This story is something I came up with when I was watching a weird but cute comercial XD'' I'm pretty sure this is an original Fairy Tail, and if not, I never heard of a fairy tail such as mine O: So don't go all flame flame on me!!! Cuz yeah... In my opinion, I thought there was no fairy tail like mine u.u'' Any ways on with the story!!!!!! Enjoy!

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No No 22 presents...

The Curse of the Endless Witch

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Once upon a the land of Konoha, lived a Prince and a Demon. The Prince was ever so powerful, with hair as golden as the sun and as wild as a lion's mane, and eyes as clear as the sky. The Demon was ever so gentle, with hair as red as flames and eyes as deep as the ocean. The Prince, was of pure royal blood, not a speck of commoner in him. The Demon was not of royal blood, the reason most of the royal advisors disapproved when the Prince had announced his love for the Demon....But that was not the only reason. When the Prince had told his parents, wrinkled from age, but still so beautiful, about his love for the Demon, they were enraged. Not because she had no royal blood, but because where she came from and what she was. The Demon was a fox demon, who's sister was a witch. The Prince's parents knew about the trechory of the Witch. How the Witch causes nothing but harm to everything and anyone that crosses her path. How all her spells, jinxes, hexes, and dark magic were endless. Her spells always had a cure...but those cures were so impossible to get or do, so they were never cured, they never had an end...the people were cursed endlessly. The Demon's sister was the Endless Witch...

The Demon tried her best to convince the Prince's parents that she was not like her sister, that she was actually the opposite of her sister. But the elders never listened, and rejected her countless of times. The Prince, deeply in love with the Demon, stood by her side, and insisted his parents to give the Demon a test. They agreed.

"To show that you are not like you're sister...

You must stop your sister from ever tormenting the kingdom ever again.

To never set foot here ever again!"

The Demon was shocked by the test, and even protested against it, asking for another test. How could she tell her beloved sister to leave her and her home? But the elders silenced her.

"That is our final word... If you love our son as you claim, you will do as we say."

The Demon had quietly agreed to do her test. The Prince had not been happy by his parent's test, nor was he happy see the Demon so upset, but he had no power in this situation. And so, the next day, the Demon went to the cave that was located at the border of the kingdom, where she and her sister lived. Her sister, hair as pale as weat and eyes as warm as honey, welcomed her home lovingly. Most of the kingdom's people suspected the Witch to be utterly hideous, with blotches and warts covering her skin. But on the contrary, the Witch was blessed with beauty of a young woman. The Demon, never prepared for a situation like she was in, told her sister to leave the kingdom. At first, the Witch thought of it as a joke, but when she saw her sister plead her to leave and never harm anyone in the kingdom, the Witch had felt numb...then furious. The Demon explained how she had fallen in love with the Prince, and deeply wanted to marry him, but for her to do that, the Witch would have to leave and not harm the people in the kingdom. The Witch was enraged with her sister, enraged that she had chosen a man over her, but even so, she loved her young sister. The Witch knew that the Demon was still young, that she still had not been on this Earth as long as she has, so she had a compassion for her, but not enough to leave without a consequence.

"Very well, I shall leave... But for a price."

The Demon had smiled that her sister had calmed down and was glad that her sister would let her marry the prince. She had told her sister she'd do anything, whatever she asked.

"On the 15th birthday of your first child, they will fall in love

They will fall in love with a monster...

A monster as cold as ice, with a lust for power and blood, a monster with no heart

That monster will break your child's heart and leave them without a care

And when that day comes, your child shall cry

Cry and cry, forever, with no end

Till death takes their sorrowful heart"

The Demon was devastiated, horrified at her sister's curse. And she, of all people, knew that her curses were endless, they last forever. She was after all, the Endless Witch. The Demon sobbed sorrowfully, not bothering to plead her sister to lift the curse, for she knew that the curse had been placed, it was done, there was no chance for it to be lifted, not even by the caster. But like all curses, there was a cure, and the Demon asked her sister what it was.

"For your child to be rid of the curse... They could either do one of two things

One...they could find new love, find a love that would accept them, though they are always crying

Or two, they could try to win that monster's heart

Either way, they have to get someone to love them back"

The Demon thought of the two options. The second was impossible. How could her child make the monster that had no heart fall in love with them? The first was more simple... All they would have to do was find someone who would love them no matter the tears that never stopped flowing. She had said that out loud to her sister, pleased that her sister hadn't gave her an impossible cure.

"True that anyone can fall in love with a child with endless tears...

But it would be the child, who would learn to love them back

After all...

They'd be in love with a monster."

And with that said, the witch disappeared, leaving her sobbing demon sister behind in the cave, leaving her to her misery.