It's been a while since I updated this... Sorry to all those who are reading and ready to kill me for not updating frequently enough, I have an excuse! I have written some HijiGin along the way, I was going to write some GinTae but then I left the document on my other computer, and now when I have to study for exams, I update. The mysteries of life... I had already written something about this, but this idea struck me and has an actual plot...

When saying something suggestive that really isn't meant to be suggestive, you should explain a bit.

Gintoki slowly ate the sugary dumpling, savoring its taste as long as possible. He had just found this new dango shop – he hadn't seen it before, and the owner didn't know of his bad habit to not pay his bills, so the place must've been new – and had immediately sat down once he could smell the sent of tea coming from the small shop. Now he was enjoying a nice cup of tea, a few dango and an afternoon sunshine, even if it was already autumn. Now to only convince the owner to open a bill for him, and 'promise' to pay later on. There was no need to feel quilty; he was a poor wandering – or not so much wandering – samurai protecting the peace in Edo damn it, they least they could do was offer him a few dango and the occasional cup of tea. He took another sip of his tea and closed his eyes. Leaning back against the wall of the shop, he crossed his legs in his usual fashion and enjoyed the rare peace.

"Oi, shop owner! Don't let this guy out of your sight; he'll take a run for it as soon as you look away!"

So much for peace.

Gintoki felt caught, sort of, and looked up accusingly at the face of Edo's sadist/Oogushi-kun's assassin who went by many names, feared by all except by him and Kagura.

He felt a vein throb on his forehead in slight annoyance – there went his free meal – but he kept his voice steady as the young man sat down next to him with a smile.

"I haven't seen you in a while, Danna."

"Didn't I already say you were kicked out of my house after murdering my precious strawberry milk?"

"This isn't your house, Danna, it's a rundown dango shop…"

"Same thing really…" Gintoki said, folding his arms behind his head and leaning back again. He looked at the young man after a few second of silence, "Shouldn't you be slacking off somewhere?"

"That hurt, Danna, I'll let you know that I take my job of killing Hijikata-san very seriously."

"I was talking about the other job."

"Oh… Yamazaki is already checking things, I'm sure he'll manage."

"Is that your way of putting your conscience at ease? For all you know, some flash guy might've just robbed a poor old geezer."

"But Danna, didn't I just save an old man from robbery? You're quite flashy yourself." And he looked back to see the owner of the dango shop coming outside to offer his new customer some tea, or maybe even to check whether Gintoki hadn't taken a run for it yet.

"…Point taken."

The owner seemed slightly puzzled at how Okita addressed Gintoki but paid it no further heed, and he saw the man was dressed in a Shinsengumi uniform so he wouldn't let a man walk away without paying. Gintoki had noticed the man's confusion, and quickly connected the dots.

"Why exactly do you call me 'Danna'?"

"Cause you're the Yorozuya's Danna obviously." Okita answered, while chewing a dango loudly, earning a lecture.

"Did your mother never learn you to eat with your mouth closed, Souji-kun?"

"I've never known my mother, Danna, my sister always took care of me. And it's Sougo, you're mixing up the names, Danna..."

"Hn, that so?" He felt a bit bad about bringing the subject up of his sister, but it seemed the younger man had already moved past it, or he just didn't show it. The guessed it was the second, which wasn't really the best of the two.

"Still, when you only say 'Danna' it sounds rather suggestive." Gintoki said, yawning and stretching a bit, "Really, kids these days…"

"I guess you're right," Okita said, taking a sip of his tea, "Should I try calling you by your name then?"

Gintoki shrugged, "Why not?"

"G…" Okita hesitated a bit.

'Is he embarrassed?' Gintoki smirked a bit.

"Gin…" But instead of embarrassment, Okita had a look of intense concentration on his face.

Gintoki's face fell.

"You have no idea what my full name is, don't you?"

Okita smiled and took another sip of tea, "No."

Gintoki groaned.

"Are you the kind of person to skip the introduction pages at the beginning of a volume? Being all high and mighty, thinking that you already know every character! If you skip a volume or two, there are always bound to be some new characters, you idiot!"

Okita didn't respond, merely grabbed his last dumpling and, unlike Gintoki earlier, ate it up rather swiftly.

"Back on the topic of the story, it's only suggestive if you want it to be, Danna."

Suddenly, that 'Danna' sounded slightly different to him.

"You're on duty, your badminton friend will come looking for you…"

"Ah, did I say Yamazaki was patrolling instead of me? I actually took the car so he's probably still running towards here, the barracks aren't that far but if you have to walk…"

"I don't want to know what'll become of Edo if people like you are supposed to protect it." Gintoki added deadpan.

Okita got up from his spot, strapped his katana back on his waist and readied himself to walk off again.

"Oi," Gintoki said, getting up as well, "Would you mind paying for me as well? Consider it retribution for killing Strawberry Milk."

"Actually," Okita turned to him with a serious look on his face, "I don't have any money on me. I was kind of counting on you, Danna."

Gintoki's face fell again.

"How he hell can you count on me?! I'm always broke!"

The owner seemed to have been alarmed by the sudden increased volume and came out, only to see two figures run away at full speed.

"You're a police officer, and you just committed a crime! I'll report you damnit!" Gintoki said, just avoiding someone out for a walk.

"Danna, I'm one of the captains of the Shinsengumi, I'm allowed to do that." Okita retorted, not even dodging people but just going in one straight line. They rounded a corner and stopped in an alleyway.

"So, ten o' clock?" Okita said, not even out of breath because of the running.

"Che, you're still not allowed inside."

He didn't respond to that and just peered around the corner, looking for an angry owner that was pursuing them, but he spotted something completely different.

"Ah, it seems I'll have to leave you for now, Danna." Okita said, looking around the corner, "Badminton player spotted, and he seems rather tired." He turned to look at the older man and walked up to him

"So," Okita said, "I'll see you tonight."

A vein on Gintoki's forehead throbbed, "I already told you that-"

But he was cut of by a very persuasive argument in the form of a lip-lock. He had to admit the kid was bold when he wanted to, even for his young age. He responded, and was slightly amused as his lips still tasted like the dango he had had earlier, a pleasant added bonus. He let his back fall against the wall so he could deepen the kiss, and he felt the younger man's arms snake around his waist. He forgot all his surroundings, and was going to take of the man's jacket when he broke the kiss.

Okita had an amused look on his face – or at least something like that – and stepped away.

"See you tonight, Danna." He straightened his uniform a bit, "Or am I still banned from your house?"

Gintoki resisted the urge to lick his lips and leaned back on the wall, closing his eyes.

"Bring a carton of strawberry milk, and I shall consider it."

When he opened his eyes, he could just see Okita walk out of the alley back to the busy street with a wave, but he still hadn't gotten an answer. He shrugged.

'He'll come.' And he started walking in the opposite direction.

"Ah! Okita-taichou!" Yamazaki called out his name, to make sure his captain would see him and walked up to him. "Ah, I've been looking everywhere for you, Sir!"

"Go get me a carton of strawberry milk."

Yamazaki sweat-dropped.


"The cigarettes are taking too long, I have decided to start killing Hijikata by giving him diabetes." Okita answered, a look of pure thought on his face; that plan wasn't even half as bad…

"Where's the strawberry milk?" Gintoki asked, leaning against the doorframe.

"I send Yamazaki to get some, but he hasn't come back yet. I think some Jouishishi caught him." Okita said, completely unfazed by the badminton player's disappearance.

"Still not getting in." He crossed his arms over his chest, the kid wasn't gonna pull another stunt like that, this time he would be the one celebrating victory.

"I have the whole day off tomorrow." Okita added as an afterthough.



"Get in." And Gintoki immediately pulled the younger man inside.

I tried to keep the characters a bit IC and the dialogues as canon as possible, but that's really hard when there's a pairing. And yes, I have a secret love for Yamazaki... The idea came from Snow Cover, who suggested writing a story about the meaning of Danna, which is how geisha call their 'patrons' of some sort... I don't know all the details, but Wiki does...

PS: Gintoki would sooo see his strawberry milk as an actual person...

PPS: I like using convenient alleyways for kissing scenes...