Title: Chipmunk Politics

Written by: Somnion

Disclaimer: I do not own Alvin and the Chipmunks. They belong to Bagdasarian Productions

Chapter One: The Plan is Hatched

Alvin paced to and fro in his room. Things were obviously not going according to plan, he thought to himself. Theodore was busy working on an election poster but had noticed his elder brother's distress and it bothered him greatly. The election for school president was going on and both Alvin and his counterpart Chipette, Brittany, had enlisted as candidates. It was really becoming a problem; both were highly competitive and charismatic, promising a very tough election on both sides. Theodore was getting worried for Alvin; his outgoing older sibling was never the kind of person who'd accept defeat and losing to Brittany would have been even harder for him to accept because not only would he have to face the humiliation of losing but he would also, although he'd never admit it, have to risk losing favour in the eyes of the auburn haired Chipette. Both Chipmunks turned their attention to the sound of an opening door, its gentle scraping against the carpeted floor pulling them away from their individual thoughts. Their tall, bespectacled brother, Simon stood in the doorway, his hand holding a file and Alvin was well aware of the contents.

"What's the situation looking like, Simon?" Alvin asked half-heartedly.

The tallest Chipmunk shook his head, and Alvin began to brace himself for whatever news that Simon had brought with him. "It's not good," was Simon's simple reply.

"Give it to me straight, Simon," Alvin asked in response. "What's the polls looking like?"

"It's Déjà Vu, Alvin," Simon said with a sigh. "You and Brittany are tied once again, with only one vote uncounted for. I'm sure you know whose it is..."

"Jeanette's vote, huh?"

Simon nodded his head in acknowledgement. It really was a replay of the year before where both Brittany and Alvin had run for school president; both of them were tied and Jeanette, just as this year, had the deciding vote. However, Brittany had just transferred to their school that year and didn't have any knowledge of the issues concerning the school and was running simply as a way to increase her popularity and Jeanette, feeling that her older sister was running for the wrong reasons, voted for Alvin instead for her sister. Alvin didn't have that advantage this time around; Brittany was just as up to date on all the issues of the school as Alvin was, giving Jeanette no reason to vote for Alvin over her sister.

"We're sunk," Alvin said sorrowfully. "Jeanette's sure to vote for her sister this time."

"Yea, it sure looks that way," agreed Simon as pushed his glasses up.

"At least you gave it your best shot, Alvin," assured Theodore as he walked over to his upset brother and patted his back to comfort him.

"With Brittany completely up to date with all the issues and her preparations, I've definitely got no way to get Jeanette's vote," complained Alvin.

"You've lost the advantage you had before, Alvin," said Simon sympathetically. "We may as well accept the defeat graciously."

Alvin, despite his pride, was wiling to do that but just then he noticed something in Simon's hand, a small book with a pastel purple colour. It was odd, to say the least, so he questioned his logical brother about the little book he held.

"Oh, it's a book of poems that Jeanette lent me," answered Simon as he passed Alvin the book. "She says the style of poetry is very profound and she thought I might be interested in taking a look."

Alvin looked over the book Simon had handed him. Seemed a little feminine from his first glance and as he quickly glanced over the pages he understood why; the book was a collection of love poems. Knowing Simon, he would have thought that Jeanette had lent him the book so that he could inspect the style of the writing and poetry but Alvin knew that Jeanette had given him that book for another reason. Alvin knew that Jeanette had always watched Simon and that this book was her way of silently reaching out to him, a way with which she could convey her feelings without actually saying them. Suddenly, it occurred to him that although he had lost one advantage, he still had another ace up his sleeve. Jeanette was in love with Simon and he could very well use that bond to his advantage. All that was needed was to push Simon in the right direction, using Simon as a means to get Jeanette to vote for him over Brittany, after all, Simon and Jeanette would be happy together and he'd be happy when he'd get Jeanette's vote, so in the end, everyone would be happy with the obvious exception of Brittany who would lose the election. The idea seemed so ingenious that he almost slapped his forehead over his foolishness of not thinking about it before.

"I know that smile, Alvin," Simon said with a frown as he noted the mischievous smile that was smeared across his brother's lips. "Whatever it is, forget about it."

"We may not have lost after all, Simon," he said gleefully. "We still have one last advantage."

"And what pray tell might that be?" asked Simon sarcastically.

"You," Alvin answered as he returned Jeanette's book to Simon.

"I don't like where this is going, Alvin."

"Listen," Alvin said calmly as he put his arm over his brother's shoulders, "you're close with Jeanette, right? So, you're the only one who can push her in the right direction, the direction to my winning vote."

"That's dirty politics, Alvin," Simon said with a tone of displeasure. "That's almost as if you're using me to seduce her into voting for you. It's just wrong."

"Please, Simon. I need to win this election," pleaded Alvin as he got on the floor, grabbing Simon's foot while grovelling and begging the whole time.

"Why, Alvin?" asked Simon impatiently. "Give me one good reason why I should help you do this."

Another smile came upon Alvin's face as he looked up and judging from the smile, Simon knew that he should brace himself for something unexpected.

"It would be a shame if Dave found out who was responsible for the colony of termites that was nesting in the garage, Simon."

Simon gulped fearfully. "You wouldn't..."

"So, you'll help me out then, Simon?" Alvin asked with a triumphant smile as he got up and extended his hand towards the blue-clad Chipmunk.

Simon sighed as he shook his brother's hand, sealing the agreement. He knew he'd regret this before the election was over but for now, he'd pray and hope that things might turn out for the better.

Chapter One Ends

A little bland but this is just to set the stage for the story, the real exciting bits shall come soon. As always, I look forward to your words, suggestions and opinions so please send me a review and tell me what you think.