Brennan held him until the tears subsided and he shuddered under her arms. "You okay Booth?" She asked quietly when didn't move like she had expected him too.

"I'm fine, I just....don't want to move." He mumbled into her shoulder. Brennan smiled slightly. It was usually the other way around, with Booth comforting her, she could count on one hand how many times she had seen him vulnerable. She was startled out of her thoughts by a rumbling coming from his chest. Her fingers stopped the unconscious stroking through his hair and to her surprise and amusement the rumbling stopped. Slowly she started scratching again and had to hold back a giggle when a contented smile crossed his face and the rumbling started. "Booth, you're purring!"

"Left over vamp thing." He mumbled, arching his head into her fingers. "Means I'm comfy and I really really like that."

Brennan giggled, a sound Booth had never heard from his partner, and continued to scratch and run her fingers through his hair. He really did like that. Buffy had done it after his return from hell, and Cordy had when he had been severely injuried or the soul became too much for him. It had been over four years since he'd been comforted like this and the fact it was his closed off partner made it even better. A yawn escaped his mouth, causing another quiet giggle and he reluctantly pulled away. "Better stop before I decide to take a nap on you." He said with a smile as he stood up and discreatly wiped away the tear tracks. Booth knew that Spike would be able to smell them but knew the blonde would say nothing.

"When was the last time you had a good nights sleep?" A concerned Brennnan asked him. She knew he sometimes would forgo sleep for a case, usually catching a nap on her office couch, but now that she looked close at him she could tell it had been quiet a few days since Booth had gotten more than a few hours of sleep.

Booth shrugged, it wasn't his fault the nightmares kept him up sometimes. Besides, he really didn't need that much sleep anyway. At the icy glare Brennan gave him he sighed "I can't remember. I have a hard time sleeping at home." It was too lonely. He'd always had someone close, or could hear the heartbeat of the person closest, even if that was in a different building. It was one thing human he hadn't gotten use too yet.

Brennan softened her glare when she saw the all too familiar look of loneliness in his dark eyes before it was hidden away behind a mask of happiness. An idea floated around her head, one her brain knew was logically a good one but her heart was hesentant to try. " You need sleep Booth, it isn't good for you."

"What do you suggest Bones? That I get a hotel room?" He asked sarcasticly.

"Stay with me."

Booth froze. Surely he couldn't have heard that right? Did Bones really just invite him to sleep at her apartment? He knew it would be the best night sleep he'd ever get. "Um, Bones? You don't have a guest room."

"I know, but you're a gentleman Booth, I can trust you."

He ducked his head and smiled "Thanks Bones."

Really short chapter but I had too much homework and not enough time