A/N- Thank you everyone for the amazing reviews. They really inspire me to write. No, seriously, I'm not just saying that to get more reviews, I'm saying that because at night when I should be doing homework but am instead browsing , I'll stumble on my review page and read some, and I'm like – "wow, they really like this. I should write some more." Which might explain why I tend to forget to do my homework. Anyway, here's the next chapter of 2 Worlds Collide! Enjoy!

Oreius took a large gallop forward toward the crowd, and the people scattered, clamoring backwards to avoid the horse-man. Only the four solitary children remained where they were. Oreius stopped about 10 feet ahead of them, and ran his eyes down the line they had unconsciously formed, beginning with Peter and ending with Lucy, exactly in the same order they sat in Cair Paravel. They met Oreius' eyes one by one, and straightened to their former regal positions as the centaur sank to his knees and bowed his head.

Peter gulped and with a hint of insecurity and disbelief stated "You may stand General" The Narnian rose up, once again towering over his rulers. "High King Peter, Queen Susan, King Edmund, Queen Lucy." He spoke, nodding at each one in awe. "I must admit my confusion your majesties."

Peter cut him off before he went any farther. "It is to do with the movement of time between Narnia and this world. When we disappeared, we ended up here, in our childly bodies once more. Rest assured, we are the true kings and queens you knew us as." So caught up as he was in talking to a Narnian for the first time in months, Peter failed to notice all of the reporters coming closer to them, taking a transcript of their conversation. It was not until the prime minister rudely interrupted him that he was brought back to where they were.

"Who are you boy?" The prime minister asked of the early teenaged boy who was conversing with the ruler of an other-worldly nation.

With not a hint of the hesitation he was feeling, Peter stepped forward, head held high and spoke "I am High King Peter the Magnificent, Emperor of the Lone Islands, Lord of Cair Paravel, and Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Lion. This is my sister, Queen Susan the Gentle. My brother, King Edmund the Just, Duke of Lantern Waste and Count of the Western March, and Knight of the Noble Order of the Table and this is my sister Queen Lucy the Valiant."

The functional ruler of all of Great Britain sputtered out his answer, "That's preposterous! Don't you lie to me boy. You're what, 14?"

"In this world I may look a teen, but do not mistake my outward appearance or that of my siblings for the truth. We are the rulers of Narnia. And you are?" Peter was getting annoyed, and it was evident to those who knew him, for that last question had merely been a dig at the older man. Peter knew full well who the Prime Minister of England was. One of the many entertainments for him and his siblings during long days of Narnian court was learning to insult nobles in the most respectful way possible. They had become quite skilled at it, and it was times like these that exercises in rudeness came in handy.

The Prime Minister was once again stuttering in his outrage. This young boy had simply walked in and proclaimed himself ruler of a nation primed to help them in their current war. Chamberlain took a menacing step toward the 4 school children, primed to kick them of the park, or even out of London if he could. He was stopped in his tracks by a thickly muscled arm of the centaur general Oreius, who shook his head solemnly at the much smaller man.

"They are our rulers. They will get a say in any and all decisions made about our homeland. You may accept that, or we may all leave."

After a very quick staring match that doubled as a battle of wills between the man and the half-man, Chamberlain nodded and turned his back to them. "We will be making our way to Buckingham Palace. My majesty the King wishes an audience with you." He began at a brisk pace as the crowd parted around him, and as we had just exited the masses, a loud shout rang out from nearby.

"OY, Pevensies. Where do you think you lot are going?" It was Mr. Randolph, and he looked furious.

A/N- Also, some may note that I reuploaded Chapters 3 and 4, because I somehow messed up the name of the park they're at. It's supposed to be Green Park, not Hyde. How did I get them confused you ask? Well, I have no idea. I've never been to London in my life. Maybe it's got something to do with the massive Ferris wheel? Please review!