
Summary: What if Kirk had known about Uhuru and Spock back in the Academy? Nyota can dish the comeback when she feels like it.



Disclaimer: I don't own Star Trek. If I did, this would have been posted from my mansion in Hawaii.


"I don't get it. It must be like making love to an iceberg!"

Nyota Uhuru's steps missed a beat as she crossed the cafeteria. She'd lost count of how many times she'd overheard almost exactly the same the comment and ignored it. But this time she had clearly been meant to hear and something in her snapped. She turned and marched in the direction of its source.

The students at the offending table fell silent and suddenly became very interested in their lunches as she arrived.

"There is something I think you have failed to observe about icebergs."

Almost involuntarily they all looked up at her. She leaned in and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "They're big," she said, favoring them with a wicked smile, "very, very Big." She then turned on her heel and strode away.

At the table, three female students giggled and blushed furiously. One medical corps student tried desparately not to fall out of his seat laughing. And Jim Kirk fixedly studied his plate, considering that his chances of nailing Uhuru had just become somewhat...smaller.