Chapter 10: Let Them Watch

Cho awoke to a warm body lying on top of her nude body. She watched Hermione progressively cuddle closer to her body. Cho lowly climbed out of the bed and headed towards the shower.

As light hit her face, Hermione awoke nude in an empty bed, she looked around the room for Cho, and she heard the shower running. Hermione hesitated in whether or not she wanted to get in the shower with her newly found lover, but the shower turned off and Cho came out in nothing but a towel.

Walking slowly so that she wouldn't wake her lover, Cho made her way to the closet and dropped the towel onto the floor. She look through her closet looking for something to wear, two warm arms wrapped around her waist as a light vanilla scent took over her senses. "Good morning."

Hermione loved the way that their nude bodies meshed together so perfectly and so closely. Cho turned around and kissed her gently on the nose. "Good morning to you too." They both changed into more comfortable clothes and went to take a walk around the lake.

"I have to get to practice." Cho lightly kissed Hermione after they walked around the lake and took a seat under a shady tree. Hermione kissed her back, "Okay, we can talk later." Cho nodded as she headed to quidditch practice. Hermione walked back to her room.

As she sat in her room, Hermione had been thinking long and hard about their relationship when Cho showed up and headed to Cho's room. Cho kissed her on the lips, Hermione drew her in again. Cho kisses became a little rougher. As they lay in the bed making out, Cho pulled Hermione to straddle her hips. They stop to catch their breath, "Sorry I'm still worked up from practice."

"It fine, I've missed you." As Hermione smiled down at her, Cho held her hand and kissed it, "Good, did you want to talk?" Hermione nodded as she tried to get up from Cho but Cho held her by her waist. "I like you right there." Hermione adjusted so that she was comfortable, "Okay but no kissing while I'm talking, promise?"

Cho held her hands up in surrender, "okay, what's on your mind?" Hermione took Cho hands into her own entwining their fingers, "Are you gay or bi?" Cho took a second to really think about the question, cause she had never really thought about it. "Well I never really thought about it, I mean you're the only girl I've really been interested it in an intimate way."

Nodding at Cho's answer, "I understand, I feel the same way, okay next question are you comfortable going out in the open with our relationship?" Cho shrugged her shoulders," I don't mind, but I don't want to take that step if were not ready." Hermione pulled her hand away, "I don't think I'm ready." Cho chucked and got onto her elbows to kiss Hermione lightly, "don't worry about it we have all the time in the world."

She placed her hands on Cho's shoulders and smiled, "What did I say about the kissing?" Cho smiled as she began to run her hands up and down the girl's thighs. "You didn't say I couldn't do that." She watched Hermione's eyes darken with lust; Cho pushed her hips into Hermione's center.

The moan came out unexpectedly, "your lucky I didn't have anymore questions." Cho smiled, "that's the kind of luck I love." Hermione leaned forward and roughly kissed Cho. Cho grabbed Hermione's ass bringing her closer to her body. Hermione pushed her hips down to Cho hips.

They were disturbed by a knock on the door. Hermione refused to get up from her hot seat as she continued to assault Cho's neck with open mouth kisses. "Baby I have to get the door." Hermione groaned as she got up, "Can't I just make out with my girlfriend in peace."

Hermione rolled off of Cho and into the bed; Cho got off the bed and answered the door. It was the blonde from this morning. "Can I help you?" Cho blocked the door way as she addressed the intruder.

The blonde looked over at Hermione and smirked at the bookworm, "Cho I was hoping to get a little but of private time with you so that we can talk?" Hermione eyes narrowed, she knew that this blonde tramp wanted more than just words with Cho. "I'm busy with Hermione."

Even as she clearly didn't want the blonde there, Cho could tell this girl wasn't going to give up that easily, "I'm sure she won't mind if I steal you away for a day." Cho was soon being dragged our of her room and into the hallway, students were traveling back and forward trying to get to by as quickly as possible.

A very infuriated Hermione jumped of the bed and ran after them. She lost sign of them among the swarm of students, she pushed her way carefully looking among them for any sign of Cho, and she spotted them in the center of the swarm as the blonde grasped Cho's arm firmly as Cho attempted to pull away but not make a scene. Hermione began to head toward Cho when an arm grasped her.

Unsure of what to do about the blonde, Cho knew than Hermione had come after them, she didn't listen to the babbling blonde who was confessing her undying love as people stared at them with awkward stares. She spotted Hermione and she was trying to pull away from someone, a certain red headed male.

As Hermione looked at her captor, she became still with fear as she looked up at Ron, who had tightly grasped her arm, "Hey Babe where have you been disappearing to, you know I was really thinking about what went wrong and how much I've missed you." Hermione could feel the increasing pain in her arm as he grasped her harshly.

Cho pulled away from the blonde, the blonde clawing her skin in the process, Cho headed straight for Hermione. Hermione still stood frozen, before she saw Cho swing at Ron nailing him in the face, the hit sending him to the floor, "Don't you dare touch her!"

The students in the hall froze as they stared at her; Cho realized what she had done. She looked at Hermione and Hermione was staring right back at her. Cho took Hermione's hand, "Are you alright?"

As Hermione awoke from her nightmarish haze wrapped her arms Cho, clinging to her like a lifeline, Cho pulled her close. Cho knew that students were watching, but all she cared out was Hermione. Ron stood up "what the fuck you stupid bitch, give me my girlfriend back."

Slowly and reluctantly, Cho released Hermione as Hermione looked straight at Ron. "I am not your girlfriend Ron, I'm her girlfriend." Ron was take back and then began to laugh, "Bullshit." Hermione entwined their fingers, "It true and I'm in love with her."

Time stood still as Cho stared at Hermione, "You're in love with me?" Hermione nodded. Cho smiled as she looked at the girl that had just admitted her love. "I love you too Hermione, I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Hermione jumped into her arms and kissed her.

Years Later

The brunette cheered as the game was called to a close, and all the athletes landed, their broom sticks in their hands. She waited for her athlete to come out of the locker room; she could here all the athletes cheering all the way down the hall way as they celebrated their enormous victory.

Finally her athlete came out, Hermione smiled as Cho lifted her into her arms kissing her passionately, "Hey love." Hermione giggled as Cho put her down, "You're all sweaty" Cho laughed as she still held Hermione in her arms, "Oh is the all famous Arour too good for my sweat, you were complaining last night." Hermione laughed, "Very true, you're lucky I love you." Cho wrapped her arm around Hermione, "Yes I am, now let's go home."