Author's note: This isn't one of my better fanfics but I really enjoyed writing it. It's supposed to be the diary of Edward's first love, Charlotte Clarke.

August 31, 1918

Tonight, my parents and I attended a party at the Hadleys'. Edward was there as usual I had hoped he would be, and I spent most most of my time with him. As always, he made me laugh too hard and smile too often, making me seem most unladylike. But I could not help it. He is so handsome, and I really do love him dearly.

"Edward, stop," I had told him as he joked.

He had looked up at me, his green eyes shining, his mouth forming that crooked smile that I loved. "Charlotte," he breathed my name, and my heart had melted in my chest. "You're so beautiful when you laugh; , though, how could I ever stop?"

I remember laughing even harder at this statement. He is impossible at times. We were at a party, , all the ladies in their formal gowns, the men in their suits, and I knew that they'd all be talking about Edward and I's courtship. I was leaning against a refreshment table, and Edward was teasing me. "My dear," I told him, smiling though my voice was falsely stern." you must stop making such foolish comments. You are such a silly little boy, I swear" I returned, taunting him back.

"Would a silly little boy do this?" he leaned in and kissed the hollow of my throat, causing chills to run up and down my spine. The spot where he kissed me still tingles from his touch, even hours later.

"Edward," I scolded him, "please don't. People might get the wrong impression."

"Love, what would be the wrong impression? That I might love you and wish you to be mine?" He was so irresistible when he said this that my heart fluttered wildly. But, as I knew a lady should, I didn't refused to let any emotion show.

"No, they'll think that I'm a woman of ill repute. You don't want me to get a reputation now, do you, Master Masen?" He chuckled at my use of his formal title.

"No, I should not, Miss Clarke. For if you did, then my parents would mostly likely object to my marrying you," he smiled mischievously as he raised a glass of champagne to his lips.

"And why would you want to marry me? Hmm, Edward Anthony Masen?"

"Because Charlotte Ruth Clarke, I find you to be beautiful and witty and intelligent and kind. And…" he put down his glass and grabbed my hand, "because I love you." He kissed my hand then, and it took all my restraint not to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately as he did so. I looked over and saw my parents nod in approval at my flirting with Edward.

Edward's family is well-off with money, as you know. My family is close behind when it comes to wealth, but my parents still wish to make a good match for me in order to add to our family fortune. To them, Edward is a perfect match for his money; to me, Edward is perfect because I love him more than I could ever have imagined I would. I noticed Edward's mother, Mrs. Elisabeth Masen, had walked over to my mother, and the women began to gossiped most of the night, glancing in our direction the whole time.

Do you remember when I wrote of how Edward first started courting me? I hadn't been able to imagine why he would choose me. He was so charming, and I fell fast for him. After a few weeks, I could not see my future without him in it. Now , he likes to talk of our marriage, and it quite pleases me,e and my parents as well.

After the party tonight, Mama and Papa and I ventured through the streets, enjoying the sweet summer air. You know how father is about walking. He claims it's good for the soul as well as for the body and refuses to let us get a carriage in summer-though God knows we could afford it! When we returned home, we found the nanny asleep on the sofa in the living room. How dare she! Especially with Mildred so sick.

I am the second eldest of five children. My older brother William is twenty-two and already married, to a lovely woman named Dorothy. They have a child of their own on the way, and I am quite ecstatic to be an auntexcited. After me, I have my brother George. He's fifteen and an absolute trouble maker. The next child is my sister, Mildred. She is thirteen and had caught a terrible cold a week ago. She is still sick in bed from it, and our nanny had been given strict instructions to watch over her all night. After Mildred is Henry, the youngest at only nine years old. We all dote on him, and he is positively spoiled because of it.

I had followed my mother upstairs to the bedroom I share with Mildred. Mama kissed Mildred's sick forehead and found her to have such a high temperature. ! She told me to fetch Ffather. I did as I was instructed told, and Papa called the physician, who came despite the late hour.

The physician did not tell us good news about Mildred. He told us she is suffering from the Spanish Influenza and most likely has mere hours left to live, at best. When he told us this, I fled from the room and down the hall to William's,s now unused, bedroom. I slipped out of my party clothes and into my nightgown, my tears still running swiftly down my cheeks without hiatus.

I am determined to be near Millie in her last hours, which is why I'm writing this by candlelightnow. It gives me something to do besides simply stare at her and wait for her to pass.

Millie looks so young and vulnerable, lying on her bed, her face pale and sickly. Only a week ago, people confused her for the elder Clarke sister when we were out together. But they would not do that now. Mildred looks so naïve and childish, so small in that large bed she had begged my parents for. She had so much to look forward to. ; but now,Now she'lld never get the chance to go to parties like I did tonight or be courted by handsome men like Edward.

I guess I must get to bed now, but I shall write again in the morning to tell you how Millie is fairing. report on how Millie is fairing.