"Hello! Earth to Kelli! Kelli!"

"Huh? What?" I shook my head, looking at Miranda.

"You were off in Dillon land again. Come on, he's such a jerk." Miranda frowned at me.

"I'm sorry, but he's just so cute." I sigh as I watch him practice Baseball. "He has a cute face, his voice is so hot, and he has a nice butt-"

"Kelli!" Miranda shouted. "Get a hold of yourself!"

"I know." I say defeated. "I need to be studying for that test, anyway."

"That's the good ol' Kelli I know." Miranda chuckled.

That's me and Miranda. We live in Crestfallen city, which is close to Cerulean city. Crestfallen is a small city, but it's full of life. This city is famous all on it's own, for it's legends and myths. But one of the major legends in this city is the story of a Mew. I really can't remember it at the moment, bu that one and another one are the main ones.

"Hey, Kelli, did you hear that a Mew was spotted here yesterday?" Miranda asked during lunch. "My Aunt saw it."

"Really?" I almost choke on my Coke. "A Mew?"

Miranda nodded. "Yeah. Several other people saw it, too. Said it was a beautiful sight."

"Was it a Mew that can turn into other Pokemon?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I think so." Miranda pondered. "You gonna eat your banana?"

"Nope." I hand the banana over to her as she grabbed it with glee.

"Hey, look over there." Miranda pointed behind me while she peeled her banana.

I turned around to see Dillon and his current girlfriend talking near the corner of the cafeteria. She looked unhappy, and then she stomped on his foot and ran outside. Dillon just stood there, shrugged, and then walked off.

"He's such a jerk. You can do so much better than him," Miranda spoke while eating her banana.

"Maybe he's just looking for the right girl." I say. "Look at all his past girlfriends. They were all just using him, or didn't even love him."

"Whatever." Miranda shrugged as the bell then rang.

"I'm going over to Miranda's!" I shout as I grab my coat off the chair.

"Hold it!" My mom said then, walking up to me. "Don't be out late, OK? Your brother's birthday is tomorrow, and I don't want you sleeping in."

"That's right!" Damen, my little brother added, walking up and crossed his arms. "Tomorrow is very important to me. Daddy's going to take me get my first Pokemon."

"I promise." I mumble, rolling my eyes.

"Why didn't you get your first Pokemon?" Damen asked.

"I didn't want one."

"Why not?"

"Because..." I didn't know why, either. Miranda has a Pokemon. "I don't know.

"You wanna come with me tomorrow and get yours?" Damen asked.

"Ok, hold up. What happened to my devil of a brother?" I put my hands on my hips and frown. "When did you start being nice?"

"Because I want you to have a Pokemon, too." He frowned back at me.

I then bent down and put a hand on his head and messed up his hair. "Thanks, Damen. I'll take you up on that offer."

I then stood up and told him bye. I then closed the door behind me and started to walk towards Miranda's house. It was a little chilly outside, so I'm glad I brought my jacket. The only lights wee the streetlights above the street. As I walked down the street, I found a small group of Meowth prowling around at night. Probably looking for some food.

I took a right at the intersection and continued to walk. The moon above was bright, and the sky was cloudless. The stars twinkling all over. I stopped when I saw a shooting star. I smiled and cupped my hands together. "Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might, to have this wish I wish tonight."

"Wait, that's not right." I laugh and then shrug. "It's the same thing. I wish that everything can change from here on. I would really like to be a different person by tomorrow. Hopefully someone that can attract Dillon. And I really want to have my own Pokemon. One that is unique and different than anyone else."

"Bye, Miranda!" I say as I leave her house.

"Bye Kelli!" Miranda calls from upstairs.

I decided to take the shortcut through the forest to get home. Every time I leave Miranda's, I always take this route. It's quicker this way anyway. The forest was quiet. The only sounds were a few Hoothoot and Noctowl in the distance. I made my way around a few trees, when I spotted something in the distance. It was a bright light.

I snuck around to see where it was coming from, and noticed there was a camp there. Several guys were sleeping, and some were snoring loudly. There were also several cages near them, but they were empty, except for one, that I could tell.

Pokemon hunters! I ducked behind the bushes when one of them rolled over on his back. I have to rescue that Pokemon.

I crawled towards the cage with the Pokemon in it. As I made my way up to it, I froze. It was that very Pokemon Miranda was talking about earlier. A Mew. It's slumped body was breathing heavy, and it's eyes were closed. It had some wounds all over it, too.

I crawled up to it and started to whisper to it as I tried to find a way to open the cage. "It's OK, I'll help you out of there." It was locked. I needed a key to save it. And the key was attached to one of the sleeping guys. "Crap. Hold on, OK?"

It opened it's eyes a little and slowly lifted it's head, staring at me. No, it's quite alright.

What was that? I thought.

It's me, Mew.

It sounded like it was in pain, too. Don't worry, I'll get you out of this cage.

I'm not long for this world. I'm too wounded to be healed, and too exhausted to heal myself. Listen to me, Kelli.

It knew my name? And it could speak telepathy. That was new.

Kelli, I sense you have a kind heart. Your soul is pure white. It's weak paw reached out and touched my hand. I know that this choice I make is right, now. You deserve this.

"Deserve what?" I whispered to it. "What are you talking about?"

This gift. I'm giving you a gift. I hope you use it, well. Before I could say anything, Mew's body grew bright, and turned white. I was taken back. I gasped. My body felt as light as a feather. I felt something course through my body. A new energy.

Before I knew it, my eyes were droopy, and I fell asleep. That last thing I saw was that Mew's body was slowly fading away.

"Damen, could you go wake your sister? Honestly, I told her not to stay out to late." My mom complained as Damen then rushed up the stairs.

"Hey, sis, time to wake up!" he called as he jumped on my bed. My body jumped up at this, and I frowned as I let out a small yelp in surprise.

"Damen, don't do that!" I shouted at him.

I looked at his face. He had a surprised look on his face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was wide open. He pointed up at me, and started to speak. "Kelli, you...you...!"

"What? Spill it!" I cried, and looked at my mirror to my right. What I saw made me scream my lungs out. I rushed out of my bed and over to my mirror, terror was my main emotion at the moment. Both my hands reached up to the top of my head. At the top were two pink, long ears. I started to pull at them, and winced in pain as I did. Then I poked one, and they both shot up, and then back down. I let out another scream.

"Sis! You have a tail, too! Look!"

I dared not to look. But I did, and I cried out again. There were six, orange Little curly tails near my butt. I reached behind me to pull one of them and I winced in pain once again.

"What's going on!?" I let out.

"Kelli!?" My parents shouted as they bolted into the room, and froze when they saw me. "Kelli?" The echoed each other.

Tears were brimming my eyes now as I held myself. Then my body started to grow a bright, white light, and the ears and the tail were gone. But in their place, I sprouted Butterfree wings, a green leak grew from my forehead like a Chikorita's, and my hands became a red and blue rose, like a Roselia.

"Wow! This is the best Birthday ever!" Damen cied out and then hugged me tightly.