
Hey everyone! I'm really sorry I didn't update sooner. I appreciate all the reviews people sent me, and I counted all the votes, and it seems like the majority of the reviews said start at episode 10!

So I thought about it, and I decided to skip ahead to episode 13, where all of the battles are, just to do something different.

p.s. I thought I updated on Monday, but it turns out that I didn't add the chapter to the actual story. (hehe) So I waited until Tuesday, and then I was like "hmmm, I guess people don't want to read my story then, oh well. So I waited again until today and I'm like "Maybe I should go rewrite it." And I went and looked at the contents/chapters of Eternal Love. And guess what. The new chapters weren't there. =_=

Isn't that great? So I fixed it.

p.s. I decided to do something different with this chapter, so Chan-Lee, Joe and Billy will have to wait. Sorry!

With the Bakugan Brawlers:

The trailer pulled to a stop. "Before you go, everyone take one of these." Mira held out a bunch of watches.

"They look like watches, but they are walkie-talkies and they will help us communicate while we're split up. It also shows the location of the other walkie-talkies so we'll be able to track each other's movements."

Everyone took one and fastened them onto their wrist.

"Oh, and here are the dimension disablers and maps of the layout of the lab." Mira handed them out to Baron, Maruch and Julie. "Don't forget to call us when you reach the controller!" she reminded. "And hold onto your Bakugan!"

"Ready?" Dan asked.

They nodded and jumped off the trailer.

"Good Luck!" Alice called after them. Julie turned and waved as they disappeared.

With Julie, Marucho and Baron:

"Come on guys! It's this way!" Julie beckoned. The group ran toward the entrance as fast as they could. Marucho has a little trouble keeping up, but they managed.

"Woah, this is huge!" Julie exclaimed as they entered the first lab. She peered around. "Looks, like no one is here, that's weird."

"Come on Julie, it's no time for chit-chat! We have a job to do!" Gorem urged.

The three tore off again.

"Phew, this place is like a maze!" Elfin commented. "We could get lost so easily!"

"Well according to this map, we need to head strait until we reach two doors. Then take the one on the left." Julie stared intently at paper.

"Okay, let's hurry! I don't want to get caught!" Marucho said with a shiver.

Back at the trailer:

"I wonder if they are okay." Alice said in a worried voice.

"Don't worry, if anything happened, they would call us." Shun assured her.

As if on cue, Dan's watch beeped.

Julie's face flashed on the screen. She looked out of breath, but other than that, fine.

"Dan…gasp….we found…gasp…the controller…" she informed him.

"Great!" Dan exclaimed. "That's our cue to enter the lab."

He gave the Brawlers a thumbs up. "Hear that guys? Our plan is working!"

"Good. Ready guys?" Mira asked.

Everyone else nodded.

"Wait...there's something weird though….pant….no one is in the lab-" Just as Julie finished, there was a scuffling sound, followed by Gus's voice. "If you want to see your friend again, you'll have to come in yourselves!" Then the connection cut off.

Ace shot out of his chair.

"How is that possible!?" Ace proclaimed. "No one but us could've known what we planned! Come one, we have to go help them!

"This is probably a trap." Drago said.

Mira threw open the door to the trailer and everyone rushed out.

"But it's our friends, we have to go help!" Ingram replied.

Everyone ran toward the entrance and pushed open the door.

"Okay, so much for the plan." Runo commented.

"Runo's right, we should split up." Tigrerra suggested.

"Okay, stick with your partners! And just call if anything happens!" With that, Mira raced down the hallway to the right with Ace.

"Come on Alice; let's take the one on the left." Shun grabbed her hand and started running.

"That leaves this one for us, Dan. Come on!" Runo and Dan ran down the remaining hallway.

With the Vexos:

"Hehe! It's all going according to plan!" Lync jumped up and down with excitement. "Those stupid Brawlers are running straight into our trap!!!"

"Shut up shrimp, you're so annoying!" Shadow snorted.

"Speak for yourself you overgrown Hyena!" Lync shot back.

"Will you two stop bickering!?" Spectra had just entered the room and the first thing he heard was the two shouting insults at each other. This was the last time he was EVER going to put those two together.

"Have Myleen, Volt and Gus already gone to battle those other three brawlers?" he asked.

"Hehe, yup! So can we go brawl now?"

"Yes, and this time, DON'T LOSE!" Spectra ordered.

Lync and Shadow scampered out before Spectra could get really angry.

With Ace and Mira:

"Ace, slow down!" Mira called, out of breath.

Ace obliged and stopped in one of the massive rooms to give Mira a chance to catch her breath.

"Sorry, it's just that those Vexos annoy me to no end! They always find a way around our plans and nothing ever works against them!" He spat.

"Ace…" she began.

Ace had his back to her and judging by his heavy breathing, he was really worked up over this.

Mira walked over and placed a hand on his back. "I know it's hard Ace, but we've got so far and done so much. We can't give up now, and we can't let our new friends down."

"We?" Ace questioned.

"You and I are in this together." Mira smiled.

"HA! Got that right! Which means you'll both loose together! To me!"

Ace and Mira whipped around to see none other than Shadow Probe standing behind them on a table.

"You!" Mira cried.

"That's right!" He tried for a dramatic jump, but his cloak caught onto a piece of lab equipment and caused him to slip and fall on his face.

Ace and Mira muffled laughs in their palms.

"Hey! It's not funny! Let's see you laughing after I crush both of you!" Shadow sneered.

"In your dreams, Shadow!" Ace retorted.

"Let's settle this." Mira said. She looked at Ace and they both nodded.

"Humph. Gate card set! Darkus Hades Stand!"

"Gate Card set!" Mira and Ace cried together.

"Percival stand!"

"Wilda Stand!"

"Show me what you've got!" Shadow erupted into a fit of laughter.

"Oh, I will." Ace muttered darkly.

With Shun and Alice:

"How long does this hallway go for?" Alice asked.

"Who knows?" Shun answered back.

Alice and Shun had been running for quite some time and they were still in the same hallways. It kept going and going.

"Hey, Alice, I see a room!" Shun called, his voice echoing.

"Coming!" She called back.

"Watch out Alice!" Hydranoid exclaimed.

When Alice entered the room, she didn't notice the change in elevation between the room and the hallway and tripped.


A pair of hands grabbed her before she could hit the ground. "Thanks Sh-". She cut off when she realized that it wasn't Shun who had caught her, but Lync!

"Awwww…aren't you going to thank me girly?" he asked.

"Not in your lifetime!" She replied angrily.

"Then let me teach you a lesson about manners!" Lync cackled. He spun Alice around before she could do anything and locked a pair of handcuffs around her wrist.

"Haha! There! Now you can't brawl!" Lync mocked.

Shun ran back to Alice. Seeing what he had done to Alice, he became enraged. "You fiend! Get your hand off of her!"

"Ha! You'll have to win against me first! That's the rules. If you win, you get the key to the handcuffs and you'll get to keep you girlfriend. But if I win, then she'll be my slave!"

"How do I know you'll keep your promise?! You're one of the Vexos." Shun seethed.

Lync sighed. "I knew you would say that."

Then he pointed in front of him. A key was hanging from a string from the ceiling.

"See that key? It's positioned exactly in the center of the room. If you stand on one side of the room and I stand on the other, then we both would have an equal amount of space from the key."

Shun smirked. "Well, even if you didn't keep your promise, it would be kinda hard for you to reach the key since you're so short."

Alice giggled at his comment. It was so true.

"Hey, stop making fun of my height! It wasn't my fault Myleen put the key so high up!"

"Anyways, the girl will be standing in the middle too, so now you can't call it unfair!" Lync said.

"Fine." Shun said briskly. "I'll save you Alice!" he promised her.

"I know you will, I have faith in you!" she smiled back.

Shun smiled at her one last time before Lync called out. "Gate card set! Ventus Altair stand!"

Shun turned toward Lync. "Gate card set! Vestus Skyress stand!"

Time froze in the room and Alice and Hydranoid disappeared out of both the brawler's sight.

With Dan and Runo:

"Dan, this way!" Runo waved. She ran ahead while Dan checked the room they passed.

"I found another door!" Runo exclaimed.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

Dan ran to Runo who was waiting at the door for him. "Okay, you can open the door now."

Runo nodded, and twisted the doorknob.

"Welcome Brawlers."

Dan and Runo flinched at the voice.

"Hey! Your that creep Spectra!" Runo stated.

"What do you want?!" Dan cried.

"A brawl. If I win, you hand over Drago, if you win, you and that girl are free to go. Simple. I'll even let you two team up against me." Spectra said in a bored tone.

Dan and Runo exchanged looks.

"Fine! We accept your request! Gate card set! Drago Stand!"

"Gate card set! Helios stand!"

"Gate card set. Tigrerra stand!"

"We're not going to lose to you Spectra!" Dan told him.

Spectra sneered. "Let's see about that."


Ugh. I'm so tired. I hope you guys don't think that this chapter is lame. It was the best I could do. Sorry for skipping episodes 10, 11, and 12. But since in the actually plotline, the brawlers are battling, I thought 'why not' and just put them into teams. Hope you guys liked it!