Title: Old Faces

Chapter One: Stirrings

Author: DeathsButterfly

Disclaimer: I don't own Hellboy, nor will I make any money off of it either. This will contain slash, as in ManXMan relationships, if you have a problem with that you know where the back button is and I suggest you use it. Its rated NC-17 for safety reasons.

Summary: An old friend of Johns brings hidden feelings to the forefront.

"Hey, Abe, have you seen Hellboy around here?" Special Agent John T. Meyers asked Abe Sapien, one of the field agents for the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense, or the B.P.R.D for short. Abe Sapien was also a merman of sort, he was blue and he had gills. He was also an Empath that could read the emotions and soul of a person. The first time John had met Abe, Abe said he was 'Pure of Heart', and it wasn't the first time that some one had told him that to be honest.

"No, but he should be in his room." Abe said as he turned the pages of the four books he was reading. Abe had once said that he planned on reading the entire library that was his room before he died, something John was sure he was going to accomplish.

"Still sulking about Liz?" John asked curiously as he browsed the bookshelf's that went floor to ceiling around the entire room, except where Abe's tank was.

"Hmm, yes." Abe said absently as he moved onto the next book.

"I would have thought he had moved on by now." John said as he picked a book and skimmed the first couple of pages.

"Give it two more weeks and he will. Give it another three months and he'll be back to stalking her at her asylums." Abe said as he finished the second page.

"Why doesn't he date someone else? You know, as a rebound." John said as he sat down, he knew there was something important he needed to do, but he forgot what it was.

"Who?" Abe looked up and stared at John. "You forget he is seven and a half feet tall, has red skin and lets not forget the horns."

"So?' John said looking up and catching Abe's eyes.

"Not every one is like you John, willing to see past all of that and see the person inside of Hellboy. Not that Hellboy would date anyone here, besides him and I, all of you will be dead under a hundred years." Abe said gentle. "We are too much like brothers for us to be anything else, so unless some demon walks through the door, both Hellboy and I will always be alone."

"Oh." John said softly, he had never thought about it that way. He never thought that Hellboy and Abe would out live him, hell; they would out live any possible great-great grandchildren he would have.

"It's surprising that he even dated Elizabeth." Abe said after the pause as John gathered his thoughts.

"Why? I had always thought that she was pretty, in a dark kind of way." John asked as he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind.

"It was almost thirty-five years ago that he told me he would never date a mortal, because of their short life span and any children he might have would be quarter demon, something he didn't wish on anyone."


"Now, was there something you needed besides looking for Hellboy?" Abe asked as he went back to his third book.

"Oh? Oh!" John suddenly remembered what he was there for. "Director Manning needed to see both Hellboy and you in the meeting room straight away." John said as he stood up."You go on ahead to the meeting, while I fetch Hellboy from his room and be there shortly, aright?"

"Alright. Be careful John, he is hurting, this time was worse then the others for some reason I can't read and he won't tell me, no matter what I do." Abe said as he grabbed a fresh re-breather, he had plenty of air left but he wasn't sure how long the meeting was going to be.

John nodded as he left the library, keeping those words in mind. After all a hurt Hellboy was a dangerous Hellboy, something John knew all too well.

John nodded at other agents as he passed them by in the twisting and winding hallways, he was glad he memorized the all the paths from Hellboy's to the library, to the kitchen, to the nearest bathroom, to the Lift, and to the meeting room. Before he knew it, he was standing in front of Hellboy's door and-

He didn't know what to do.

He wanted to say something about the whole Liz thing, but he wasn't sure if it was his place. He knew Abe warned him for a reason, but with the Professor gone, and no other parent figureā€¦It all came down to was did he really wanted to open that can of worms right now?


No, not yet. Maybe in a few weeks, maybe a month or two. Or four, now that John thought about it. Besides it's not like he could talk about giving advice about women, that's one of the few things he wasn't very good at. John sighed and took a deep breath, and he released it and lifted his hand to knock on the door-

The door opened and John got a mouthful of cigar smoke. He coughed as he waved his hand about, trying to dispel the smoky air with no luck.

"Boyscout, what do you want? You've been standin' there for a few minutes already." Hellboy said as he exhaled again, but more purposely towards Johns face. It was one of his favorite games to piss John off.

"Manning wants to Abe, you and me in the meeting groom as soon as possible or else." John said as he quickly stepped away from the cloud of smoke heading his way.

"Really? Well come on them. Lets get this show on the road." Hellboy said as he pulled his door shut and grabbed Johns collar and tugged him along the hallways. John thanked God that very few agents were about at this time of night. John hated when Hellboy manhandled him, and John gave up eventually when he learned that the more he fought the more Hellboy enjoyed it.

The trip that took John almost thirty minutes to make took Hellboy all of fifteen, cutting his fastest time in half. Something that John wanted to know how it was done, so he could get around faster then what he was doing now. Hellboy let go when they finally got to the meeting room. Hellboy lit a fresh cigar while John fixed his collar, and as one they opened the doors and marched right in.

Abe and Manning were already there, along with a new agent. John couldn't see her to well, because she had her back to him and Hellboy. Hellboy snorted, as he looked the new girl over, he didn't want another nanny, he was just fine with Boyscout.

"Ah, Hellboy Agent Meyers. I'm glad to see you made it." Manning sounded and looked cross. "This is Special Agent Kohana I. Monahan and this is-"

"Lotus!" John blurted out as the new agent turned around. The agent did a double take when she looked at John.

"Spider? Is that you?" The new agent, Kohana Monahan said as she walked forward and grabbed one of Johns out reaching hands and bowed over it, John bowed back and kissed both sides of her cheeks and turned his face for her to do so. The remaining three agents in the room, looked at each other in confusion. How did they know each other?

"Well, since you two obviously know one an other, I'll leave all of you alone to make interdictions and brief each other." Manning said as he left the room, he knew when he wasn't needed and this was one of those times, and it just might give that person the kick in the pants that he needed to get his act together.

"Ah, yes of course, Director Manning. Thank you for this opportunity." Agent Monahan said as she bowed to Manning as he left the room.

"Hey, Boyscout, do you know her or something?" Hellboy said trying not to show he was queasy for some reason when he saw the new agent kissed Boyscout on the cheek.

"Yes, we grew up next to each other as children and we were roommates in college. We went our separate ways after that. I joined the F.B.I and she went off to an other branch, she never told me which one though?" John mused out loud. He jumped a little when Lotus's arms draped across his shoulders and leaned against him.

"It was the C.I.A, so you know. What I did there I still can't tell, even with the clearance that you have now. Lets just say I was the field agent part of a Thinker Tank and leave it at that, hmm?" Lotus said as she smiled at the demons.

"Really? So if I guessed that you had a hand in sniffing out Bin Laden, I wouldn't be to far off?" John said as he pushed her off of him, she pouted a bit, but she did answer.

"I can neither confirm or deny such a claim, but since it's not a direct question, I can say that your 'guess' is very close to the truth and that's all I will say." Lotus smiled mysteriously at John and gave a giggle.

John frowned at Lotus; she only did that when someone was about to embarrass themselves to death. Something she refused to tell him how she did that, no matter what he tried.

Blackmail included.

"I better introduce myself properly, shouldn't I?" Kohana said as she put her hand out. "I'm Special Agent Kohana I. Monahan and I'll be Special Agent Abe Sapiens's Liaison, much like Spider is for you Special Agent Broom."

Abe blinked at her, she was very forward and straight to the point, and yet, she was both sly and elusive. A contradiction of factors and reactions, much like John T. Meyers. She wasn't put off or repulsed when she saw Abe and Hellboy, her eyes passed over them like they were normal people, something that John did very often. Abe stepped foreword to shake her hand, and to discreetly read her when-


He couldn't read her at all. There was no emotion or thoughts in her mind and body. Something that Abe had never ran across before, unless they were the walking dead, and she was most certainly not dead. All this passed in a moment and he stepped back.

"Very nice to meet you, Special Agent Monahan, I'm sure we will get along well. After all we have plenty of the same interests, don't we?" Abe said pleasantly, he almost lost his brother and best friend; he wasn't about to lose them to some Witch.

"Yes, I would like to talk to you a bit later if you don't mind? I wanted to see the famous library I heard so many rumors about." The Special Agents voice was like Abe's. Pleasant but only they two knew that there was an underlying meaning beneath those words of friendship.

"Hmm, yes. It would be my pleasure to show you around." Abe said finishing up their verbal spat. Agent Monahan nodded sharply to him and turned her attention to Hellboy and put her hand out for him to shake, which he reluctantly did. He didn't like this new agent for some reason.

"Ah, you must be Special Agent Hellboy Broom, correct?" Lotus said with a smile, she knew who he was, should be, and ever will be, but this first meeting needed to be pleasant for everyone. That she knew personally.

"Yes. Welcome to the Freak Club, no matter what you do, we'll drag you back for more." Hellboy said with an unpleasant smirk at the newbie. The newbie frowned at him, and he wondered what he did to piss her off so fast.

'You are not a freak. Anyone who says other wise needed to be shot and quartered, then strung up by their balls in the torture chamber, understand?" Lotus said firmly, she spent almost a decade and a half working on Spider; she wasn't about to do that with another person.

"How do you know we have a torture chamber?" John asked with a straight face, while internally he was holding back his laughter at Hellboy's face. His jaw was hanging open, and Abe reluctantly closed it with a fingertip.

"Well, where else would you stick that cane up Director Manning's ass? The cafeteria?" Lotus said with all seriousness, then promptly burst into giggles. After a moment John and Hellboy joined her. Abe didn't, but Abe was a very controlling in his emotions, so that wasn't surprising.

"Your not to bad, not bad at all. For a newbie." Hellboy added as an after thought. It wasn't often that he was able to laugh like that, not since Fathers death anyway. And that thought had him gloomy again. As if sensing his mood, John broke the silence that had fallen.

"So, is there something I could help you with? Moving some things into your room or showing you around?" John asked, he knew she didn't need anything, but he thought he should ask anyway, it was the polite thing to do.

"Yes, could you show me where the kitchen is? I had to take a red-eye from Korea and the food on the plane sucked donkey's balls." Lotus said as she and John moved towards the door. She turned back to face the other two Special Agents. "Both of you are welcome to come if you want. I don't mind, and neither does Spider."

"I don't mind." John said with a nod. It would be nice to sit down with friends and family for a quite dinner, well, better make it a very early breakfast as he shot a glance at his watch. It was almost three in the morning. He sometimes forgot what it was like to have a regular sleeping schedule. Not that he would trade his job for anything 'normal' he loved his job too much for that.

"Sure, I could use some grub. How about you, Abe?" Hellboy asked his friend and younger brother. Something was bothering him, but he would wait until he was ready for him to speak. He and Abe were alike in some regards, and that was one of them.

"Hmm, very well. I will come." Abe said. He wanted to see how the new Agent interacted with Hellboy and him, and most importantly, he wanted to see if John T. Meyers felt if anything was off with his childhood friend, and if there was, he was going to make sure he what the Witch's game was before turning her over to Manning, if it was last thing he was going to do.

Or else.

A/n: I have already completed this story and will only post the next chapter every three days of so. After all I do have a RL of my own, that includes a full time job.

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