"Jeb did what and created a who?" I said, making about as my sense as my friend Luce did after she had caffeine. (I'll explain more about Luce later. Probably in the next chapter.) "And because of this I have a son that I never knew about?" I raised an eyebrow at them, something I hadn't been able to do before I became a mother. "Can I have your permission to slaughter Jeb when I get home?"

"Now, now." Xander said soothingly. "Jeb thought Gabe died in a raid shortly after you escaped. We took him in and raised him to the best of our abilities. But as you can tell, we're not young anymore. Gabe is an active child and can fly well. And just like every boy in the word, he would rather eat candy and chocolate than vegetables." I had to laugh at that.

"When can I meet him?" I felt awkward, having to ask this man, my stinking grandpa, whether or not I could see my child.

"Caitlyn can get him now, if you wish." he suggested.

I nodded dumbly. What else could I do? I had never met this boy, so I couldn't very well just demand to see him.

We sat in an uncomfortable silence when Caitlyn left. I had no idea what to say to Xander. And as grateful as I was for him raising my son, I was positively furious at him for not trying to get in contact. If not with me, then at least with Jeb. I could understand his reluctance, though, at the thought of getting in touch with Jeb. He wasn't the brightest of all people and was terrible at keeping his mouth shut. But still...

"Is that mommy?" a voice asked. My head snapped around. Caitlyn was standing in the doorway holding a little boy.

The boy had my dirty-blonde hair, but his fathers eyes skin-tone and hair cut. And in his all-black outfit, he looked like Fang did when he was a baby, only cuter and blonder. He was looking shyly at me and chewing on his thumb. I stood up and moved slowly towards them.

"Hi, there." I cooed. I couldn't help it, he was just to damn cute! "You must be Gabe, right?" He nodded.

"Then are you mommy?" I nodded, tears welling up as Gabe reached for me. I took him out of Caitlyn's arms. I took a few steps back ad slowly lowered myself back onto the cot.

The four of us were sitting in a comfortable silence when...

Someone decided to kick down the door.

I glanced up, already knowing that it was Fang, and raised my eyebrow.

"Does no one know how to knock anymore?" I asked. (I wanted to throw my hands in the air, but that would have made me drop Gabe, who had fallen asleep.) "I mean really, for all you knew, I was going through a surgery that could mean life or death." Fang glared at me.

"Who's the kid?" he asked coldly.

"Are you blind?" I asked. "He looks like a baby you, only blonde! And here I was, spending the last twenty years thinking that Iggy was the blind one." Fang glowered at me.

"What's your point?"

"My point is that when a scientist is mean and evil and wants two bird kids to reproduce, he takes the necessary things and creates a baby." I held up Gabe. "See? Cute baby." Fang growled at me. "No need to be mean!"

"I've been running all over this place looking for you," he said in a low voice. "And you've been with these old geezers and this kid the whole time?"

"You could of just called my cell-phone." I suggested, pulling it out of my pocket. "It would have made your life a zillion times easier. And there would be no reason for you to glare at me." I squinted at him for a moment, held up Gabe again, then exclaimed:

"ISN'T HE CUTE?" This time, Gabe woke up. He looked at me with wide eyes, then squirmed. I took that as a sign to set him down. So I put him on the floor and he tottered over to Fang. Gabe looked up at him, then spoke

"If she's mommy..." Gabe pointed back at me. "Then that must mean that you daddy, right?" Fang looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Yes, Gabriel." I said softly, never taking my eyes off Fang. "He's daddy." Gabe hugged Fang's legs, then lifted his arms, an indication for Fang to pick him up. But Fang just stood there like a idiot. I saw tears well up in Gabe's eye, so, rolling my eyes, I stood up and gathered Gabe in my arms.

"Shh..." I whispered. "Don't mind daddy. He's not normal." This got a smile from Gabe and a scowl from Fang. "And you,"I said glaring at Fang. "I'll tell you right now that if you don't accept Gabe, you can pack your bags and get the hell out of my house." Fang looked at me, surprised. "I'm a mother, Fang. That will always come first. I don't care if the world if falling to pieces around me or if I have to dive through acid, I will protect my children. I will always be a mother first, lover second, flock member third, daughter fourth, and a sister last. Always. And close your mouth, I refuse to kiss anything that has had fly's in it." Fang's mouth snapped shut.

"Now, Max." Caitlyn chided. "Don't be so hard on the poor boy. He just found out that he has a son." I snorted.

"Please! He found out that he has a daughter not two days ago! I don't see he this can be any different!"

Suddenly, Fang fell over. Xander looked at me, alarmed, but I just shrugged.

"He's fine. Chances are, he just fainted. If you have any vinegar around here, I can have him up in no time." Caitlyn shook her head at me then went into the other room, returning with vinegar. Handing Gabe over to Xander, I took the vinegar from Caitlyn and shoved it under Fang's nose. He awoke with a start.

"I have no idea how that dent got in your car, Max! The ball only hit it lightly!" he exclaimed, bolting upright. I glared at Fang.

"So it was you!" I hissed, reaching for his throat. "I'm going to throttle you!"

Caitlyn and Xander just laughed.