The sun was shining bright over the peaceful village of Konoha. It seemed like another day in the hidden leaf village; villagers walked the shop filled streets, young students attended the ninja academy and the occasional ninja running in and out of the village gates on missions. Yes, just an ordinary day in the village. Little does anyone know that this day shall be far from ordinary. At least for Naruto…

------On the busy streets of the Village------

"NARUTO!" called the irritated voice of the pink-haired Hokage's assistant. "Naruto where are you?!"

"Over here Sakura-chan!" replied the cheery voice of Naruto, waving from inside the small ramen bar.

"There you are, Naruto," Sakura sighed in annoyance as she ducked under the hanging decorations in front of the opening. "I was looking all over for you."

"Why were you looking for me?" asked Naruto before turning back to his second bowl of ramen.

"Hey there, Sakura-can," greeted Iruka who was sitting beside Naruto.

"Hello Iruka-sensei," replied Sakura sweetly before turning her attention back to Naruto. "The Hokage has a mission for you."

"Can't it wait, I'm eating my ramen!" whined Naruto childishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"IDIOT!!" she shouted and plowed his fist right into the back of his head, sending him face-first into the bowel of ramen and breaking it.

"Now, now Sakura, there's no need for violence," instigated Iruka in a hasty tone, trying to calm the other down before something else breaks.

"Sakura, that hurt!" Naruto whined as he rubbed the back of his head and looked down like his spilled ramen like a sad puppy.

"Come on, Naruto," she growled as she grabbed the back of his jacket and dragged him off the stool. Turning, she smiled at the owner and Iruka and she said sweetly, "Bye Iruka-sensei, and don't worry, I'll pay for the damages."

"Sakura, let go!!" protested Naruto as he flailed around as the pink haired girl dragged him towards the Hokage's office.

"Just shut it already!"

"Okay, Naruto, this mission is very simple so even you can't screw it up," stated the female Hokage as she glared at the blond teen over her clasped hands.

"What's that supposed to mean?" demanded Nartuo in his loud voice which made Sakura roll her eyes. "I always do great on my missions!"

"Great? You think having to pay the costs of damages you make are great?" she snapped as she got up and threw a stack of papers at Naruto, all listing the payment that had to be given along with complaints. "Yes, you carry out the missions but you seem to wreck anything you walk past! Your destruction ability takes up too much wide range!"

"Um…excuse me…" chirped a soft tiny voice from the door.

"Ah, yes, Hinata, come in," said Tsunade as she composed herself, crossing her arms and standing up straight.

Nodding, the timid white-eyed girl slipped into the room, bowing her head a little at Sakura, not even looking at Naruto.

Confused, Naruto looked at the girl standing next to him then at Tsunade who cleared her throat.

"As I was saying, you'll be going on a mission, Naruto, and Hinata will be accompanying you to make sure there are no more expenses."

"Fine, but I don't need looking after, you'll see!" stated Naruto before turning and running out of the office to go home and prepare.

"Always full of optimism," Tsunade sighed as if it were a bad thing before she slumped down into the chair. "Ok, Hinata, you can go and please inform Naruto what the mission actually is."

Nodding, Hinata turned and hurried off.

"So, the Hidden Mist Village huh?" murmured Naruto as he and Hinata flew through the trees on their way to their destination, feelings a little embarrassed for not staying in the office to figure out what the mission was. "What do we have to do?"

"We…need to, uh, deliver some medicine," she replied in her soft mouse-like voice as she glanced at Naruto before looking forward again.

"What? That's easy stuff!" exclaimed Naruto as he suddenly stopped, landing on a branch before giving a heavy sigh. "Where's the challenge in that?"

"This mission is…really important," she replied, stopping was fiddling with her jacket though there was nothing wrong with it. It just made a good distraction.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Naruto with a faint smile. "Let me carry the case, it must be heavy."

He jumped over to Hinata's branch and took the large square bag from her back before throwing it on. It really was heavy.

"Th-Thank you," she murmured, head lowered to hide the blush on her face.

"Alright, let's go before it gets dark, we've got a long way to go!" he said excitedly as he punched the air and jumped off the branch.

Smiling to herself, Hinata followed.

----Somewhere near the Hidden Mist Village---

"Wow, this mist is thick," stated Naruto as he jumped onto the ground and tried to see through the curtain of white. "I don't remember it being this bad…"

"It must have rained, everything smells so fresh," she replied as she landed beside him, having an easier time looking through the mist because of her special white eyes. "The village is still far off, we should make camp for the ni-"

She paused, sensing something and she turned around sharply, eyes scanning the area.

"What's up?" asked Naruto curiously, turning and looking around too but he didn't see a thing.

"Nothing…" she whispered, shaking her head before looking around again. "Let's find shelter, there's a waterfall over there, there's a cave that'll be a good place to stay."

Giving Hinata a worried look, he turned his gaze to where she was pointing, but of course he didn't see anything.

"Ok," he said as he re-shouldered the heavy bag before following her into the thicker mist.

He couldn't help but have this strange feeling, the hair at the back of his neck standing on end and he felt a chill run down his spine.


"What?" he asked, looking at Hinata who was walking a head of him.

"Hmm?" she spoke softly, turning her head to look at the other.

"Didn't you just say something?" he questioned a bit puzzled.

"No, I didn't say anything."

"But…I heard…" he began to protest but then fell silent, that chill happening again and he turned around quickly, eyes scanning the misty forest.

"Are you alright, Naruto?" asked Hinata in a worried and faint tone as she lightly touched his shoulder.

"Yeah…I guess so," he replied, still a little on edge, eyes glancing over his shoulder every now and then.

"Don't worry, there's no one there," she said reassuringly, giving a tiny smile at Naruto.

"Yeah…" he muttered as he turned and followed Hinata again but he just couldn't shake that feeling that he was being watched…

They reached a clearing where a large waterfall spilled down rocks from a high cliff into a crystal pool of water. The two edged their way along the cliff behind the waterfall where a large cave was well hidden. It was a little damp with green moss and vines growing from the rocky walls.

"I'm going to scout the area…" murmured Naruto, a bit distracted because he couldn't get that feeling off his mind.

"But, Naruto, that might not be a good idea," she argued meekly, her fingers laced together. "It's not safe in the mist and…I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Don't worry, Hinata, I won't go too far, just want to get some fresh air," he said confidently with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Hinata and hugged her. "I'll be alright."

Before she could do anything, Naruto was gone. She really was worried and she planned to follow him. But then…why was she so sleepy? Her knees got weak and vision blurred. She was…so tired. So tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open as she fell to the ground until her eyes closed and there wasn't a thing she could do about it.

She only managed to whisper, "Naruto…"

He couldn't figure it out. Why was he feeling this way? Looking around, all he saw was mist as he walked slowly amongst the mist and the trees, kunai gripped firmly in hand. Just in case…

"Naruto~" a voice purred through the fog, the tone dark and echoing all around him.

He jumped a little, a shudder running through him as he turned around sharply, looking around.

"Who's there?" he shouted angrily, teeth gritted and kunai raised. "Show yourself! I know you're there!"

"Naruto~" the voice taunted again, the tone so chilling and cold that it froze his insides.

From the corner of his eye, he saw a darken figure. But when he turned to it, it was gone. Then it happened again, that dark figure appearing just for a second before Naruto could get a fix upon it.

"Show yourself!!" he roared, turning to follow that dark shadow but then suddenly coming face to face with his stalker.

But before a single voice or even a single breath left him, the world went dark.


Fanfiction(c) Lady Melodist
Naruto (c) Masahi Kishimoto