Hey guys! This is a new story that I started, it's a chapter story, I think this will be pretty goo d because I used a real resume format and all sorts of other stuff. Anyway, read and enjoy!

PS. It's rated M because there may be lemons in the future!



Hello, my name is Momo Hinamori, I am 19 years old and currently enrolled in Tokyo University as a pre med major. I am studying to become a physician. I am right now trying to pay off my college loans which is currently 300,000 yen. I am a hardworking, intelligent, and experienced person who I believe can contribute greatly to your company.


Iku book store Kyoto, Japan 2001-2002

I worked at Iku book store from March 6th, 2001 to April 17, 2002. I was 11 years old at the time. This job taught me how to file books correctly, and also gave me access to a wealth of knowledge. I became experienced at a young age from this place. I quit here because I was moving to Tokyo, hence I was not able to continue my services.

Manago sushi restaurant, Tokyo, Japan 2002-2003

I worked at Manago sushi restaurant from April 30th, 2002 to January 17th, 2003. I was 12 years old at the time. I got a job in Tokyo shortly after I moved. Here I learned how to work well with others and how to work in a very rushed and busy environment. I was not able to continue working here because the restaurant was closed after the owner went bankrupt.

Hokiboshi inn, tokyo, japan 2003-2004

When I was 13 years old, I started working in the Hokiboshi inn as a waitress from February 23rd, 2003 to October 5th, 2004. I learned how to please customers and become a good hostess during this job. I was very happy here until the new boss fired me for a more petite and blond waitress.

Mitarashi fine dining restaurant 2004-2009

This was my most recent job, I had worked there from December 19th, 2004 to January 9th 2009. I quit for various reasons. I worked there from the time I was 14 until I was 19 years old. I learned here how to interact with wealthier people and proper etiquette and procedure. I also learned many manners such as how to fold a napkin, how to eat at certain times, and what to do in certain situations.


University of Tokyo, pre med major — 2008-now

Minazuki Academy - highs school diploma


I can cook different dishes from all over the world, I can also write poetry, and I am trained in CPR. I can also tell you the history of any continent, and I am an able driver.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at any of the given ways to contact me.

(A/N. These numbers aren't real people, sorry XD)


Telephone Address E-mail

20 year old Hitsugaya Toshiro, Vice President of Seiretei inc. and son of the CEO was reviewing applications for an open job. The job was to be his assistant. He had looked at one particular girl, named Momo Hinamori. Her resume was very impressive not to mention her grades were almost as good as his. Toshiro was also going to Tokyo University and was also a pre med major. Although he was a sophomore. He was known as a prodigy for his amazing grades and understanding of varied concepts at a young age.

"Should I give her a chance? Or look at somebody else? She seems like a talented person, though according to another employer a little bit clumsy. I think I'll hire her" Toshiro thought.

"I'll just give the file to Matsumoto, their friends, so I'll give her the task of telling her she's hired ." ˆ

In truth, Toshiro was just way too tired to do it himself which is why he was giving the file to Matsumoto.

He walked out of the room and into the hallway where he crossed Matsumoto's desk. While he was crossing, he dropped the file on her desk and said:

"Call her, she's hired"

"Really? I knew she was good, what did I tell you?" Matsumoto said excitedly.

"What? Momo is hired?" Kira and Renji simultaneously asked

"Yup, she's hired" Matsumoto screamed down the hall.

All of sudden, loud shouts of, "Yeah!" and "Sweet!" were heard all around the office until Toshiro stuck his head out and screamed:


"Party pooper" Matsumoto muttered while Orihime who was the next desk down just giggled.

"What did you say Matsumoto?" Hitsugaya said, his eyebrow twitching.

"I said that your a human version of Adonis sir" Matsumoto said with a small laugh.

Toshiro just stared at her like she had grown two heads.

"No comment" was all he said before he shut the door.

If it wasn't for the fact that Matsumoto, Orihime, Renji, and Kira were all his classmates in Tokyo University, he would have probably killed them all especially Matsumoto.

Almost all of his staff were his classmates/friends. Ichigo Kurosaki, who worked in the economics part of the company was always near the seemingly PMS'ing Snowball. He is majoring in economics and business. He is 20.

He was working off college loans, as were the rest of them.

Rukia, another person in the office, who worked as an accountant and was majoring in art. She was also majoring in Business. She hoped to one day open an extremely famous art gallery one day with all her pieces in them. She is 19.

Apparently there was going to be one entire section dedicated to Chappy drawings.

Orihime was majoring in cooking and was training to become a very high class chef so that she could open her own chain of restaurants, for this reason she was also majoring in Business. Orihime was working as a planner to Hitsugaya. She is 19.

20 year old Renji, who should have majored in clown studies, was majoring in Chemical Engineering. He is currently working in the accounting department with Rukia, much to her dismay.

Kira was majoring in Psychology, and was the person who negotiated deals in the Company. He was very quiet, except when he was drunk. He is 19 years old.

Matsumoto was majoring in pre med studies just like Hitsugaya and is 20 years old, but a few months older then all of her friends in the office.

All of them were very hardworking...at times...

They all were also very good students. All of them were friends with Momo.

While they were all outside partying quietly, if that was even possible, Toshiro was sitting in his office contemplating what the new assistant would be like, would she be like...Karin? Hitsugaya shuddered and then decided to ask Matsumoto.


"Yes?" Matsumoto answered while trying to sneak five jumbo sized sake bottles into her desk that she had just gotten from Kira from a bet.

"Is this, Momo Hinamori, like Karin? Or more mature?" Hitsugaya asked with a hint of nervousness.

"She is nothing like Karin, trust me, she is much more mature and has a fantastic head on her shoulders, well...Technically neck, I mean the head is connected to the neck because of the-"

"Ok, ok, I get it she has a level head, that's all I needed to know." He said before he walked back into his office.

"That's all I needed to know!" Mimicked Matsumoto while she dialed the number.

The phone started to ring.

Someone picked up.

"Hello?" a female voice said on the other line.

"Hey Momo! this is Matsumoto here if you didn't guess!"

"Trust me I know, your the only person who would call me at 9:30 in the morning!" she giggled.

"Well are you ready to hear why I called you?" she asked excitedly.

"Gin broke up with you again?" Momo guessed.

"Yes, but that's not the reason why I called you!"

"Then why did you call Rangiku-san?"

"YOUUUUUUU GOT THE JOOOOOOOOB!!!!!" Matsumoto screamed, causing herself to earn many stares in the office.

"REALLY?" Momo screamed, suddenly getting up and then falling out of the bed in the process.

"Yup! and he wants you to come in ASAP!" Matsumoto said mischievously. This was going to be interesting.

"Ok! I'll be there in about half an hour, ok?

"Great! see ya!"


Momo got ready, grabbed her car keys and walked out of the door and into her car

"I hope he likes me, I mean I really want to keep this job, especially since it will help me pay off my college loans." Momo thought nervously.

"Matsumoto! Did you call Hinamori?" Hitsugaya shouted from his office.


"Good, then I'll go out and get some tea." and with that, he strolled out of his office,

He walked up to the elevator, bumping, and knocking down someone in the process.

"I'm sorry, here, let me help you up." He said courteously.

The person grabbed his hand and he pulled her up.

When he did, he was met with the most beautiful pair of chocolate colored eyes he had ever seen in his entire life.

So how was it? I thought it was okay. Please review!

And thank you xMidnight-Spiritx for the kind review! your my first ever reviewer!