuke two-shot fic:

Cold Shadow..

Once more.. Thanks!

I enjoyed writing this story~~



By: Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga