Me: New! New! New! New! New!

Ikuto: What's new?

Amu: What does Miyu-chan do, Ikuto?

Ikuto: Don't get smart, Amu. Or I might have to think of a punishment for you. –smirks-

Amu: I'll shut up…

Shiori-chan: No, keep talking! I want to see what happens…

Me: A new story! Go me!

Riku: Even though it took her forever to actually finish the story…

Me: Oh, quiet you! This is Tokyo Nights! I got inspired by a song by the same name sung by Utada Hikaru. I loved the song and the idea just came to me. And of course, it's Amuto! Yay Amuto!

Amu: Whatever…

Kat-chan: I have had just about enough of your attitude! I mean, one of the hottest guys ever created for Anime is in love with you! Drop Tadase and go with Ikuto!

Me: Oh she will. At least in this story she will… I don't own Shugo Chara and this is not a one-shot. Was going to be, but is not.

Amu sat on her balcony and listened to the sounds echoing in the night. Music played and was loud enough to be heard from her room. She nodded her head with the beat of the music. As she listened, she was reminded of a teen club Yaya had been telling her about. Every Saturday night there was a different theme. And since today was Saturday, of course it was a theme. If she remembered correctly, tonight was a masquerade theme.

Amu took a glance at the clock. 7:30. It closed at around 10:30 or 11:00. She was swimming in time. Now, there was the dilemma of the costume.


Miki looked up from her sketch book and floated over to Amu. "What is it, Amu-chan?"

"Can you design a masquerade costume for me?" Amu pleaded. She knew that it was probably best to ask Miki considering her ability to piece the right colors together, and her great fashion sense.

"Sure, Amu-chan."

Amu went downstairs and asked her parents if she could go, which she could. But she had to have at a friend to accompany her. Amu went back upstairs to get her cell phone. She dialed a number and heard the phone ring about three times before it was picked up. "Hi, Amu-chi!"

"Hey, Yaya. Um, are you doing anything now?"

"No, why?"

"Do you want to go to that teen club you were telling me about? The theme tonight is a masquerade."

Amu heard Yaya take in a sharp breath. "Yes, I would! I've been waiting to go for so long! I just need a costume! And I'll call Rima too! See you in 30!"

The line suddenly disconnected, leaving Amu speechless.


Amu turned at the sound of her name. Lying on her bed was a beautiful white knee-length dress. A mask with beautiful jewels and feathers embedded in matched it along with snow white satin flats. A white rose for her hair was lay on top of the dress.

"Miki! It's beautiful!"

"Amu-chan, what is that dress for?" Dia asked.

"I'm going to a club tonight? Do you want to come with me?"

Ran flew up. "I do! I want to go!"

Dia nodded and Su did too. "Miki? Do you want to go, desu~?"

"Sure. It seems like it would be fun."

Amu and her Charas met Yaya and Rima at the entrance. Yaya was wearing a pink A-line dress with a rabbit shaped mask. Rima was wearing a multicolor dress with a mask that had a star on the right eye and a tear drop beneath her left.

"Wow, Amu-chi! You look amazing!"

"Thanks, you guys, too!"

Rima walked to the door. "Shall we go?" Amu and Yay nodded and walked through the door.

Inside, there were millions of masks. As Amu, Rima, and Yaya walked in, all eyes turned to them.

"W-why are they staring at us?"

"They're not staring at us. They're staring at you." Rima noted. "Especially that guy over there."

Amu tried to look, but before she could, she was whisked off by Yaya to the dance floor. After a solid hour of dancing, the girls finally sat down to rest.


Yaya turned around. "Kukai!" She ran over to him and dragged him over to the table she, Amu, and Rima were sitting at.

"Yo, Hinamori!" He said as he reached the table. He nodded respectively at Rima and sat down.

"That's a really good costume! You look really good, Hinamori."

Amu blushed. "T-thank you… Miki designed it for me."

"Oh, did you bring the girls with you. I brought Daichi and he was looking so bored. I kinda felt bad for him, you know…"

"Yeah, we did. I'm sure they're around here somewhere…" Amu said, looking around to see if she could find them.

The Shugo Charas were already with Daichi. KusuKusu and Pepe were out dancing, and Miki, Su, and Dia had left Ran with Daichi. It was known to Amu and her other Charas that she had a huge crush on him.

The two were sitting on the sidelines, watching everyone dance. If they inched to close to each other, they would both blush and float a little way distance from each other.

"You don't know how glad I am to see you!" Daichi smiled.

"R-really?" Ran blushed.

Daichi blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "I-I mean, all of you. I-I mean, of course you too… Well what I'm trying to say is… Do you want to dance?"

Ran let a big smile spread across her face. "Yes!"

Amu finally spotted Ran dancing with her crush and smiled. She could just see Ran's excitement. Amu was about to head back to the dance floor, but before she could, she was approached by a tall boy with a black cat mask and dressed in the all black uniform of the club. He smiled, or rather, smirked at Amu.

"I'm on my break right now. Would you like to dance with me?"

Amu blushed. She looked at Yaya, who was giggling and urging her to go. Then she turned to Rima, who just smiled and winked.

"S-sure." Amu placed her hand in his outstretched hand and followed him onto the dance floor. As soon as they reached the middle of the floor, Tokyo Nights started to play.

The boy pulled Amu close and leaned his head to her ear. "Just follow my lead."

Amu blushed and nodded. The two glided effortlessly over the floor. A circle began to form around them as people watched them dance. The song started to fade off and was replaced by a new one. The circle slowly dissolved and left the couple together.

"You didn't know I could dance like that did you, Amu?"

Wait. First off, how did he know her name? And it was the way he said it. "…Ikuto?"

"Bingo." Ikuto smirked. "It took you this long to figure it out?"

Amu blushed and turned her back to him. "S-Shut up!"

Ikuto just laughed. Amu turned back around. "I didn't know you had a job."

"Yeah, well I keep it a secret. They pay is good; I just get really short breaks is all. Like only 5 minutes."

Amu looked at the giant clock on the wall. "Wow, it's late… I guess I have to go home soon. Good luck with the job. I'll see you when I see you I guess." Amu turned around and began to walk off, but was stopped by Ikuto taking her hand.

"Wait a minute. I want something to remember this night by. I'll be taking this," Ikuto took the white flower that was holding Amu's hair up,"and this." He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

Amu felt her face turn hot. But that was the only reaction she could make. When she finally returned back to reality, she tried to yell at him, bet he was gone before she could. Amu slowly started to walk back to the table she was sitting at. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the faces of everyone at the table. Yaya was giggling, Rima had a pout on her face and Kukai looked completely shocked.

"You guys saw, didn't you?"

Rima looked away. "Well, you didn't? That jerk…"

"Amu-chi, your face is so red! Who was that, anyway?"

Amu looked confused. "You didn't know?"

"Yaya doesn't. Do you Kukai?"

Kukai shook his head. "I just assumed you knew him, Hinamori. So, who's your new boyfriend?"

"Ikuto is not my boyfriend!" Amu hissed. She covered her mouth as soon as those words left her mouth, wishing she could take them back."

"Wah! Amu-chi is attracting older men! I'm so jealous!" Yaya laughed.

Kukai put his hand on Amu's shoulder. "You're growing up so fast!" Kukai said, wiping away a tear.

"W-what are you talking about? Seriously, this is a secret, okay? It is way too embarrassing! Amu blushed.

"Fine, Amu. But if he does anything like that again, you may find him in the hospital." Rima replied, seething.

Me: Ikuto just go threatened by a loli!

Riku: That's embarrassing….

Amu: Anyway! Why do you keep doing this? Pairing me up with Ikuto?

Me: Because I happen to think that you look cute with Ikuto.

Ikuto: A lot of people think that Amu. I think you should just accept it.

Amu: That would be logical…

Me: Speaking of which… Amu how could you not know who Ikuto was? I mean I gave you such obvious clues… Especially with the Cat mask!

Shiori-chan: It's because she's slow…

Ikuto: But she's still cute, so it's okay. –Snuggles Amu-

Me: Aw! Isn't that cute? Please read and review!

Amu: Get off! –Blushes-

Ikuto: No way… This is too comfy…

P.S. If you want to hear the song, just go to my profile and click on the link for YouTube. I made a slide show for Amuto and it has the song with it.