Disclaimer: I do not own Samurai Deeper Kyo and the characters in it.

A/N: Hey all! I hope some of you are still reading this. Everytime I posted a new chapter, I feel really bad that you have to wait very long for this. Hope you all still enjoy reading this J And as always, thank you, thank you so much for the endless support!

Chapter 13: The Heartshot from Cupid

Hishigi possessed what everyone in the Mibu community called "The Perfect Seiza". His posture and the way he positioned himself while sitting and folding his legs in was perfect. But most importantly, he could sit in that position for hours. How did he achieve such great patience and endurance? Practice zen everyday. Usually, when Hishigi in his meditation state, everything else in the universe becomes null. However, tonight his thoughts were disturbed by the noises outside of his compound. He creased his forehead and got up to see the fuss outside his balcony door. Everybody was busy with the preparation of the Former Crimson King's birthday.

"Can't they do it quietly?" He said to himself.

"Everyone is excited for tomorrow. Aren't you, Hishigi?" said Fubuki who was standing by the entrance of Hishigi's home. "Besides, you do know that we have special guests coming tomorrow, right?"

"Special guests?" asked Hishigi.

"That aside, the bird was caged. We need to make vigorous move," Fubuki creased his forehead while folding his hands.

"And what is Shinrei doing?" Asked Hishigi. Fubuki kept silent. "He is weak Fubuki. He needs to understand that this is a matter of the future of the Mibu Clan and our King."

"Don't worry Hishigi, our time will come, soon. Very soon," said Fubuki calmly.

Kyo parked in front of Muramasa's mansion. He was there since 30 minutes ago. His limbs refused to move, not to mention, it was freezing cold inside and outside the car. He took out his phone and checked the office mail. He realized that his brain was not processing anything right now and his thumb was just scrolling up and down the phone screen. His other thoughts overshadowed his senses. His heart was beating fast again and his mind was filled with Yuya's lips and face and scent. The whole scene was playing on repeat in his head.

"Shiina Yuya," he said.

"Yes," she replied, eyes closed.

"You are very, very drunk."

Knock! Knock!

Kyo startled.

"What are you doing in your car? It's late and it's freezing out here and I've been seeing you from my window since half an hour ago!" it was Kyoshiro. Kyo got out of his car.

"I… I'm checking the office mail. And I'm always busy, unlike you," Kyo retorted as they both walked towards the door. He sighed and was actually relieved that Kyoshiro came to "rescue" him before his mind drifted again.

"Kyo, you're here," said Muramasa.

"Kyo-bou, you looked cold. I'll get you some blanket and warm milk," said Chiyobachan.

"Thank you, Chiyobaa," said Kyo.

"So Dad, you do have something to tell us both right? That's why you wanted Kyo to come over tonight?" Kyoshiro initiated the topic.

"You both have not been to the Main House for a very long time, and -"

"What are you trying to tell us?" asked Kyo.

"Nothing, let's just enjoy ourselves okay. As family. And for that, the King has requested for both of you to perform a duet."

"WHAT?!" exclaimed both brothers.

"What nonsense! He summons us and now requested for me to entertain him on his birthday? I'm not 6 no way in hell I'd do that. Besides, I'm not…"Kyo suddenly stopped. He suddenly felt agitated by the whole idea.

"Kyo-sama, your father requested you to play the English Suite." An unfamiliar memory played in this head. He felt a sudden chill and his palm started to sweat.

Muramasa tapped him on his shoulder and he startled.

"Kyo, let's amuse him this time." Muramasa trying to calm Kyo down. He was worried that Kyo's memories were back and hoped that when Kyo actually learned the truth, he would be forgiving of the action Muramasa took to save him.

"What did he want us to play Dad?" asked Kyoshiro.


Kyo wasn't so pleased to hear the news from Muramasa. He cannot recall any memory of the Crimson King. Why would the Head of Mibu summoned them to the house? Weren't they banished from the Mibu main house? Why did he suddenly request for Kyo and Kyoshiro to perform Elgar on his birthday? What is going on?

"I'm going to spend the night here," said Kyo.

Yuya was rolling in her bed. Her face was so red, not from the alcohol, that's for sure. She finally sobered up. What on earth happened? She was supposed to be studying.

"Oh my god! I drank beer….. NO, that's not it! Oh my god!"

Yuya tried to get up from her bed. An image of Kyo carrying her up to her bedroom was fresh in her brain. Blood slowly seeping up her cheeks. She shrieked.

"Oh my god, whyyyyyyy!" Her brain choreographed a playback of what happened earlier.

"Shiina Yuya," he said.

"Yes," she replied, eyes closed.

"You are very, very drunk."

Yuya opened her eyes. Kyo was staring at her and her heart was beating really fast.

"I'll get bac-" she wobbled and Kyo grabbed her.

"I'm sorry I got you drunk. You should get some sleep." Kyo cradled her in his arm and carried her up the stairs.

"I'm sorry for what happened, I didn't mean to start-"

"I'm sorry for getting you drunk. But I'm not sorry for the rest," he whispered as he opened her bedroom door. He placed Yuya gently on her bed. "Take a good rest, I promised to help you with your studies. So sleep, woman."

Yuya covered her face with a pillow. "No... I cannot fall for this. He is my employer, my boss, my landlord!"

She got up and went to the bathroom, sat in the bathtub and turned on the cold shower to cool her head off.

"He was not sorry for what happened? What does that mean? WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!" she was yelling to herself. She curled diffidently under the cold rain of shower. Her face so hot, she could have sworn steam was produced in the process, which of course, was all in her imagination. She never imagined Kyo could be so… "What was the word again?" she thought. Something she could not say, but she could feel. She could feel it so bad, she was sure she had fallen for him.

In Yuya's head was a repetitive playback of the intimate session she had with Kyo. Her heart was beating so fast that she knew she was going to faint if it kept going that way. Right now, she was thinking of the way out of this mess. It was a mistake. She reminded herself to not ever try beer and wine or any type of alcohol, ever again.

Yuya decided to soak in the warm bathwater scented with lavender essential oil that Yukimura gave her. He told her it can help with stress relief and it did help her to calm down. It did work wonder though with the bathwater. As she was leaning towards the bathtub, her phone vibrated. It was a text from Shinrei. Yuya's heart was beating fast, she felt guilty for whatever reason. Kyo. The Kiss. Shinrei. The timing was bad.

The moon was very bright tonight. Shinrei couldn't take his eyes off the moon. Of course all day he thought of Yuya. He thought about running away from the Mibu and to travel the world with Yuya, but of course, he could only imagine. Family obligations and responsibility were the two reasons that was stopping him to do what he wants. Why was he so afraid? He wished he was just as clueless, carefree and dumb just like Keikoku.

"You should help out with the preparation you know, we have special guests tomorrow," said Saisei who appeared from the storage house, that was located just behind the garden where Shinrei was currently having his siesta.

"Saisei, what are you doing here?" asked Shinrei.

"I was looking for you. Kinda need your help with the heavy lifting," she replied.

"Oh, sure," Shinrei getting up from the bench.

"Are you okay? Did Keikoku give you a hard time again?" Saisei trying to build a bridge in the conversation so it will not end into silent. It was always awkward for her to start a conversation with Shinrei. She was overly shy whenever she was alone with him.

"Nah, I'm fine," Shinrei ended it with a smile. He was not in the mood to have a chat with Saisei, nor anyone else at this moment. He likes her, as a friend of course. She's cool, collected, very pretty and sweet. Everyone in the Mibu community loves her. He also didn't know that Saisei has her eyes only for him. Of course he didn't because Shinrei was always oblivious when it comes to these things. She would do anything for Shinrei, even if it will cost her life for that matter.

"I heard Onime no Kyo is coming tomorrow. I haven't seen him in years. Maybe 10 or 15 years?" Awkward? Yes. Saisei knew it was something weird to talk about. However, that is happening tomorrow and she didn't want to have an awkward silence walking in between her and Shinrei while carrying the boxes to the hall.

"I don't remember how he looks like when we were younger. But you know, he always appears in those business magazines…. Which, I saw when I'm outside, you know…" Shinrei felt an invisible sweat appearing on his face. Wasn't it weird that he actually cares?

"Oh… those are not allowed in here. You know that. This is a sacred place. Come to think about it, they are just magazines. Hahaha, we Mibus are weird aren't we," Saisei wanted to slap herself right there, right now.

Shinrei chuckled, "We are weird aren't we. Hahaha"

Morning came rushing like lighting and Kyo didn't sleep at all. He couldn't sleep. He was anxious about everything. He never felt uncollected and as disturbed as he is right now. He was not nervous about playing "Elgar" with his brother, in fact, he was over the question why they were invited to Mibu Main House. It has been a while since Kyo wore anything formal for any Mibu occasion. Heck, he hasn't been to any Mibu event for as long as he remembered. Kyo put on his black haori with the Mibu insignia spread across his back. He looked in the mirror and cursed under his breath. He suddenly remembered the Mibu Castle. Somehow, pieces of his memories came back one by one and there were trying to connect in his head.

"Are you ready Kyo?" said Kyoshiro as he opened Kyo's bedroom door.

Kyo nodded.

"Let's go boys," said Muramasa.