[A/N: Hey! I'm writing this with my sister Leah, aka liebedance and it's also posted on her account. Obviously you only should review one of us and we'll share with each other. Sorry if it's annoying then we can just change it so that it's just on this account. But please do review, it'll make my heart happy! and I'll then definitely try to review your work too. It'll be a reviewing party!

Disclaimer: Sirius: Hi James

James: Hi Sirius. We belong to JKR!

Sirius: I am my own man!

James: Well, I don't mind belonging to Jo. She's amazing!

Lily: Hey! Who is this Jo person? You're mine!

James: But you hate me!

Lily: Shhh!

yeah, It's not mine. :)

Chapter One; Home

I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old,
So I'm going home.

"Fine!" Sirius yelled, his voice hoarse from a night of continuous shouting, "See if I care!"

Walburga drew her wand as her mouth opened, pouring a stream of jumbled curses. The 16 year old boy slammed his door in her face and started stuffing everything he could get his hands on into his school trunk.

"No son of mine will ever be seen riding such muggle filth! Why couldn't you be like Regulus? He doesn't seem to mind having everything he's ever wanted!" The door of Sirius's bedroom blasted down and Walburga continued in her rage. "Everything you've ever wanted! We are Blacks! You could've been anything!"

"What if I'd rather be anything but a Black!? You and you're bleedin' pure-blood mania! What's really pure about this family is its pure stupidity!" Sirius roared, "And DON'T talk like that about my baby! She's NOT muggle filth!"

"Anything but a Black? If you aren't a Black, you are NOTHING!" Walburga's black curls fell out down around her face, showing how far gone she had gone. It was a rare thing that could make this arrogant woman look anything but put together and elegant. "And you speak as though you love the filth! Why? Why can't you be proud of what you are?"

"I've only ever been PROUD, Mother! It's all I've ever been good for!" Sirius cried, abandoning his half packed trunk so that he could look right at his mother's eyes. "And I REFUSE to be proud of this! I can't be proud that my baby brother is going to be a killer! I can't be proud that my own flesh and blood doesn't love me! I can't be bleedin' PROUD that I'm a wizard if that means I have to sit quietly and politely in this god-damn house and pretend like I believe in your bullshit!"

Walburga lost all her heat at this and her face was wiped clean of every emotion as she spoke. "Very well. Leave. Don't be a Black. You have never been anything but a disappointment and it's just better for everyone if you just leave."

Sirius' anger froze over and he stared at his mother. She stood up taller and stared right back at him. A tall man with deep set eyes and thin lips appeared behind her. He too stared at his son. There was a silence so dense it fogged up Sirius' brain and every plan his tired, rage-rushed mind had concocted dried up.

"Well, brother, are you leaving or what?" A cool voice sounded. A fourth person had now entered the room and stood lazily against the wall by the door. "Are you going to fly off with your "baby" and never look back?"

Sirius found his brother's sorrow-drenched eyes and nodded. "I guess so. I tried, Regulus." Regulus held his brother's gaze for a moment before determinately looking away with a forced expression of indifference.

Sirius left his trunk at the foot of his bed, his permanently stuck posters on the walls and his desk scattered with school work and letters from his friends. Sirius shoved past his 'family' and walked down the stairs, his parents and brother continued behind him clumped together, as though making sure he didn't dare come back up. He stopped on the second floor, in front of the drawing room, to turn back toward the others.

"Can I have some money?" His voice was dry and his tired anger was smothered under forced casualty.

His parents just looked at him and Regulus snorted softly in amused disbelief. After a few seconds of silence, Walburga shouted wordlessly and pushed open the door to the drawing room. She pulled out her wand and pointed it threateningly at her eldest son. Sirius froze momentarily thinking 'Seriously, she's going to kill me? I knew I shouldn't have asked for cash.' Walburga then spun around and pointed at the tapestry of her family tree. Cursing, a green light flared up and burned away Sirius' name.

She continued to roar curses and vulgar words as she fell to her knees in distress. Regulus' eyes widened and he bent down to touch his mother's shaking shoulders.

"Mom?" He spoke tenderly while flashing a look of pure hatred at his brother. Orion's eyes seared with contempt as he locked eyes with his first born son.

"Go." Orion's voice was deathly calm and with that one word all Sirius' vague hopes dried up. "You're leaving, so leave."

Walburga cried out again. "Go! You filthy muggle-loving brat! Go! Just go!"

Sirius nodded and ran full speed out of the house, slamming the door behind him.


There was no feeling like riding his true love; especially when he was all riled up in the middle of the night. Sirius breathed deep and felt the rush of his blood pulsing loud against his eardrums. He knew the faster he went, the farther away he could get and although he wasn't sure his destination, there was something just so sweet about this escape. How could his family possibly think something was awful just because it was muggle?

Sirius loved his muggle motorbike and yes, he was being a bit materialistic, but it truly was an incredible piece of engine. It was flying him far above London now. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this muggle motorbike can fly. He looked down at Big Ben and the tower bridge, all lit up. He was tempted to zoom around the towers but remembered harshly that he wouldn't be able to use his family's money to get himself out of trouble anymore.

"Shit." And thus the balloon of sweet escape popped inside him. Hotels were out of the question as he had no money; as was staying with any relatives. He didn't have any friends in London that weren't in the pureblood upper crust, since those were the only people he'd ever been allowed to see during the Holidays outside of his school friends.

His brain froze momentarily until he realized that he was flying Eastward out of London. He was making his way to the Potter Estate. After the 2 hour flight he smelt the familiar sea air that was so softly strong in Leigh Beck of Canvey Island. The sun started to rise, pink and yellow, over the English Channel. He steered his bike to the coast and began to let his bike fall slowly down to a graceful landing on Beveland Rd.

He drove slowly up their driveway and parked his bike by the mostly empty garage. He checked his watch and winced, it was about 3 in the morning. Sirius stood there for a while thinking. It wasn't as if he could ring the doorbell at this ungodly hour. Sure, the Potters had known him and loved him for years, but that didn't mean they would be pleased to be woken up by a rebel teenager at 3 in the bleedin' morning.

He considered breaking in but guessed that they surely had protection spells all around their property. Thinking on it now, it occurred to Sirius that it was strange that he had even made it up their driveway. His parents would never have this crazy lax security, especially in a muggle neighborhood. Of course, the Potters were strongly against all pureblood supremacy that was stirring up lately so that wouldn't be a thought on their minds. Even still though, they were just as wealthy as the Blacks and it made sense for them to have stronger wards, just for security's sake.

These thoughts were bouncing around Sirius' head while he gave up getting into the house. He would just ring the bell in the morning. In the mean time, he left his baby there by the garage and walked around to the back yard that faced the ocean. It was a hot July night and hours till Sirius would be able to say hi to the family. He plopped down on the grass near the beach and stared at the sun in a very stupid way that would probably blind him.

"Good morning sunshine," Sirius whispered as he collapsed into a deep slumber on the grass.


James Potter squinted as the early morning sun shone into his room, waking him up to the first day of his summer holiday. He checked his watch, 7:05a, and groaned. He was still in school mode and unable to sleep in. The 16 year old boy ran his hand through his untidy black hair and pushed himself out of bed with a sigh. He made his way over to his window and looked out over the yard. Yes, it was good to be home. True, he always missed Hogwarts when he was on holiday, but there was nothing like the comforts of his own house. And having his own room never hurt.

James squinted at something lying under a tree near his parents' driveway. It seemed to be a person. He looked a little harder and recognized a dark red sweatshirt he'd only ever seen on one person before.

"Sirius, what have you done now?" he said to himself, chuckling. He wondered why on earth his best mate of five years was laying under a tree near the driveway. It was not unlike Sirius to make an impromptu visit to the Potter Estate in an attempt to escape the family he so detested, but this was the first time he'd ever fallen asleep in the yard. James grabbed a pair of muggle jeans from his closet, put them on and made his way out of his room towards the yard to see what Sirius was doing.

"Master James?" a small, squeaky voice sounded, causing James to jump, as he came down the marble staircase into the foyer, "what is you doing up so early during your holiday?"

"Oh, hello Tinkey, you scared me. I couldn't sleep and I think Sirius is sleeping in our yard."

"Tinkey is sorry, Master James. What is Master Sirius doing asleep in the yard? Is he not knowing there is always a bed for him here? Is you wanting Tinkey to make up his room, Master James? Breakfast too, Master James"

"I don't know why he's here, Tinkey. And, yeah, that would be great, thanks."

"Anything for Master James and his friends," the house elf said with a bow before hurrying off to fix up the room that Sirius usually stayed in when he visited the Potters. James smiled at the elf and continued down the stairs and out the front door.

It was a nice day. The sun was already shining from a cloudless sky, warming the ground beneath James' bare feet. A slight breeze rustled the leaves in the bushes and trees. James knew it would be a good day, especially with Sirius here. There was only one thing that could make it better, but he pushed the thought of a certain red haired girl out of his head, choosing to concentrate instead of the mysterious presence of Sirius.

"Rise and shine, mate," James said, kicking his friend gently in the ribs.

"Go away, I'm sleeping," Sirius mumbled, swatting a lazy hand at James' foot.

"Oh, come on. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. I think Tinkey is making bacon…"

"Bacon?" Sirius lifted his head, "Bacon is good."

"Yup, but you won't get any if you continue to lie in the grass. You know how my parents are about sit down meals." James offered his hand to his friend, who took it and got stiffly to his feet.

"Y'know, you need to tell your parents to make their grass more comfortable," Sirius complained as he brushed dirt off his pants.

"Yes, I really should. Since normal people sleep on it all the time. What are you doing here, asleep on my lawn anyways?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's good to see you too. You kick me to wake me up then ask why I'm here. I'm feeling very loved at the moment."

"You're the one who was asleep in my yard! I think I'm allowed to wonder why, aren't I?"

"Fine," Sirius said with a shrug, "I left home. Can I stay here?"

"Well of course, Tinkey is already making up your room. I saw you from my window. How long do you want to stay? Where is your stuff?" James began walking towards the house.

"Well, I was kind of hoping to stay here indefinitely," Sirius answered casually, following James up the driveway, "And I don't really have any stuff with me… I kinda forgot it all." James stopped and turned around to face his friend.


"You heard me," Sirius answered, continuing to walk towards the front door, "I left, ran away. And I was kinda hoping that I could stay here, y'know, during the holidays until we graduate and I can get a place of my own. And I was angry so I forgot to bring my stuff with me when I left. I don't think that I can go back and get it though… They are all kind of furious at me. I feel like a lot of loathing is going on in the House of Black at the moment. So I'll need all new stuff. Hopefully I can still get into the family vault at Gringotts. I do still have the Black name."

"Are you okay?" James hurried to catch up with Sirius, "I know you didn't get along with your parents-"

"Despised would be a more appropriate description," Sirius interrupted bitterly.

"Okay. I know you despised your parents. But what about Regulus, I know-"

"Regulus is one of them now. I don't care about him."

"Sirius… I know you care about your bro-"

"He's not my brother anymore."

"I know you don't really feel that way."

"You don't know what I feel. Just drop it," Sirius stopped at the front door.


"James, drop it." He pushed open the front door and walked into the foyer. James sighed and followed him into his house.

"Well, it must mean something that he didn't tell you're parent that you like blokes. He apparently doesn't want you dead," James said softly, trying to lighten the mood. Sirius just grunted.

He knew Sirius and he knew that whatever caused him to leave his house bothered him. But he also could tell that he did not want to talk about it and he knew Sirius well enough to know not to push.

"Okay, fine. We should probably tell my parents that you'll be staying here for a while. I'm sure they won't mind. We both know they love you. Then we can eat the breakfast Tinkey made."

"Mmmm, bacon," Sirius said with a smile as the two boys went to the dining room to find the Potters.


"You know, your family is awesome," Sirius said when he and James were back in James' room after breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Potter had told Sirius that he was welcome to stay with them as long as he wanted to.

"Yeah, I'm a fan," James agreed. "There really is nothing like family, and no place like home."

"Especially when family is the Potters and home is the Potter Estate," Sirius laughed.

James rolled his eyes. His friends loved to make fun of the large piece of property that the Potter's house sat on. Sirius' family probably had more money than the Potters did, but the Blacks lived in a concealed house in London. James had only been to No 12 Grimald Place once and, while the place clearly spoke of money it was much darker and enclosed than the Potter Estate. Neither of James other friends, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, were poor. But neither of their families were as wealthy of the Potters and they all got a kick out of the 5 acre plot with gardens and a small pond on which James' house stood.

"So, how did you get here?" James asked Sirius, changing the subject.

"Remember that bike I was telling you about?" Sirius asked with a mischievous grin.

"No way."

"Yes way. I flew it over. It was a nice flight."

"But, we're underage! How did you do that?"

"Well, see, there's a loophole. As long as I didn't enchant it to fly, I can fly it without getting into trouble. It has an invisibility feature and everything, so muggles can't see it."

"Awesome. Too bad we can't take it to school. How awesome would that be? I bet your parents weren't too happy with it."

"That would be the understatement of the world," Sirius laughed. After a moment he added bitterly, "y'know, we should probably go to Diagon Alley soon. I need to get out enough money to get all new stuff before my parents inform the Gringotts goblins that I no longer have access to the vault."

"Yeah. I kind of want some stuff for my broomstick anyways. Shall we inform my parents that we'd like to go immediately?"

"Definitely. And I know the perfect way to get there."

[A/N: see the button! Press the button! Review! Decrease world suck!

oh, and btw, there won't be any Author's notes on liebedance, so you can choose if you wanna hear me be pathetic or not! Thanks!]