
Five Years Latter

The Lady of the Western lands stood in the doorway to the Rose Gardens, that her mate had given her five years ago today, laughing at the sight of the Great Lord of the West sitting on the ground playing with a little hanyou girl.

Sesshoumaru looked up at the sound of his wife's laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked with a small smile playing at his lips.

"You, five years ago you never would have done what you're doing now."

"Times have changed," Sesshoumaru said as stood up. Smiling at the little girl still sitting in the dirt he bent down and picked her up. "Isn't that right Asa?"

The toddler laughed and reached a hand out to her father cheeks. The Lady of the West laughed again at the sight that father and daughter made.

Sesshoumaru walked over to his wife and placed a gentle kiss on her up turned lips. He frowned slightly because her scent was some what different, it was the same scent that she had when she had been pregnant with Asa expect that it was slightly stronger than before.

As he opened his mouth to ask what was wrong she smiled at him and her brown eyes seemed to sparkle with a secret that only she knew.

"Mae," Sesshoumaru called to the women who was Asa's nurse.

"Yes my Lord?"

"Take Asa to her room."

"Yes my Lord. Come little one," Mae said as she gently took Asa from her father's arms and walked away.

"What's going on?" Sesshoumaru asked his wife.

"I'm pregnant and Kagome says it's with twins."

Sesshoumaru picked up his wife and swung her around the garden. Then he kissed as if his life depended on it.

"Are you happy Sesshoumaru?"

"Of course you silly girl why wouldn't I be?"

"I love you Sesshoumaru."

"I love you too, Rin." He said as he kissed her again and when at last he broke the kiss Rin, the love of his life, the mother of his children, and the greatest gift the gods had ever given him, was smiling up at him.

The End.

Well that's all. So this is the last chapter in Rin, Remember Me? and it's also the first story I've ever finished. So let me know what you guys thought of this story. Also if you were one of the people who was reading Voice Long Forgotten I'll be rewriting the chapters I have up soon. I'll also be writing a new story about Rin and Sesshoumaru.


I do not own any of the characters from Inuyasha, but everything else I do own.