A/N: This is a story that's literally been bugging me for years. A bit of a warning, there is some strong language in later chapters and it's definitely very different from 'Flat Screen Saga'. I really hope you like it.


"Ordinary life does not interest me. I seek only the high moments. I am in accord with the surrealists, searching for the marvelous."

"Jess…I need your help."

Lorelai whispers, looking at the young man standing in front of her, a confused look on his face.

"Come in." He states simply, not knowing how else to react. Moving to the side, he waits for her to step in and then shuts the door behind her. He points to the couch. "Want to sit down? I can make coffee or something…"

Sitting down, she just shakes her head. "I think the sooner I get this out, the better." Jess nods, taking a seat on the other end of the couch, as far away from her as he possible.

"I don't know if you've heard that Rory's getting married."

"Luke's mentioned something." He mumbles in reply, waiting for her to continue.

"I'm sure you can imagine that this isn't the easiest spot for me to be in and, frankly, I'm still not sure what exactly I'm trying to say here but…I don't think she's happy. She's not herself lately and I think she's just going though with this because she thinks she has to, because she's afraid to disappoint my parents and Logan."


She continues, looking down at her hands. "I don't doubt that she has feelings for Logan but I don't think she loves him the way you're supposed to love the one you're going to spend the rest of your life with. And I don't want her to be miserable."

"Well, sorry to break it to you, but Rory's a big girl. I'm sure she knows what she's doing."

"I don't doubt she has very good reasons for going through with the wedding. I'm even willing to bet she's made a few pro/con lists. But she's taking what really matters out of it and settling for a cozy life. She's forgotten how to be over-the-moon happy."

"Let's say for a second I agree with you. What exactly do you expect me to do, Lorelai?" He asks, his voice harsh and angry. "Show up at the church and object to her wedding?"

"Nothing as dramatic as that. Just come. See her. Talk to her. If you think I've completely lost my mind I'll agree with you and keep all this to myself. But I need someone else to tell me if she's happy."

"And you thought I could do that? I haven't seen her in 3 and a half years. I haven't spent more than an hour with her in 6. Why do you think I could tell you that?"

"Because…you know her. I'm old enough to know that there are different ways of knowing someone. And while I can talk movies and food and life with her, you know her like I never will, nor do I want to. You two loved each other. You could deny it but well…I'm not stupid. I saw it. When you share that intimacy with someone, you get to know them. Who they really are. And, hey, it only took you one conversation to get her to go back to Yale. I tried for months. We all did."

"You're overestimating what I did. I was in the right place at the right time. She wanted to go back, I just gave her a push."

"So…why can't you do that again this time? Not give her a push just…see if she needs one. It's even less than that."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair, thinking about what she'd just said. He looks at her and sees her biting her lip -the same way she used to do it, damn it- waiting for his answer. He sighs again and clenches his fists.

"Nope. Sorry. I finally have a good life and I'm not going to mess everything up by going down the same road I always go. I'm not going to risk anything by meddling in something I shouldn't. If she's unhappy, though. She can get a divorce later on. I can't be a knight in shining armor. I've never been one and probably never will be."

"Jess, I'm not asking you to risk anything. Just talk to her. Once. One hour, that's all it would take."

He shakes his head, sadly. "Sorry."

"Yeah, figured this was a long shot." She says, standing up and picking up her purse. "You still should come see Luke sometime. He misses you."

"If he wants to see me, I'm here. I call, I'm being good. I'm just not going back there."

Nodding, Lorelai looks at him again. "I understand. I'm sorry if anything I said today upset you."

Jess stands up as well, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. "For what it's worth…I hope you're wrong."

"Yeah, me too." She sighs, opening the front door and walking out, closing it slowly behind her and leaving the young man looking at it, trying to understand what she'd just asked him.

Almost a week later, Lorelai is sitting in her living room, watching TV when she hears the phone ringing. She picks it up and pushes the button, waiting to hear her daughter's voice at the other end, getting ready to talk about menus and favors again.

"Wedding planning central, please state your requests before the tulle attacks again." She says quickly, looking at the pile of material next to her on the couch.

"Lorelai…?" The voice at the other end is barely above a whisper and she turns off the sound on the TV.

"Jess." She just acknowledges him, waiting to hear what he has to say.

"Can you get her there this weekend? I can be there on Saturday."

"I'll find a way."She smiles. "Was the supermarket running a sale on shining armor?"

She hears him chuckling at the other end and relaxes a bit.

"The universe conspired. But I'm not promising anything. I'll just talk to her and see how she is."

"That's all I'm asking."

"And if I think she's happy?"

"I'll back off, I swear."

"See you Saturday then."

"Ok. Jess…than…"

"Don't. Not yet, anyway." He stops her before she manages to finish her sentence and she nods.

"Ok. I'll see you then."