A.N.) I did this for fun. ^_^ I know this is a crack story, but it was HAUNTING me! I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I don't own The Night World Series.

Dedicated to Purplewolfstar35

Daybreak Online Chatroom

Chapter 1: Randomness

Hannah had created a chatroom website. She had suggested the Circle Daybreak members use it, so that when the some of them go on long missions, they could talk to each other when they had time. Now was a perfect time.

Quinn, Thea, and James were staying in a hotel in Jefferson City, Missouri. Thierry and Gillian were at a hotel in Madison, Wisconsin. Ash, Rashel, and Poppy were in Annapolis, Maryland. Eric, Mary-Lynnette, David, and Hannah were back in Las Vegas awaiting their return. They were in nice hotels and they had separate rooms, but they were missing their soulmates and were bored as hell.

Hannah lied on the bed she shared with Thierry. She missed him so much. She went to the desktop in their room and went to . She typed in the search bar and click enter. DOC stood for "Daybreak Online Chatroom". She clicked the choice that said: Circle Daybreak IM. She logged in and sent invites to everyone. Then she enter a free chatroom.

(The Chatroom)

'Old-Soul' (Hannah) has logged on.

Old-Soul: So alone. So alone.

'Stargazer' (Mary-Lynnette) has logged on.

Stargazer: Hannah if you wanted to talk, why didn't you just say so? Why are we using a chatroom?

Old-Soul: 1) This is cooler. 2) This way we can talk to the others. I sent them invites. I hope Thierry comes on.

'Poppytive-Thinking' (Poppy. Duh!) has logged on.

Poppytive-Thinking: Hi!

Old-Soul: Hi Poppy!

Stargazer: How's Maryland?

Poppytive-Thinking: It's boring. SO BORING!

Stargazer: What happened to "Poppytive Thinking"?

'Secret Vampire' (James) has logged on.

Poppytive-Thinking: Jamie! :D

Secret Vampire: Hi Poppy. Mare. Hannah.

Old-Soul & Stargazer: Hello James.

Stargazer: Hey Poppy. Your with Ash & Rashel right? Can you them to get their behinds' on here?

Poppytive-Thinking: Way ahead of you. They should be on in a bit.

Stargazer: Kay!

'The_Cat' (Rashel) has logged on.

'Ash' has logged on.

Stargazer: 1) Hi Rashel. 2)Why are you using your real name Ash?

Poppytive-Thinking: What were doing when I came in you room?

Ash: Hi Mare. I'm using my real name because I didn't want to waste time making up a screen name. Poppy, I was playing online poker against Quinn. I think he's mad at me now.

The_Cat: Why do you say that?

'Quinn' has logged on.

Quinn: Ash Redfern! You cheated again! Next time I see you, your DEAD!

Ash: Quinn found out I did a cheat code that lets me see his hand.

Quinn: Not only that! He did another cheat where he could pick which cards he wanted for his hand!

Ash: That's preposterous.

Quinn: You don't even know what 'preposterous' means!

Ash: …………Touché.

Quinn: Oh yeah. Hi Rashel.

The_Cat: Hi Quinn.

Lost-Witch (Gillian) has logged on.

Poppytive-Thinking: Gillian?

Lost-Witch: You got it. Hey Rashel. Your friend Tom called and said he coming for a visit in 2 weeks.


The_Cat: No Gillian. It's Tim. As in 'Timmy'.

Quinn: That little pest.


Quinn: Hn.

Old-Soul: I'm bored. I'm gonna log off now kay?

Ash: I going too.

Everyone else: Yeah. Bye.

Everyone logged off.

A.N.) Do you like it? Do you hate it? Please please review!