A/N: All right to any loyal readers I may have gained, who are reading this going 'WTF wheres a new Bard/Wind/Hydra/Storm update?' well, I dunno... anyways this was a challenge given to me by Killjoy3000, who is helping co-author this fic. Its a crossover with Hellsing and Bleach, Fem Kyuubi Harem. Sound like fun? Read on and enjoy!


"Normal Speech"


'Demon Thinking'

"Demon Speech"


Chapter 1


"The hell do you think I'm doing?!? Taking a mid-afternoon stroll?" A ten year old Naruto shouted at his inner captive. Naruto had known about his fuzzy prisoner for several years now. The fox had revealed herself to him, and her plan on forging him to be the perfect container. Well, she said she meant container but every so often he caught her saying Mate... At any rate, speculation as to the demon's feeling for him were currently forgotten as he ran from a small drunk, angry, shinobi filled mob. Birthdays were such a pain... The rest of the year they just ignored him, but every year on the anniversary of the Kyuubi attack some drunk mob thought it was a good idea to go on a demon hunt.

That brings Naruto to his current dilemma, running through a back alley with an armed mob on his heels. "Dammit! Duck now!" Naruto dropped, dodging a hail of shuriken, he grunted though, as one slashed it's merry way through his hamstring, a burst of red blood and chakra following it, healing the wound. "Kit, healing you is NOT my idea of fun!"

"Oh shut up! Your not the one they're trying to make into shiskabob!" Naruto yelled back at his tenant as he jumped over a kunai. He whirled around another corner, hoping to escape his pursuers. However the color drained from his face when he saw a second mob waiting for him. This was definitely an unpleasant new twist. "Well fuck me."


In the Hokage tower, Sarutobi Hiruzen paced in his office, his normal nemesis paperwork forgotten. "Naruto my boy... Where are you?" He had learned to keep the young jinchuuriki within eyesight on his birthday. He had sent one of his best ANBU operatives, Inu, to pick up the young Uzumaki. But the blond had not been at his apartment, that was never a good sign. A golden flash of light drew his attention to the horizon. He narrowed his eyes, there was something familiar about that...


-5 minutes earlier-

"FUCK FUCK FUCK." Kyuubi screamed from her cage, all 9 tails swishing about her enraged form. Outside the seal her container was laying on the ground, doing his best to color the cement blood red. "Damn you Naruto! I refuse to let all that work I've put into you go to waste." She growled, she had invested to much emotionally into this boy to lose him now. She ran through options in her head until she settled on one, it wasn't her first or favorite option, but the process involved would release her from the seal and heal her host. "Fuck it... I suppose sharing beats losing him... And dying, right cause that would suck to to." Behind the bars of her damp cell her form shrank, a harsh red light consuming the mental landscape until a tall redhead with blood red hair, fox ears and a few tails was left. She dug a nail into her palm, wincing slightly as she ran through an ancient set of hand seals...

"Blood Flesh Bone Death Life Love Life Soul Joy Lust Hate Blood Soul Love." The demonic voice called out throughout the area, causing many of the drunk mob to wet themselves, they stared at the dying blond before them as he was consumed in a burst of golden energy. "Dimension Technique: World Binding Souls no Jutsu!" The golden energy burst forth, consuming the entire area in a nova of activity before eventually collapsing in on itself.

Sarutobi, the vaunted Hokage of Konohagakure could only stare on as he arrived at the scene as 4 forms of golden energy died down, one of them revealed a now fullyNaruto, though the Sandaime did notice a few things different, his hair had a slight, almost ethereal glow to it, and more while the whiskers on the right side of his face had deepened, the ones on the left side had disappeared altogether, in their place was an odd black tribal design of a wing. With his shirt burned off it was also easy to see what looked like a black barbed wire tattoo running around and down his right arm. The boy groaned slightly and rolled over into the lap of one of the other figures.

This one the Sandaime knew who it was almost instantly, from the burning red eyes, the blood colored hair, and the three swishing fox tails behind her body. The dark red, almost black, kimono she was wearing hugged her shapely form perfectly, she gave the Sandaime a fanged smile before looking down at the shivering blond in her lap. Her gaze softened as she ran a hand down his cheek, frowning a little at the black wing like mark on his face. The young blond instantly stopped shivering, instead choosing to curl closer into the red haired goddess. The woman looked up from the boy and gazed into the stunned crowd. Her eyes hardened, as her gaze turned cruel, she lifted her unoccupied hand. "Burn." In a flash crimson flames consumed the people who had assaulted the young Naruto. This act awakened, and drew the attention of the two remaining figures.

Seras Victoria, had been having a very odd day. She had been assigned to hunt down a rogue vampire, a rare solo mission for her. She had had the monster in her sights when this odd golden energy seemingly consumed her world, the next thing she knew she was on the ground, in some strange place, with people who she didn't know around, speaking Japanese of all things. Which oddly enough she had no problem understanding. But the weirdest thing, was upon a brief self inspection, she appeared to be around 15 years of age. She lifted a hand to feel the comforting weight of her Harkonnen rifle. She was about to ask where the hell she was, and why she felt an odd attraction to the young blond sitting in the red headed womans lap when she was beaten to the figurative punch.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" Hiyori Sarugaki wasn't a friendly person under the best of circumstances. Being kidnapped by a strange blast of golden energy was not helping her mood. Especially since it appeared to have dropped her into a puddle. Filled with Blood. Well, at least her tracksuit's color hid the crimson blood fairly well.

The fox eared woman looked at the two new arrivals. "Both blond. Figures..." She put on her best 'I'm not going to eat your soul' smile, and turned to the pair of blond females, "I believe I can answer you questions, thought it would be best to do so in a place with more privacy." She turned to the still stunned Sandaime, "I believe you can help there Hokage-san."

Blinking Sarutobi nodded, made a few Kage Bunshins and had one each grab a girl and perform a Shunshin into his office.


The five figures arrived in a swirl of leaves in the Sandaime's office. A quick set of hand seals and a brief blue glow around the room signified the privacy seals had been activated. Kyuubi turned towards the other two women in the room, as they both fund chairs to sit in. She herself was sitting on the couch, Naruto still curled up in her lap. "I believe you two have questions?"

Unsurprisingly Hiyori was the first to answer, "Damn straight I do! Where the hell am I? How the hell did I get here?"

Kyuubi held up a tail silencing the small blond, she turned to Seras, "I presume your questions are the same?" The young-ish, vampire nodded. "Very well, my name is Kira, most in this world know me as Kyuubi no Kitsune. I used an ancient technique as a last ditch effort to save my chosen mate." She indicated Naruto with a nod of her head, "What this technique does is traverse the dimensional void, looking for suitable... Companions if you will. It then uses parts of their souls to help mend the targets, binding them all together. I assume you two were chosen because your souls were the most compatible, and your abilities the most useful for ensuring young Naruto here's survival. In the process I have sacrificed my own power as the medium binding your souls. Where I was once 9 tails, I gave 2 to each of you, leaving me 3."

Seras raised her hand, and Kira rolled her eyes. The vampire took that to mean she could ask her question. "So, were bound to that boy?"


"Is there a way for us to get back from where we came from?" She asked tentatively.

"No. To my understanding of the technique copies of yourselves were left in your place, or vice versa... At any rate you are hear for good now."

Hiyori scowled, "So I'm stuck here bound to this chibi?"

Kira raised an eyebrow, "And who are you to call someone chibi?" The elegant kitsune snickered as Hiyori's face burned red. "Fear not... His is a life meant for interesting things. Especially if he has this..." She said, looking again at the black wing on the sleeping child's face.

Sarutobi coughed, "If I may ask a question..." Kira nodded, "So, are you still bound to him?"

Kira sighed, "I said as much didn't I? My fate is entwined with his just as much as it was first. Only now I can express myself far more... Physically." She gave a perverse giggle on par with Jiraiya at that. The others stared at her. "What? I've looked into his genetic code, I know more or less what he's going to look like as he gets older, and I'm laying claim to his virginity now."

Sarutobi sighed and rubbed his forehead. "What is with that mark then?"

Kira became serious, looking down again at the blond boy that had captured her heart. "It signifies he had died Hokage-San. His soul belonged to the Shinigami when I used the technique. The fact he still lives means that fickle God has taken an interest in young Naruto and has given him his mark. Not necessarily a bad thing... But it is doubtful he will ever have a peaceful life. All previous receivers of this mark have led lives that changed the world... The last one that I can think of was called the Rikudo Sennin."

Sarutobi's eyes went wide, "Hmm, I always knew little Naruto-Kun would be special... May I ask Kira-Sama what your plans are?"

She glared at him, "As much as I would like to say that after burning this place to the ground we would be leaving... For Kami knows why, Naruto loves it here. So here we shall stay. I want a secluded compound to stay in though as I feel people would not take well to my presence."

The Hokage nodded and glanced towards Seras and Hiyori, "I suppose you two will go with them."

Seras merely nodded while Hiyori sneered, "Not like I have a choice at the moment."

Sandaime nodded then fished through his desk, pulling out a sealing scroll with the Uchiha fan on it. He tossed it to the Kyuubi who caught it and looked at him puzzled. "The keys, deed and other things needed to get into the Uchiha compound. Young Sasuke has not lived there in sometime and no one else wishes to buy it... So it's yours. When Naruto wakes tell him it's a birthday present.

Kira smiled at the irony of her living in the Uchiha grounds. "I imagine we will speak in the morning Hokage-San, until then." With that she and the 3 blond's disappeared in a swirl of flame.

Sarutobi sighed as he slumped into his chair. He brought out a bottle of whiskey and volume of Icha Icha and groaned, taking a swig from the bottle. There would be more paperwork then the sands of Suna because f this, he could just tell.








A/N: And so ends the prologue! Hope you all liked it so far... Hmm... Nope nothing to add here.

-I'll have pictures of the girls and of Naruto's tattoo in my profile soon! Gotta find them all again...-