They always say a heart is not a home, without the one that gets you through the storm

She could tell something was wrong. The way he was acting was not like he usually would, like he was on the move, all the time. Nervous, really. Now and then he could glance around the room, or outside, like he was expecting something, or someone, to jump out from the shadows and attack them.

Worries he should have let go of, a long time ago.

Sometimes she tried to talk to him about it, but he ignored it, or changed the subject as quickly as she had brought it up, and she had given up now, and let him continue with the nervous looks.

She just wished that he would finally talk to her about it.

Because in her mind she believed she already knew exactly what was going on.

She wasn't stupid, no. She was a child of Athena and she wasn't fooled easily, and putting things together, finding out what they all lead to was her specialty. What killed her though were the empty eyes she had to look into and swallow the lies, all the time.

All lies. And she could tell. She knew.

"I wish you would tell me what bothers you."

Percy looked up and met her eyes, for a moment he looked confused, then he shook his head and continued reading the book he was currently going through.

"Bothers me? Nothing is bothering me Annabeth. Why would you think that?"

"Because I know. Stop lying to me Percy. Tell me."

He closed the book.

"No I really don't know what you're talking about right now."

"Is it him?" She could feel tears building up behind her eyes. She blinked them away. She didn't need to cry now. She couldn't cry right now. "You know… You know I know."

He was quiet. It felt like she sat there looking at him for hours with none of them speaking a single word to each other. Finally he sighed.

"I just worry, that's all."

"It's not." She could feel the tears coming back and how her body was burning. Anger. She wanted to hit him for telling her all those lies, right to her face. "You do more than worry. Don't lie."

He sighed again as he reached out to touch her hand. She didn't let him.

"You know I love you."

"Do you really?"

She could see how the words hurt him.

"You know I do. Why would you even say that? Don't be ridiculous now Annabeth…"

She slapped him.

"I wish you would stop telling me all those lies." She could feel the tears running down her cheek now. She didn't try to stop them. "I wish…"

He looked down, not meeting her eyes.

"We should go to bed. You need to sleep. I don't think you're thinking straight right now, Annabeth."

She gave him one of the darkest look she had ever given anybody.

"No I'm not obviously."

She turned her back to him, and with tears still running down her face, falling to the floor, she left the room. She didn't look back to see if he was following her.

With every strike of lightning,
comes a memory that lasts.
and not a word is left unspoken,
as the thunder starts to crash.
maybe I
should give up.

Standin' out in the rain,
need to know if it's over,
cause I will leave you alone…