A/N: I've wanted to try this for a long time, the persistent little plot bunny who wouldn't leave. I like doing this sort of thing that delves into the minds of the Cullens. This will have one chapter for each sibling.




That girl was supposed to come into our family? A human?

What was Alice thinking? A normal human would never fit our shifty life-style, one that depended on our control of our unpredictable thirst. Carlisle was one lucky son of a bitch, wasn't he? He didn't have to worry.

A human girl.

Why would Edward have run away from someone so simple as that? She was only human, after all. But I could understand his logic. Little Miss Swan could so easily ruin the facade we had set up, shattering the illusion that we were just as human as anyone. And then we would have to leave early to avoid detection and suspicion. Again. I hated moving.

But as I watched the girl walk carefully to her bulky old truck, I slowly came to the realization that I wanted the lie to be true. I wanted to be human again. I longed to feel the sun warming my skin, taste homemade food the way my mother used to make, scents other than blood tempting me.

I knew that it would never happen. I was jealous of this human. Ironic, isn't it? I had been turned into the world's most dangerous predator and was beautiful beyond compare...and I was jealous of this ordinary girl with her ordinary human problems.

According to Alice, the girl would give up her human life - for Edward - just as certain as I would stop existing nothing less than a half life, flitting in and out of the human world.

If she could survive that long.