Note: This was written to fill a request for 8059 phonesex, not that it turned out porny. Chapter 200 had been released too recently for that.

Half the fun about Gokudera was the explosions - Yamamoto couldn't resist pushing the buttons once he knew they were there, because Gokudera's reactions were alternately hilarious and really, really cute. So he tilted his chair back, feet on the desk of the hotel room he'd just signed in to, and said they could try out phone sex to help him while away the time before he met his contact.

"Wha - what the fuck!" said Gokudera, and Yamamoto had to bite a knuckle to stop himself laughing. He could picture exactly how Gokudera was blushing, all his attention suddenly and violently directed at the phone. Ah, he wished he was home. "The others have barely left the room!"

"I waited until I heard the door shut before I asked."

"Pervert!" Gokudera hissed, sounding almost as scandalised as Haru might.

"It's not like we don't know about the real thing," Yamamoto said, rocking his chair back and forth. He grinned broadly as he thought about the real thing. "Come ooon. Bet you'll like it. So, haha, what are you wearing?"

The words stunned Gokudera into silence for a moment. "I can't believe you."

"Hey, we're both alone. It'll be a while before we see each other again. Won't you miss me?"

"Ha!" said Gokudera, and Yamamoto grinned again; his voice had squeaked, and Yamamoto knew he was blushing again.

"You will! You already are, I bet."

"Fine! We can do it!" Gokudera said, and Yamamoto nearly tipped over his chair.

"Huh?" he said, managing to slam it back onto all fours. That was not the way Gokudera reacted to that kind of statement.

"Shut up!" That was more like it. "The phone sex thing. You want to try it? Fine! Tell me something hot."

Yamamoto stared at the phone, and then grinned delightedly. That was the other fun thing about Gokudera: he could be, in himself, the best and biggest surprise ever.

"Oh yeah?" he said, leaning on the desk. His voice had slipped into a lower register, and Yamamoto realised that he was more serious about his suggestion than he'd thought. What was Gokudera wearing? A suit, maybe his glasses on as he looked over some paperwork ... at a moment like this he'd look so rigid, determined, and uncomfortable in his buttoned-up shirt and tie that the only thing to be done would be to help him out of them.

"Yeah, sure," Gokudera said, and his voice had gone low too, into a cadence that was immediately private. "I think I know what I might like to hear. I remember this one time, you told me about this incident that happened when we were stuck in the future..."

Yamamoto racked his brain. "Remind me a little more," he suggested.

"Hottest thing I ever heard of," said Gokudera. "I still love to think about it. You were fighting - putting everything into it, all intense and focused in that way you get - and then you ran into a WALL."


Gokudera cracked up. "I really do love to think about it, baseball idiot."

"Gokudera," he said.

"Fuck, you're a grown man, don't pout. I'll see you Saturday." He snickered some more, and then his voice went a little warm: "I'll make it up then, since you're that disappointed."

Click. Gokudera could handle being both nice and honest for only so long. Yamamoto stared at the phone in dissatisfaction and put it back on the cradle.

Then he buried his face in his arms and laughed. Well, it was pretty funny.