
Disclaimer: Own story not me….

This is something I thought would be fun to write because it's the five girls and their different reactions to giving birth. I tried to put Anko and Kakashi in there as well but Anko made a personal threat to me that if I ever make her pregnant she'll castrate Kakashi. He was standing behind her crying so I decided not to…for him. Anyways here we go!!! Italics are thinking….

Please review!! It really motivates me and makes me feel good!!! READ AND REVIEW!!


Sasuke X Sakura

"UCHIHA!!!!" Sasuke had dropped the coffee pastry he was currently munching on in the cafeteria when he heard that scream. Leaving said pastry and coffee behind him; he took off for the right wing of the hospital. He was dodging waiting room people, IVs and wheel chairs like crazy.

Damn people move out of the freaking way, can't they see I'm the one my pregnant wife was screaming bloody murder for!?!?

He mentally cursed the people who were getting in his way when he was stopped by traffic in the hall. Caused by a bunch of elderly people going to take their baths or eat or whatever.

What the hell! Why can't these old, people move, they're going out of this world and my baby's coming in. If I miss it because of these oldies then I'll be pissed.

The whole procession stopped and looked back at the young man with onyx eyes, black hair and a strong figure, their eyes bewildered and shocked. An old lady with shining silver hair, a flowered dress on and pink slippers kicked him and pointed a shaky finger at the young father. Apparently he had said that out loud.

"Watch it boy, give me some respect before I slap you and pull out your duck butt hair." She said eyes squinted into a fierce scowl.

"Look lady, I'm trying to get to my wife who's having our first child could you just move?" Sasuke said a little irritable, that duck butt hair comment hit a nerve.

"Make me duck butt!" The old lady says stomping her foot and crossing her arms she really was a stubborn one.

"Get the hell out of my way!" He didn't have time to dink around when Sakura needed him.

"NO!" the lady said with more force in her voice now, like a two year old who doesn't want their nap. Sasuke was about to pick the old lady up and move her himself; probably with a lot of protesting from her when another thing got to him.

"UCHIHA!!!" With that he jumped over the four-foot lady and dashed down the hall again. He came upon a waiting room with ten people sitting in it Naruto, Hinata, Neji, Tenten, Temari, Shikamaru, Sai, Ino, and of course Sakura's parents. He didn't have time to talk, but they all understood, they had heard Sakura's scream quite clearly. Tsunade was waiting at the door.

"My god boy, take any longer and she'll rip the place apart." She said beckoning him into the small room. There lay Sakura sweaty and tired, but she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen; she gave him a death glare.

"It's about time you got here I said you could go eat something not the whole damn cafeteria." She said in between her deep breathes.

"I had just gotten a pastry and a coffee honey, I was only gone for a minute." Sasuke said as he reached over and grabbed her hand so she wouldn't feel abandoned anymore. She scowled more fiercely now, but she relaxed into her pillow knowing he was by her side.

"Felt like two centuries." She said to quiet for anyone but Sasuke to hear. He gave her hand a little squeeze.

"How far is she?" He asks Tsunade.

"She's dilated the centimeters."

"So she's almost there?" He said hopeful, and Tsunade nods. Sasuke sighs in relief the less pain she's in the better. Another contraction comes along and Sakura pushes with all her might.

"Come on honey I know you can do this push." It goes away and she rests. She breathes in deep, and out. She looks at Sasuke and smiles faintly he smiles faintly back. (More a twitch of his lips.)

"Sakura are you sure you're ok?" He said softly. She nods swiftly before pushing again. Her face straining, Sasuke just rubs her back and lets her push, her hand squeezing the piss out of his. It was bad enough that she could crack the ground open with her fist but did she really have to break his hand in half? He just stood there firmly and tried not to show the pain going across his face. The contraction subsided and Sakura eased back into her pillow.

"If this is a boy, we are not having anymore children, he can revive the clan line himself." Sakura said huffily, Sasuke rolled his eyes.

Like that's going to happen, I want at least a girl too.

"One more push and the little one should be home free." Tsunade announces with a smile. Its not everyday you get to deliver your employee's baby. The fated contraction comes and Sakura's face goes into another round of strain this time harder knowing it's the last time. Tsunade is working furiously down…ahem…there. Then suddenly as if by magic we hear a tiny cry and Tsunade holds up a beautiful new baby.

"Congratulations!! It's a boy!" She beams. Sakura releases for the final time into her pillow and smiles very small.

"Dad? Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" Tsunade asks cradling my new born son, I just nod and slowly walk over there, my heart pounding. This is my brand new baby boy.

My boy

I reach for the scissors the nurse is handing me and I take the cord and cut it off. Tsunade then cleans and wraps him up, handing him over to me, crying. I take him gingerly and feel so very strong holding this fragile, fragile boy. I walk over to Sakura and gently hand him to her she gladly takes him and holds him close.

"Hi beautiful, we're your mom and dad we're here to love you." Sakura says this in the most cooing voice and her smile is spread wide. The baby, my son stops crying and opens his eyes, and I almost lose control of my knees. There the purest green, like Sakura's, like my wife's. His hair is jet black and thick for a baby his size. Sakura is kissing him on the forehead, she turns and looks at me over her shoulder, she beams and we kiss, the lightest, softest kiss, but one I'll never forget.

This is my family, my precious family, and I couldn't be happier then I am right now.

I kiss Sakura on the top of the head and then just hold her and watch her rock our baby son to sleep. I sigh, and she looks up at me questioningly, I shrug.

"I can't wait to have more." I say quietly, her face goes sour and she reaches up and pinches me hard in the chest.

Ow! That hurts like hell!!

I back off and give her a 'what the hell was that for!' look. She leans over next to my ear and hisses.

"Fine, you can have the next one yourself!!" I nod and listen to her words; maybe I'll bring it up later when she's not in such a pissy mood. Sakura chuckles and lays back on her pillow, my face must have been amusing. She gives me one last kiss before everyone comes streaming in to see the new Uchiha boy. My chest swells with pride.

My boy.


REVIEW PLEASE!! I loved writing this and there are more chapters to come =)