Okay well this story has been fun and I have enjoyed the reviews, I think it is time to end. I appreciate all who have read. I have enjoyed writing it. So here it goes.

3 years later

The team was arriving home from a case in New York City, it had taken them nearly two weeks and they were all tired and grateful to finally be home. None more than SSA Derek Morgan. He quietly let himself into his home and dropped his bag at the door. He reset the alarm and quickly made his way upstairs.

It didn't take long after Pen moved back to Virginia for him to convince her to give up her apartment and move in with him. Although the fact that he got down on bended knee and professed his love with a very large and very extravagent diamond engagement ring did help some.

Six short months later they had married, and soon bought their dream house. Derek smiled as he opened a bedroom door, he walked across the room and made his way to the cherry sleigh style crib and smiled down at his sleeping daughter. One look at her and all the troubles of work melted away. He continued to watch his 8 month old daughter sleep for a few more minutes, and then left the nursery as quietly as he came in.

He then made his way to the master bedroom, he quietly slipped into the master bath and had a shower before changing into a fresh pair of boxers.

He left the bathroom and returned to the bedroom, and made his way over to the King sized bed. He smiled down at his beautiful wife. It still amazed him that they were finally here. It had been a tough time 4 years ago, but after she finally came back to him it went smoothly. He never let a day go by in which he didn't tell her how beautiful and amazing she was. He made sure she felt loved and confident and secure. It was his duty as her husband to be her security, her soft place she could fall.

Derek slid into the bed and pulled his wife to him. She immediately snuggled in close and sighed.

"When did you get in?" She murmured against his chest

"A little while ago, I just checked on Gracie, and grabbed a shower" he kissed the top her head.

"Umm she missed you, she has been calling dada"

"I missed her too, I missed both my girls" He shifted in the bed so he could look into his wife's eyes. "I love you baby, so much" Derek kissed her softly.

"I love you too handsome, I always have. Coming back here 3 years ago was the best decision I have ever made"

Derek thought back, and smiled. It may have taken them a long time, but he knew in the end they were both exactly where they were meant to be.

" I seen Martin in New York"

Penelope looked up at her husband and smiled "he's getting married next month, he sent me an email."

Derek knew that Penelope and Martin stayed in touch, at first it bothered him. He was afraid she would think she made a mistake coming back to him, and leave and go back to Martin. It seemed Penelope wasn't the only one with insecurities. But in time he learned that he had to trust Penelope. And that one of the things he loved about her was that she didn't just cut people out of her life. So she and Martin remained friends. And now three years later the fact that Martin was getting married made him even more comfortable. Not that he didn't trust Pen, but she was HIS baby girl and he wanted to be sure Martin and any other man was aware.

Derek looked at his wife "yeah I met her, she was at the office picking him up, she seems nice." He kissed his wife again

'that's good, I am so happy for him. Isn't it funny how things work out?" Penelope propped herself up on her elbow and rubbed the back of Derek's neck

Derek groaned her touch drove him wild. And she was well aware.

Penelope smiled at her husband.

" I love you Derek, more and more everyday. Leaving New York and coming home to you was the best decision I have ever made. You and Grace are my home, and I love you baby."

Derek smiled and kissed his wife, yes it was a difficult road but it got them here and that was what was important. And as Penelope always said. Everything happens for a reason.

The End