Well this is the last chapter. I hoped you liked the story. Especially you Bestie! I'm gonna re-edit this and I'm off to another adventure! I got the name of the chapter from the song off Sonic Riders Zero Gravity called "Catch me if you can". It's a great song. Well here it is. Review!


"Don't turn around. Don't look back. If you want this that badly don't give in. Don't even look at him!"

"Amy. There you are. I've been looking for you," Sonic said quickly and stepped in front of Amy to block her path.

"Damn, you looked. You looked at those captivating emerald green eyes. The ones you love so much."

Sonic attempted to make eye contact with Amy, but failed as she bent her head down quickly towards the ground. Sonic kinda shuffled his feet back and forth, trying to think of something to say.

"What do you want, Sonic? I told you we weren't friends anymore. I would appreciate it if you would make this easy for me and leave me alone," Amy growled and pushed past Sonic.

"You're not getting away from me that easily." Sonic got a hold of Amy's arm to stop her from going. Amy eyed Sonic's hand around her arm and snatched it away quickly.

"Well if you can answer this question, then I'll let you talk to me," Amy proposed.

"Uh…if I don't like it, can I pass?"

"I'm not playing around. Why did you help her out? Are you too much in love to see that she played you?"

Sonic bit his lip to fight back the laughter, but failed miserably. Sonic hunched over in a laughing fit and slapped his knee repeatedly. Amy felt suddenly embarrassed, and blushed a deep red in response to Sonic's reaction.

"You know what? Forget it," Amy hissed.

"Wait! No, no. I'm sorry. It's just too funny. Me? In love with Crystal? You've got to be kidding," Sonic laughed. "She's not even my type."

"I'm leaving."

"Ok! Sorry. You were serious?"

Amy's blush still dominated her face so much she had to cover her face with her hands and answer, "No, duh!"

"Why would you think that?"

"Why wouldn't I think that! You two were always together and playing around," Amy mumbled because she was too embarrassed to really yell at him.

"That's never gonna happen," Sonic laughed.

"Well then…what did you mean when you said 'Someone had your heart'?"

"What did you think I meant? But you wouldn't let me finish," Sonic reminded.

"I thought you meant…Crystal."

"Do I really have to say what I meant? I don't want you getting all gushy on me."

"I'm not gonna get gushy on you! I'm mad at you remember!? It would be nice to hear it though," Amy argued and gave Sonic a mischievous smile.

"Well…I kinda…meant. Uh, you," Sonic mumbled quickly.

Amy's heart rate sped up dramatically as soon as Sonic said the word you. She almost hugged Sonic, but decided she would tease him a little bit for hurting her feelings.

"Hmm, interesting."

"So, do you forgive me?"


"What do you mean!? I just told you I liked you!" Sonic covered his mouth as soon as the words slipped, fearing the people around had heard.

"I'm fresh out of ideas now. I really screwed up this time. The only idea I have left is to kiss her. I don't think I'm ready for that yet... but I know she's wanted it before. Does she want it now?"

"You hurt my feelings…bad. I can't just forgive you like that," Amy explained.

Sonic stepped forward towards Amy and put his hands on her shoulders. "Amy, I'm really really sorry. I know you here it all the time. But I'm being real this time. Lemme make it up to you."

Sonic leaned forward towards Amy and shut his eyes. Amy's eyes widened and she started to panic and put a finger in front of her lips. Sonic lightly kissed Amy's finger for a second, before he realized it wasn't her lips. He blinked a couple times and opened his eyes to Amy shaking her head.

"Just because you try to kiss me, doesn't mean I'll forgive you. Besides people are staring," Amy whispered nervously.

Sonic glanced to the street, and saw a crowd of people staring at him and Amy. He pulled away quickly and stepped away from Amy.

"Well, how about we go somewhere else. Like a date," Sonic suggested.

"I've heard that before."

"Well I mean it. Right now."

Amy looked down, at her worn out dress, and back up ar Sonic. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously."

"But I'm a mess."

"Amy you look nice. You always do."

"Are you saying I'm pretty?"

"Yes. Now lets go," Sonic said anxiously, eyeing the people staring at him, and scooped Amy up and dashed off towards downtown Station Square.


"Here we are, Ames." Sonic set Amy down in front of an expensive looking restaurant, called Wine n' Dine, and ushered her towards the door.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

"No! Your not even old enough…I am," Sonic said proudly.

"Your not drinking in front of me. Besides you're the one taking me home," Amy argued.


Sonic pushed Amy through the restaurant and pulled a chair out for her, before forcefully sitting her down. Amy bowed her head nervously, seeing all the people staring at her. Sonic looked at all the people once, causing everyone to immediately put their heads down.

"Thanks," Amy mumbled.

"You look fine. Honestly." Sonic reached over and pulled a piece of grass out of her hair and flicked it off his gloved fingers.

Amy blushed furiously and looked down. "You were serious about making it up to me, huh?"

"Yep," Sonic replied confidently. "And there still is much more to come."


"Was it necessary for you to order one plate of spaghetti?"

"Mhm. It's a date isn't it?" Sonic smiled mischievously and wrapped his arm around Amy before exiting the restaurant.

As soon as the two stepped from under the ledge of the restaurant, droplets of rain began to fall from the sky.

"Just great," Amy mumbled.

"Well, we better get you home before it gets worse."

"But, Sonic, you hate the rain. You can go home. I'll be fine really."

"Nah. I think I'll run you home." Sonic picked Amy up bridal style and dashed through Station Square.

It took five minutes to get to Amy's house. By the time the two hedgehogs did, they were soaked from the newly formed thunderstorm. Amy's quills were all stringy and her white dress clung to her body. Sonic's fur was soaked as well.

Sonic set Amy down gently on her porch and they both looked out into the rain.

"Wow. We made it before it got to the worse part," Amy said thankfully. She looked down and realized her bra was showing through her dress and crossed her arms quickly.

"Yeah, your right."

"Sonic, do you wanna stay here. I mean it's raining and all-"

"Nah. I gotta run anyways," Sonic laughed and eyed Amy, "Besides you need to change."

Amy blushed and bowed her head to hide her face from Sonic. Sonic chuckled and stepped forward to grab Amy's chin and tilted it upwards. Amy's blush deepened as soon as she looked in to Sonic's intense eyes. He stared at her for a minute then tilted his head to the side slightly, and parted his lips before kissing Amy

Amy's eyes were wide open in shock as she felt Sonic's soft lips against her own. When she finally realized she wasn't dreaming, she closed her eyes and parted her lips as well, and kissed Sonic back lightly.

As soon as Sonic felt Amy's lips push back gently on his, he considered it a kiss and pulled away. "Well, Ames. You got your dream kiss and I got mines. Heh Heh Bye!"

Amy opened her eyes and felt a burst of wind fly in her face. "Ugh! He thought I was mad this time!? Wait til he sees me next time. Hmph. Men."