Happy Birthday Itachi! Just a short oneshot made for my Favorite character! ^.^

Perfect Monster :: Incomplete Human




Fate is a cruel beast. So many shinobi can tell you that. I, however, am the unfortunate epitome of this fact.

Torn away from my village, my family, and my team mates. Lying, killing, and protecting all at the same time. The familiar streets of Kohona are now confusing and strange. My family's blood stains my own palms. Those beloved people left behind for a world of pain and ambition.

This day in particular… June 9th. Why?

Because it's a monster's birthday. A boy's birthday. Even now I can't decide which. The monster who killed its' clan and left its brother for dead. Or the boy who served his village and protected his brother at the cost of his honor and status.

Perhaps that monster is a mask to hide the vulnerable boy underneath. Humanity is dangerous to ninjas, and the monster is the perfect shinobi.

Standing over my parent's corpses: Monster, perfect.

Lying to my brother: Monster, perfect.

Wounding my brother's sensei: Monster, perfect.

Indeed, all of these deeds were my gravest sins. I can see each and every face that I've erased from existence. The screams of death, blood warm all over. The flakes of dry blood on kunai. I'll have you know I clean them every night, but it's still not enough. Not enough to wash away the death and agony from my soul.

Of course, there is that boy as well.

Bidding a sad farewell to her. Boy, pathetic.

Shedding tears after the massacre- on her shoulder. Boy, pathetic.

Sparing my brother's life. Boy, pathetic.

Perhaps I can find solace in the scrap of humanity that I have hidden away. Just as she hid herself away, living outside of our village and telling no one. She told me I'd come with her after it all. I knew what she meant. This I disagree with, I most likely will burn in the underworld. Still, she insists. Last time I saw her, she was at her house sitting on that cliff I always tell her not to go near. She had smiled and told me that she was glad to see me.

I walk slowly to that secluded house. The moonlight shines on the old wooden roof. I look over to that cliff and there she is, waiting. But does she wait in vain? Will she only receive the monster? She's swinging her legs over the side again. She saw me. Her bare feet pad across the grass towards me. I don't have the heart to tell her that I'm afraid. Afraid that someone will find out about her and kill her. She laughs and tells me she knows what I'm thinking. Don't worry, she says, remember that I'm a kunoichi. I was your training partner, right? I can handle it.

I just look at her liquid aqua eyes and the human inside fights that monster, but it's just too weak…

Happy birthday, she says. I'm glad you came. And she hugs me and tells me she's glad I'm not hurt. But her eyes tell me she inows of those gaping wounds on the boy inside. The only way to heal a wound, she has told me so many times, is to let it breathe.

So I did. I let out that human just for tonight. And now, as I look back upon it, I realize that maybe those wounds closed a little bit.

*sniffle* I'm so sappy!