Longer chapter, so its all good!

Putting the rating up because more swear words are used...so...yeah...

Not sure if anybody is interested, but I have actually based Lucifer off of an actual cat.

Playlist -

Caught in a trap - Elvis Presley

Chapter three - Caught in a trap.

Carlisle cleared his throat.

"Lets get started, shall we?"


"Wait." I held up a paw. "What is this?" I motioned towards the plate.

"Its called ratatouille," Esme answered in a clipped tone.

"Really?" I drew the word out sarcastically. "No. I meant, where's the meat? What? Are you vegetarians?"

I sniggered at their faces as they all shared looks.

"You're term for eating animals is stupid. Vegetarianism means that you don't eat meat, and what do you eat? Meat. Come on! Engage the brains once in a while," I ranted as they all shifted on their spots.

Esme sighed heavily and moved back to the fridge, after pulling something out, she chucked it onto my plate.

It was a rare steak.

"Nice." I commented dryly.

"That's all we're giving you cat, now start talking," Edward hissed.

"You need a tampon or something Edward, because seriously, your PMTs are getting so old," I murmured while inspecting the piece of meat.

Shrugging, I started picking at it with my claws, licking the blood off of them every so often.

It wasn't till Carlisle cleared his throat did I look up.

"Now, Lucifer, I'd like to ask you a few questions."

"My favourite colour is orange, my birthday is the 5th of August, and my idea of a perfect date would be a candle lit dinne –"

"No, that's not what I meant. Let's start with something easy…Where did you come from?" he persisted.

"The Amazon," I replied airily.

I mentally snickered as Carlisle frowned at me disapprovingly, noticing that his eyebrows furrowed yet his forehead didn't crease, which made him look a little constipated…

"Answer the question cat," Rosalie snarled from her position.

"I came from Britain," I said after a moment.

I thought, why not? It's not like they could steal my credit card details or anything.

"And why did you come to Forks?"

"Because I'm conducting a scientific experiment to see how the arrival of a cat can affect a coven of fictional vampires."

"I'm sorry, what?" Carlisle still looked perplexed.

"You're not real, you shouldn't exist. 'Vampires' belong in books for heaven sakes!"

Did I have to spell it out for these people?

"Well if we belong in books then you belong on Sabrina the Teenage Witch," Alice replied hotly.

She obviously felt offended by my comments.

"Oh, touchy. They always did say you were the maniac of the family, no wonder you were put in an asylum."

A figure flew towards me from across the counter; I had no time to react as the vampire called Jasper tackled me off my seat.

He pinned me to the floor, his teeth snapping just inches from my face, before the other Cullen's pulled him off.

I hissed from my position on the floor, my natural instincts of protection kicking in as my fur bristled and my claws extended.

Both Emmett and Carlisle had one of Jasper's arms locked behind him as he snarled and struggled to break free. His eyes were trained on me as he struggled.

"Jesus Christ," I shouted.

Carlisle sent me a hard look as I used "the lords name in vain".

Pshht, vampire drama.

"Calm down Jasper!" Edward shouted over the snarls.

Alice was still by the wall, her concerned gaze flicking from Jasper to Bella.

Why was she worried about Bella?

And then I knew why, Bella's eyes rolled into the back of her head and she slumped forwards.

I cocked my head to the side, why on Earth had she fainted?

Edward, who had moved to Jasper's aid, moved back to Bella.

His hands were touching her face and his voice was frantic as he called her name.

The drama involving Jasper and I was forgotten as Carlisle rushed to Bella…as well as Esme…and Alice…and Emmett…the only people who stayed where they were was Rosalie, Jasper and myself.

"She's a fragile little thing, isn't she?" I sniggered as I watched Edward lift her up and move towards the stair case.

"You would learn best to keep your mouth shut at inappropriate times," Edward hissed as he darted away from us – Carlisle in tow.

"Just give her a splash in the face and she'll be fine!" I yelled towards the stairs.

The remaining vampires stood glaring at me as silence settled in.

I sat still, my tail flicking from side to side.

They hadn't even asked the most important question yet, as in, 'Why could a cat like me talk?

Maybe they just wanted to know what the scenery in Britain was like.

"She's going to be fine," Alice sighed.

Everybody turned to her, relief etched on their faces.

"Oh come on! She fainted, it's not like she just awoke from a coma!" I cried out.

What melodramatic creatures they were, and so infatuated with the human.

Dense bats.

"You know what? I'm getting sick of you," Esme muttered before moving towards me.

I backed away slightly, but she was too quick and grabbed the scruff of my neck – like Emmett had done – and carried me up the stairs and down the hallway.

She opened a door and threw my body in to it.

"Hey!" I shouted as she slammed the door shut behind me.

I'm sure my face looked fuming as I even heard her locking the door.

They think they could incarcerate me?

They must have brain cells lower than a slug.

Do slugs even have brain cells?

My mind stuttered angrily as I sat there fuming. What right did they have to imprison me – Lucifer van Dorsten – in a stuffy room which was empty except for one chair and a window?

It was like an interrogation room!

Now where was the two way mirror I wonder?

I stood up and walked along the outskirts of the room. Stupid human had to faint, didn't she?

As time wore on, I grew impatient. I started to brainstorm escape possibilities.

Then I had an idea.

I sat just under the window judging its height and resistance to a cat throwing itself at it.

Well, this may sound stupid, and thoughtless, but really – what other choice did I have? The door wasn't an option and I couldn't exactly tunnel down through the floor.

Thus, my logic is apparent.

I took a few steps backwards and went into a crouch. My whiskers twitched as I eyed the window – hopefully there would be no replays with the turkey sandwich incident.

Springing at it, all I could think of was "I'm going to die…I'm going to bloody die."

I love you Mum, sorry Dad.

Now, it's not everyday a cat successfully manages to break out of a room via window. And it's not a normal occurrence to see it flying out of said window – three floors up.

Oh, what would the neighbours say?

So what would be a normal human's reaction to seeing a black blur flying past their window? Would they faint again?

Well, from what I could tell – that's what Bella did.

Fragile little thing, isn't she?

Sure enough, breaking through the glass had been easier this time for whatever reason. But what I didn't take in to consideration was the height of the fall.

My animalistic instincts cut in at that point where I found myself free-falling and I let out an embarrassingly high squeak as I sailed downwards.

My paws were stuck out towards the ground as if this would help with the impact from the ground that I would make.

I could see it coming closer to my face – quite swiftly at that. I had a fear of heights, I realised at that moment, so like the coward, I obviously never was, I closed my eyes.

So, of course, I only faintly heard the sound of a human collapsing in a room I fell past.

To be honest, I was too focused on my impending demise.

My stomach flew upwards as gravity pulled me down, but then…suddenly…I was still.

No stomach flips, no wind through my fur, no sickening dizziness.

Just sticky mud, which was sticking into my fur.

I hate to admit this, but yes, even I – the great Lucifer van Dorsten – bent down and kissed the ground.

"Hallelujah praise the lord!" I cried in euphoria as my eyes flew to the heavens.

I mean, I'd heard of cats always landing on all fours before, but c'mon do you think I actually believed it?

It's not like any cat tried it willingly.

"I love you Earth, I love you ground!" I chanted, flinging myself into the mud happily and rolling around in it.

But during my celebration of survival, I suppose I failed to notice the growling coming from behind me.

Sighing as I stood up, I grinned cheekily up at the window I had crashed out of and turned to trot away from the cursed house to make my way back home.

That was, until I felt myself being dragged backwards by my tail.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" I whined as I dug my claws into the ground, trying to delay what could be a bloody conversation.

I knew well enough the only person to handle my roughly like that at the moment would be Edward – and I wasn't disappointed.

He dragged my back until I was at his feet; where he flipped me over and then placed a foot on my stomach to hold me down.

Edward's eyes were black, I noticed.

"Goth," I snorted.

"What?" he barked.

"Never mind," I sang lightly, snickering as his face crumpled in anger. "You look like a constipated duck when you pull that face!"

"Shut up cat!"

"Sorry I ever opened my mouth," I muttered sarcastically.

I wiggled a bit under his foot, "Now this isn't very comfortable for me, and I'm sure you don't want to stand like this forever. So let me up, will you?"

He bared his teeth at me and pushed down harder.

"Mercy!" I cried when I felt my stomach squeezing itself up against my other organs…talk about painful.

"Look listen for a minute you stupid cat!" he roared as I continued moaning under my breath. "I can't read your mind, probably because you're a cat, but to be honest I don't really care. I don't want to know what you want, or need, so I would rather you just shut that trap of yours and LISTEN!"

I clamped my mouth shut as he practically screamed the last word.

I was going to mention anger management classes as I watched him breathing heavily in and out to calm himself down – but that could wait till later.

"I don't know how the hell you know who we are, what we are, but you're just a cat. You're not a threat to us in any way so there is no point in keeping you here."

I sighed wistfully as I realised they would be realising me.

"But after what you did to Bella, why should I let you go? There's no point in keeping you here….yet there's no point in keeping you alive either," he continued ranting.

I gulped. They wanted to kill me?


"I'll make it quick cat, I can promise you that. But with this you will not be able to bother anybody else ever again. It'll just be like going into a deep sleep," Edward said as he actually looked down into my eyes.

I stared at him, wide eyed for a moment. I could feel something brewing inside me.

And then I blew.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I shrieked. "A deep sleep? ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I wriggled harder under his foot.


Edward looked surprised for a moment as he took in my little display. I heard chuckles coming from the doorway and knew we had an audience but…I was too busy in trying to prevent myself from being killed.

"Just kill the little piece of scum, you'd be doing the world a favour," a feminine voice snarled from the doorway.

Enter reeking Rosalie.

Edward looked from me to the source of the voice (which I couldn't see, as I obviously didn't have the freedom of movement at the moment)

His troubled eyes returned to me, I obviously had shocked him with my reaction…what did he expect? Me to jump for joy at being killed? Murdered even?

"What drugs are you creatures taking?" I theatrically sobbed. "I don't want to die, I can't die you fools!"

"Why can't you die?" Edward asked as his head swivelled back towards me, he obviously caught on to that.

I stopped short, my fake sobs receding into 'oh shits' under my breath.

"Because I'm cute?" I offered pathetically. It was supposed to come out as a strong statement…I think…but turned out to be a question.

"Cute my ass," Rosalie commented.

Somebody else shushed her, but it wasn't Edward as he was still watching me.

"Why should I let you live? After what you did to Bella? And all those remarks to my family?" the anger was coming back into his eyes at this point. "Why shouldn't I snap your neck, right here? Right now?"

An idea suddenly came into my head – I could bribe them!

"Because I know the end of your story!" I shouted over the sudden murmur of voices from the door.


"I've read it! I've read the books about you!"

"Books?" Edward snorted. "We're not fictional creatures created in some books…we are pretty much real."

"But that's how I know what you are," I pointed out.

"Oh don't listen to him Edward, just kill him so we can all move on with our lives," Rosalie said.

"No wait, he has a point. How else would he know what we are?" Emmett's voice floated over my head.

But I wasn't looking anywhere else except for Edward right now. He was looking back and forth between (what I presumed) was his family standing at the doorway and then at me.

"So what, you're in about Eclipse time right?" I managed to squeak out to break the silence.

Edward's perplexed expression faced back towards me. "Excuse me?"

"Er…" I shifted under his foot; my lungs were starting to complain. I coughed to clear my throat. "You've already…left…Bella haven't you?"

His expression darkened.

"I'll take that as a yes. So that means you've returned from Italy…um, have you had a visit from Vicky yet?" I scrunched up my face as I tried to recall what happened in the books.

"Yes, we defeated her new born army just a few days ago," Edward replied stiffly.

"Um…" I looked up at the sky, which had dark clouds splashed across it. "Can we carry this conversation on inside?"

Edward frowned again. "Why would we do that?'

I started to get more nervous as I glanced at the clouds.

"Not now," I hissed under my breath towards the clouds.

"What? OK, I'm sick of this. Tell me what you know or –"

He stopped as a rain drop landed on his shoulder; he looked at the sky then to his shoulder, then to me.


My heart was beating three times its normal speed and I felt my chest heaving up and down. I felt sick.

"I can't…I can't…" I stuttered out.

And that's when I saw it, another rain drop.

Heading towards me.

I thought the title of Elvis' song fitted, not sure about the lyrics though.

Check out my other story Bedlam if you ever have the time.

Oh and I hear "Why all the drama about the rain?" ...you'll find out soon enough.

Thanks to Emma for her editing notes!