Mitchie's Prov

I watched from the window as my mum and dad packed up my dad's Mercedes with cardboard boxes filled with decorations. While I watched them load the last box I felt the guilt begin to eat at me I was letting my mum down, I mean this was the first thing she ever asked of me and even my dad seemed happy enough about going which was rare.

I watched as my dad shut the boot of the car and get in the driver's seat as my mum went around to the passenger's door, if I ran down now I could go with them, but just when the idea was settling in my brain my mum looked up frowned and said something, I was pretty sure the word was "disappointment".

"Eugh!" I growled as I walked back to my bed and threw myself face down on it. So much for my guilt now all I felt was annoyance and anger that woman knew how to press my buttons.

Knock! Knock!

What now? I thought bitterly. Was mumbling it to herself not enough? Did she have to come up and say it to my face? Or was she coming up because she took me seriously about the only way I was going tonight was if she forced me?

I rolled over onto my back and sat up, waiting to face her only when the door opened I was face to face with Matt, which was a first since last Saturday. Apart from barging past him in the corridors at school and at home, we hadn't talked because I refused to talk to the traitor. Refusing to talk to him now was going to be harder considering he was in my sanctuary.

He stood awkwardly in the doorway waiting for me to say something no doubt but I was not breaking my vow of silence.

"You know you're really hurting mum by not going tonight." He said after a few seconds.

"Obviously not enough, if she went anyway and called me a 'disappointment'." I found myself arguing automatically but snapped my lips shut again when I realised what I did.

"She isn't calling you a disappointment; she thinks she's one because all the women in her family got their children to become a Deb." Matt snapped. "And as for her going, she had to because she promised the committee she'd help set up just like you promised her you'd do this."

The moment he had spoken the last word, guilt automatically swirled around my body.

"Mitchie." He started, before swallowing hard. "I know this is all my fault, I'm sorry about setting you up last Saturday. I shouldn't have done it just because I don't like the guy, I should've left it alone because he makes you happy. I should have trusted you to know what' who's good enough for you."

"Yes you should have." I smiled lopsidedly. "But thanks for being man enough to apologise I know it probably took a lot out of you."

"Wow, I thought you were just going to kick me out again." Matt said before exhaling in relief.

"I was thinking about it." I laughed.

"So..." He smiled. "Are you gonna do this one thing for mum?"

"I can't." I sighed.

"Mitchie." Matt moaned. "You can't let your pride..."

"Matt." I interrupted. "My pride has nothing to do with it I just don't have a dress, can't be a Deb if you don't have a dress, y'know."

"Oh." He said stopping his sentence abruptly, before a large grin spread across his face. "That's where I can help you." He said before stepping out of the room leaving me confused.

He came back seconds later holding a long navy zip up bag by its hanger.

"Your date?" I joked gesturing to the bag.

"I wish." Matt muttered to himself. "No, this is my sorry for being a jerk present and your solution to the dress problem." He smiled unzipping the bag

He didn't even have the zip the full way down before I seen the silver embroidery on the moss green bodice.

"Oh my...Matt, thank you so much." I said launching myself across the room and hugging him tightly.

"I know it's not white but I seen the way you looked at it in the store..."

"No, it's perfect." I smiled letting him go.

"Good." He smiled. "Let's get going then; we could take your Boxer it's faster." Matt suggested as we left my room.


We jogged quickly into the hotel the ball was being held in and straight towards the main room, ignoring the secretary when she asked if we needed help. Our knowledge of this whole set up would have put her to shame, she would have understood though if she knew who our mother was.

"I'm gonna go find mum, you go on and get ready." I smiled taken my dress from him.

"Oh." Matt said just as he was about to step away from me. "I forgot the shoes that go with the dress, they're back home."

"I'll go get them, where are they exactly?"

"No, I'll get them. Can I burrow your car?"

"Are you sure?" I asked handing him the keys.

"Yeah, you have to find mum anyway." He smiled. "I'll see you soon." He said walking back through the door we came in.

I scanned the room quickly, there were a few women wrapping fairy lights around the pillars in the room but none of them were my mum, a couple of others were rearranging centre pieces on the tables but none of them were my mum either.

I frowned slightly, before making my way back to the reception area, where was she?


"Hi dad." I smiled turning around.

"What are you doing here?" He asked cocking an eyebrow in confusion as he set down the potted plant he was carrying. "Your mum said..."

"Yeah, I know what she said but I'm here now so where is she?" I asked impatiently.

"She's out at the car." He said gesturing towards the car park.

"Thanks." I smiled about to rush past him.

"Ah Michelle." My dad called after me.

"Yeah?" I asked turning around.

"I'm glad you came, means I get to do more than just decorate now." He smiled warmly something I hadn't seen in a while.

"Anytime, dad." I smiled back when the stunned feeling disappeared.

"I'll see you later." He smiled picking up the plant and walking into the main room again.

Who would've guessed that the Debutante ball would rid the bitterness my dad normally wrapped himself in? I thought to myself as I walked towards the car park.

I stood to the side of the door that led out to the parking lot to allow two women through one a blond, whose hair was larger than any country singer's and another holding a box that was covering her face.

I slid past them when they were clear of the door about to make my way out until an annoying nasal voice said my mum's name.

"So, Connie."

I looked around to find the blond speaking to the woman holding the boxes, from behind I seen my mum's chocolate brown hair not covered by the box she was carrying, I turned to catch up with them.

"I noticed Michelle wasn't here during registration, running late again?" The woman smiled slyly.

I rolled my eyes; late one time to a lousy Deb meeting and they never let you live it down.

I watched my mum set down the box and rub her arm uncomfortably.

"She is coming, isn't she?" The woman pressed the same sly smile in place obviously my mum's face gave her away.

I frowned slightly this woman was a total…Anyway whatever she was I'd show her.

"Mum!" I called jogging towards her for show as they both turn around.

"Michelle?" My mum said casually masking the surprise in her voice, but she couldn't mask the shock in her eyes.

I smiled as the blond woman's eyes narrowed slightly and her jaw set in a frustrated manner.

"Sorry, I'm late mum, I had to get my Porsche out of the garage and you know how long that takes." I smiled.

"You have a Porsche?" The woman blurted out.

"Yes. My mum brought it for me for my sixteenth." I smiled linking my arm through my mum's. The only way to get to these people, the people who thought they were better than everyone else was to show them you were better and if that meant using material things so be it.

"Sixteenth?" She repeated unable to hide the shock in her tone.

"Yes, no expense spared for my family, Lorraine." My mum answered, a hint of mocking in her voice.

"Oh, who served you in the dealership?" Lorraine said obviously trying to see if it was second hand or not.

"We wouldn't know that." I said trying to sound disgusted. "The Torres's don't learn the name's of people that aren't in our 'social circle'." I had to try hard to hold a straight face as I put in place the last part of my plan. "Anyway, mum let me get that box for you." I smiled handing my mum my dress and picking up the box. "It was nice meeting you…" I let my sentence trail off. "I'm sorry I'm totally blanking on your name." I smiled angelically.

"It's Lorraine Fisher."

"Mm hmm." I said dismissively as I walked towards the hall my mum following closely behind leaving the blond standing in shock.

"Ha!" My mum exclaimed as we entered the hall. "Did you see her face? Serves the old bag right." She gloated as she laid the bag my dress was in over a chair.

I smiled weakly at her not really bothered by what just happened.

She caught on seconds later her gloating expression clearing and another expression taken its place, was that gratitude?

"Thank you for putting her in her place, I know you hate playing on how well off we are and putting people down. You're a much bigger person than I was when I was your age, than I am now."

"I couldn't have her talking to my mum that way." I said modestly.

"Don't you think I deserve it? After…everything."

I shook my head, "I think I put you through enough this week and I'm sorry. I'm here to make it up to you."

"I should be making it up to you…and Shane."

"And I know you will eventually but Shane and I don't need your blessing right away as long as you understand that he makes me happy and we will be seeing each other no matter what."

She smiled slightly, "That sounds fair."

"Thanks." I smiled. "Well I gotta go find Caitlyn and Ella to help me get ready."

"Ok, I'll talk to you later when you're done."

"I'd like that." I smiled, and I actually meant it, as I picked up my dress and made my way towards the dressing rooms behind the stage.


The dressing rooms were unlike one's you'd find in a shop more like what you would find behind the scenes of a fashion show. There were a few cubicles lined along the side of the walls with curtains for people to change, on the opposite wall were a few floor length mirrors, rails with wheels on them held dresses and tuxedos and in the centre there was a row of vanity mirrors lined back to back with small stools in front of them.

To me it all should have been in more peaceful surroundings, yet the atmosphere here was chaotic, empty dress bags hung over the floor length mirrors, the floor was dotted with scraps of card, tissue paper and empty bottles of water and people were yelling and running around the place like headless chickens

I started to feel panicky how was I going to find anyone here? How was I going to get ready when all the vanity mirrors and cubicles were being used with cues already starting to form?


I smiled as I turned around, looks like I didn't need to worry about finding anyone I thought as I came face to face with Ella and Caitlyn.

Both girls looked amazing, Caitlyn's natural curls hung on either side of her shoulders and she was wearing a simple elegant white gown with a sweet heart neckline, and above and below the runched chest was a beaded trimming.

Ella's hair was pulled up into a classy twist with curly tendrils framing her face. Ella's dress was more daring than Caitlyn's it was white also with a one shoulder strap, it's train flowing out behind her like a lily, vertical lines of silver beading flowing down from the neckline but what made it more daring was the knee length slit at the front of it.

"What are you doing here?" Caitlyn smiled before embracing me in a huge hug.

"I'm here to be a Deb." I answered as enthusiastically as I could, flashing them the long navy bag. "Will you guy's help me get ready?"

"Of course." Ella smiled.

"Let's get you into the dress first." Caitlyn suggested.

"Where am I going to change? Look at the queues for the dressing rooms." I gestured toward the cubicles with my free hand.

Caitlyn and Ella glanced once at the cubicles and then exchanged a look.

"Mitch?" Caitlyn started.

"How opposed are you to dressing in a toilet cubicle?" Ella finished.

Shane's Prov

I feel her. Slipping through my fingers,

Now she's gone, I'm sleeping with the light on,

And shocks went through my veins now, that she's gone,

I'm sleeping with the light on.

"So, Shane, we're going now." Nate called over the music.

I removed the pillow from my head and turned the whiney music down before answering him, "Have fun." I couldn't help the sour edge of my voice but Nate didn't seem to take offence to it he just nodded, smiled weakly and left, not bothering to try and persuade me into going again.

I hated being rude to my brothers but I couldn't shake the bitter feeling that was with me from the moment I woke up today and realised what day it was. I should've been with Mitchie right now or at least waiting for her to get ready then I was gonna be escorting her on one of the biggest days of her life, but I wasn't instead I was moping in my room, in my favourite sweats listening to whiney music.

"Eugh." I groaned, pulling the pillow back over my face and turning the music up again.

Knock! Knock!

Maybe I was wrong about Nate leaving without trying to get me to go again.


I made a face into my pillow, "I thought I told you to get out last time you were here." I muttered into the pillow.

"You did."

"Well in case you didn't realise that still applies now." I said sourly removing the pillow and turning the music off completely.

"Mitchie decided she wanted to be a Deb after all, she didn't want to let down our mum." Matt started as if I hadn't spoken. "I don't think she thought it through though, we were in a rush you see, anyway she doesn't have an escort and I know for a fact my sister wouldn't want anyone but you to be her escort but she hasn't realised she doesn't have one yet."

"Well, when she does she'll text me and I'll be there." I said dismissively.

"Or you could come with me now and we could both show her we're gonna try and put this rivalry thing behind us for her sake."

"You're still trying to rid your guilt." I accused.

"Maybe. But I know you want to be there too."

Mitchie's Prov

"Oh my gawd!" I exclaimed as I came out of the toilet cubicle in my dress. "I don't have an escort." I frowned at my own stupidity, as I handed Caity the clothes I arrived in and turned to let Ella tie up the back of my dress, Shane should have been my first thought the moment I decided to do this.

"Breath Mitchie." Caitlyn smiled. "Nate's waiting outside I'll get him to call Shane."

"Thank you." I sighed in relief.

"No problem." Caitlyn smiled making her way towards the door. "You look gorgeous by the way." She said over her shoulder.

"She's isn't lying about that, moss green totally your colour." Ella smiled twirling me around. "Now let's go fix your hair and makeup." She said leading me out towards the vanity mirrors.

"There's no spaces." I complained when we done a full circle of the vanity mirror dressing tables.

"There's a girl getting up." Ella exclaimed dragging me behind her. "Sit." She instructed when the girl had just taken half a step away from the table.

"Excuse me I was next." A strawberry blond girl frowned at Ella.

"Oh honey you should just have left your make up alone after your sixth coat of foundation you look a little…orange." Ella smiled angelically.

"Ugh." The girl growled before stamping her foot and stomping towards the bathrooms.

"Ella." I tried to say in a disapproving tone but couldn't help giggling.

"She'll be fine." Ella said shaking her hand as if she were sweeping it into the past.

"Who'll be fine?" Caitlyn asked coming up behind us.

"It doesn't matter." Ella smiled. "You wana do her hair?"

"Did Nate get threw to Shane?" I asked.

"He's still trying." Caitlyn smiled reassuringly.


"Ta da." Ella smiled allowing me to look in the mirror for the first time since she started my make-up.

It was perfect as always a light layer of foundation blending in with my natural skin tone, eye shadow the same colour as my dress and pale red lipstick.

"Hair's almost done." Caitlyn smiled as she pulled some of the curls away from my face and fastened them back with two black hair clips that had a tiny green flower on each.

"Thanks you guys." I smiled getting up from the very uncomfortable stool.

"Mitch, why aren't you wearing shoes?" Ella asked as my dress swished back into place as I got off the stool.

"Matt forgot them, he went to get them a while ago I wonder what's taken him so long."


We all looked around even though the voice only called Caitlyn's name, to find Nate and Jason pushing their way through the crowds to get to us.

Both boys looked very handsome, Nate was wearing a white tux, which on anyone else would look tacky, but he looked like a male model and Jason was just as gorgeous in a simple black tux.

"We can't get threw to Shane, he isn't picking up." Nate said apologetically when they reached us.

They all turned to look at me at the same time, pity and sympathy in every single ones eyes.

"It's o.k." I tried to shrug off the ache in my chest that started once the last words left his mouth.

"Are you sure, Mitch?" Caitlyn asked.

"Yeah, it'll be fine. They have stand in escorts for this type of situation. I'll just ask my mum where they are and I'll have one of them to help me out." I tried to smile before turning around quickly and making my way towards the door that lead into the main hall.

"Who put the netting above the dance floor? It covers the mirrors it was supposed to go above the run way with the blue fairy lights around it." My mum was shouting above the noise when I found her in the hall.

"I'll get right on that Connie." Another women answered.

"Thank you Liz. I just want this to be perfect."

"Oh of course now your daughters here it has to be perfect." The woman mumbled to herself as she walked past me away from my mum.

I made a face behind her back; I'd have to warn my mum about her.

"Michelle?" My mum asked, reclaiming my attention making me turn around. "You look exquisite, that dress is so…so…you. It's gorgeous."

I felt my mouth fall open with a pop my mum actually liked it. "Really?" I asked when I found how to speak again.

"Of course." My mum answered in a confused tone.

"Oh it's just…well it's green."

"I see that Michelle. I'm not blind." My mum chuckled.

"But Deb's are supposed to wear white."

"I'd like to see the first person that would dare to say anything to my daughter about what she's wearing, especially when she's looking this beautiful."

"Thanks mum." I smiled as I felt myself getting warmer from the blush that was beginning to spread over my cheeks. "So, I just wanted to know where the stand in escorts were?" I asked trying to get myself out of the spotlight.

"Why would you need a stand in escort? My mum's confused expression returned. "Is Shane not on his…" My mum's sentenced trailed off as she read something on my face. "Oh, they're in the lobby, I hope it's not my fault Shane…"

"Don't worry about it mum, it's probably my fault." I smiled half heartedly before turning to make my way towards the lobby.

I thought I heard her call me back as I exited the main hall but I didn't glance back if people started given me sympathy now I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it together.

I made my way out to the huge lobby turning heads as people noticed me in my fancy get up, I wish I had realised my problem before now I could have dealt with it when I was dressed less conspicuously and with shoes.

I pulled the skirt of my dress up so it was trailing on the ground as I made my way around the lobby trying to find the benched escorts not sure who or what to look for.

I found them in the corner on two brown leather sofas around the corner from the main hall entrance, it had to be them anyway all wore simple black tuxes and all were around my age.

Please let it be them, I prayed as I made my way towards the laughing group.

The laughing stopped when the four boys facing me noticed me hesitating a few steps away from them.

"Can we help you?" A tan boy with dark hair and eyes asked, with a cocky grin.

"Um…yeah, are you guys the stand in's for the Debutante ball?" I asked, feeling a blush make its way across my cheeks.

"Yeah we are, sweet pea. But you couldn't possibly need one of us to escort you surely someone as good looking as you already has an escort." He smiled flirtatiously.

I felt the blush in my cheeks flaming hotter, but I didn't know if it was because of the compliment, or him trying to flirt or a bit of both.

"Actually, I do need one of you to help me out." I said keeping away from the whole subject of Shane would be safer for all of us.

"I'd be more than happy…"

"Cody, I've got this one."

I felt myself stiffen at the sound of his voice, the only words going around in my head were 'let this be a nightmare'.

"Why do you get to escort her?" The boy, Cody asked.

I finally found the muscles to help me turn around and face my nightmare head on. It wasn't a nightmare he was there, all smiles, his blue eyes sparkling with joy and his shaggy brown hair all neatly comb back and straightened.

"Cause I was meant to escort her."

I looked at him in disbelief; he was still deluding himself after all that had happened.

"You've got to be kidding me." I yelled. "I'd rather have Hitler escort me." I frowned throwing my hands up in the air before walking around him.

"Mitchie, don't be so hasty." He said catching my wrist and pulling me around so our faces were only inches apart. "Shane didn't come, if he wanted to be with you as much as I did he would be here."

His words stung but I refused to let him see that, "Let go of me." I said threw gritted teeth.

"Not until you see reason." He spoke through his teeth now seeing my resistance, his grip tightening around my wrist.

"You're hurting me." I whimpered trying to wriggle my wrist loose.

"Dude let her go." The boy Cody spoke behind us.

"Let me go." I said again, wriggling against his hold again.

"Hey, get your hands off my sister."

Somewhere between the relief of hearing my brother's voice and turning around to find him a tan fist shot out missing me by inches and collided with Dylan's face.

Just as quick another set of arms pulled me out of the way and before I could blink Matt was standing protectively in front of me.

"Mitch are you o.k.?" Matt asked moving his head slightly so he could see me from the corner of his eye.

I nodded once.

"Dude that's enough." Matt warned looking back to the scene in front of him.

I looked around him in confusion, was he talking to himself?

I felt myself inhale in a sharp breath when I found who he was talking to. Standing where I had been seconds ago holding Dylan by his shirt so hard his knuckles were snow white and one hand raised balled into a fist, was Shane.

"It's not worth it, Shane." Matt warned again. "She's fine that's all that matters."

I watched his shoulders slump, his raised hand dropping slowly as if he was debating whether it was worth it or not, when it was finally by his side he loosened his grip on the fiend.

"Shane." I whispered his name but he spun around as if I shouted it. His eyes still burned with anger but I watched as it extinguished when he found me behind Matt.

Shane's Prov

"Mitchie." I sighed, when all the flames of anger were finally under control. "Are you alright?"

She nodded once.

"Matt can you get him outta here please?" I asked fighting to keep my voice even.

"No problem." Matt said just as even as he walked around me.

I didn't watch as Matt got Dylan out of the way, I couldn't it would be too tempting.

Mitchie didn't say anything during it either she simply took the four necessary steps to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"You came." She breathed as she buried her head deeper into my t-shirt.

"Course, I did." I smiled, burying my face into her hair.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly.

"You shouldn't be I should be for making a scene you shouldn't have seen me like that."

"Don't be I wish I could punch like you." She tried to joke.

I laughed quietly.

"He's been taken care of." Matt announced when he returned.

"Where is he?" Mitchie asked turning to look at him without loosening her grip on me.

"I got one of the bell boys to chuck him out and keep him out." Matt smiled lopsidedly.

"Thanks, Matt." She smiled weakly at him, but I knew she wasn't thanking him for getting Dylan thrown out and so did he.

"Your welcome." He smiled. "Well enough of this soppy business." Matt laughed after a while. "We gotta get ready for this thing. Speaking of, here." Matt said shaking a blue shoebox at Mitchie. "The girl from the store said they'd match the dress."

Mitchie eagerly ripped the lid off the box while Matt held it and sighed in awe, "They're beautiful." She smiled happily bringing out a black high heel shoe with a brooch on the toe that was encrusted with green diamonds and slipping it on.

"And they aren't white." Matt laughed making her laugh too.

I helped steady her as she put the other one on; I didn't notice how gorgeous she looked before, when I was all caught up in my anger I didn't see her clearly. Her dress was a beautiful shade of green that complimented her skin tone and the curly tendrils of her hair that escaped the clips in her hair framed her face perfectly. I couldn't help scanning over her perfection again and again, then something hit me.

"I don't have a suit." I spoke my thoughts out loud.

"You can have mine." Matt offered.

"Matt, you have to escort dad's clients daughter." Mitchie pointed out.

"My plan just gets better by the minute." Matt grinned.


Mitchie's Prov

"Introducing Adam Stanley and daughter Lindsey Stanley, her escort tonight Matt Torres." My mum announced from the podium as I watched behind the large cream back drop curtain.

It made me giggle to think of the expression on Matt's face when my mum found another tux for him so he couldn't get out of having to escort that girl.

"It's our turn next, baby girl are you ready?" My dad asked, behind me.

"Yep." I smiled brightly, mostly because he used the old nickname he'd given me when I was five.

"I'm glad I get to be part of this, you've grown up so fast, it feels like I missed so many other important things in your life." He smiled weaving his arm through mine.

"You haven't missed that much." I smiled.

"You know never to be scared of telling me anything, right?" He asked as we stood to the side of the big stage waiting for our names to be called.

"I know, but you always seem so busy." I confessed.

"I'm never too busy for you." He promised at the same time my mum announced us.

"Thanks." I whispered as we walked onto the stage.

We posed for a few pictures before my dad walked me down the runway towards Shane who was waiting with a huge smile and looking like a Greek god in Matt's black suit, with matching waistcoat and was finished with a black and silver tie.

My dad unwrapped my arm from around his, still holding my hand he kissed me on the cheek before turning to walk back up the runway.

Shane bowed as I curtsied before kissing my hand once, and then curled his arm for me to wrap mine around before leading me off the runway towards our table.


"Deb's time for your first dance as ladies." A woman smiled as she flitted around all the tables.

Shane and I made our way onto the dance floor finding a space by Caitlyn, Nate, Ella and Jason.

The instrumentals started and we once again curtsied and bowed before taken up the initial pose for the traditional Walsh.

I was shocked as Shane twirled me around the dance floor effortlessly, the faces of my friends blurring in with the lights of the cameras and candles on the tables. In that moment it was just us, Shane and me, and that made me more than happy.

"Where did you learn how to dance like this?" I smiled up at him.

"Um…" He hesitated.

"C'mon tell me, I won't tell anyone." I pressed.

"O.k." He sighed in defeat. "Weweresenttodanceclasseswhenwewereyounger."


"My mum sent me…us to dance classes when we were younger." He blushed as he came to the end of his sentence.

I couldn't stop myself; I threw my head back and let out a peel of laughter. "I'm sorry." I apologised when I contained my laughter.

"Yeah Yeah." He said trying to sound serious as he narrowed his eyes, but the corners of his lips pulled up given him away as he continued to spin me around the dance floor.

I looked above him to the mirrors above the dance floor and watched the spins of the other ball gowns floating around the dance floor like clouds across the sky until the music stopped and applause commenced.

Matt found us just as we were getting off the dance floor.

"Having fun, Matt?" I teased.

"Oh yeah…loads." He said sarcastically. "I see your having fun." He added smiling genuinely.

"Thanks to you." I smiled back.

"Yeah, man thanks for bringing me down here." Shane smiled.

"Anytime." Matt smiled at Shane.

I felt my mouth pop open as I heard Matt's genuine tone and Shane must've worn the same expression as Matt looked between both of us and began to laugh.

"Seriously." Matt confirmed. "I see how happy you are with him Mitch, I never wana be the one responsible for wrecking that again."

"Thanks." I beamed at him before given him the tightest hug I could manage.

"Yeah, thank you." Shane smiled when I let Matt breathe again.

"No problem." Matt smiled patting him on the shoulder. "Well I better get back to my…date." Matt sighed turning around only to complete the spin to face us again. "Just don't think I'll be taken it easy on you when U.C plays Atlanta next year." He laughed.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Shane laughed.

A/N: The End! I'm sorry if you's didn't enjoy the ending or thought it was a bit rushed, it was the best I could do.

Thanks to everyone that read this story up to the very end and those who added it to their alerts or favourites and those who reviewed I really appreiciate it. BTW the song I used in this chapter was "Sleeping with the Light On" and I don't own it obviously but I don't want to get into trouble for not making that clear.