The laptop's insistant beeping awoke Heero from a slumber that he hadn't realized he'd fallen into. Cracking one of his cobalt eyes, the Perfect Coldier found himself squinting up at the bright sun. Frowning slightly, Wing's pilot pushed himself stiffly to his feet, grabbing his laptop and turning it off before walking around his inert Gundam to find Duo.

The braided boy was where Heero has left him, curled on the ground, wrapped tightly in the blood and dirt stained blanket stolen from the safehouse...One pale arm was streached out and he was resting his head against it...his pouty lips were slightly moise and beneath closed lids, violet eyes twitched in the midst of a dream.

Heero breathed a silent sigh of relief at his partner's safety, and walked quietly over to kneel beside the prone form. The laptop slipped unnoticed from his fingers to land with a faint 'plop' in the dewy grass. Leaning over his friend, Heero shook Duo's blanket-swathed shoulder as gently as he could.

Duo's exquisite eyes flew open faster than Heero had expected, focusing on the Japanese boy with an immediate clarity that made Heero suspect that Deathscyth's pilot hadn't truly been sleeping-at least not as deeply as he'd appeared.

"What..." Heero began uncomfortably, thoughts whirling in his mind, his voice oddly soft. "How do you feel?" He changed his line of questioing abruptly, not certain he was ready to hear the answer to the question that was really plaguing him.

"Better." Duo rasped, closing his eyes slightly as his body relaxed once more. "But my head still hurts!" Violet eyes glared at Heero through thick lashes, making the darker haired pilot feel uncharacteristically uncomfortable.

Bowing his head, Heero mumbled an apology in his native tongue-an apology that Duo chose to ignore.

"So," Duo continued in a cynical sounding voice, a sarcastic and humorless grin finding his mouth, though it didn't nearly touch his eyes. "You have me-what are you going to do with me?"

Startled, heero looked up, trying in vain to fish thoughts and a coherent reply from the dead water that was his mind. "I...I don't know..."

"You don't know?" Duo raised an eyebrow, pushing himself onto his elbow and furthering Heero's dscomfort. "Then why the hell did you kidnap me?"

"I...I..." WIth some difficulty, Heero schooled his face into the stoic Perfect Soldier mask that he'd hidden behind for so long. "It seemed like the safeest thing to do...seemingly follow J's orders without actually doing you any real least..." Heero let his eyes take on a dangerous, shadowed look. "Until I can figure out whats going on." He felt so much more comfortable in ther Perfect Soldier guise...he felt so much more in control of the situation... "Do you know?" he inquired, raising one eyebrow at his captive, unconsciously mirroring the gesture that Duo had done only minutes earlier.

Violet eyes lowered and Heero had to watch carefully to see that Duo was discreetly biting his lower lip. "No," his voice was soft but filled with such conviction that, even though he refused to look up, Heero trusted him.

Heero's frown deepened. "And THAT is what we do next," Letting a small smile grace his lips, the young Japanese boy extended a calloused hand to his friend. "We can't stay here's already getting too late in the day..."

"Where will we go?" Duo asked, apparently reconciled with the kidnapping, for his voice held no scorn and the only delay in his clasping Heero's hand was when he struggled to free his deceptivly scrany arms from the blanket. He winced ever so slightly, raising his free hand to his head in a small concession to the headache he had to have been feeling while Heero tugged him to his feet. Heero noted the grimace, but kept his comments and worries wisely to himself.

"Somewhere no one will find us-not even J or the other pilots," As he spoke, Heero started climbing up his recliming Gundam, discreetly keeping an eye on his long haired friend in case his already unsteady steps faultered dangerously. "Some place I've had ready in case of an emergency."

Duo's steps were surprisingly nimble, but painfully deliberate as he followed his Japanese friend up to Wing's coc-pit, clutching the soiled blanket tightly around his chilly body. "Why didn't we just go there first?" He asked, trying to balance as comfortably as he could while Heero opened Wing's hatch. His head was pounding and he felt slightly dizzy, but he refused to let Heero see these things-at least, he refused as much as he could...

"Too dark..." Heero replied, his voice barely above a mumble. "And I was worried."

"Worried?" Duo asked, staring at his olive skinned friend incrediously.

"About you." Heero admitted, his voice nearly inaudible as he slid into Wing's pilot sea with practiced ease. "Now get in," he extended his hand once again, his worry overriding any conflict his mind might have. "I want to be going."

The corners of Duo's mouth turned downward in a small frown, but he tightly grasped Heero's outstreached hand-silently grateful for the support-and clambered into the the cramped coc-pit without arguing.

Moments later, the massive Gundam left the ground in a cloud of stirred up dust and fallen leaves, heading for parts unknown.

note: sorry it's short...I hope it's coherent. It's 7:40 AM and I haven't slept, so it very well may not be...ugh. Well, hope you like it. ^.^ -Harm-