The darling home had gone through many changes since the adventure Jane Darling had in Neverland and after the war had ended. She grew up and soon married to a young man she had gone to school with, but had made sure she continued to tell the stories of Peter Pan to her children. Wendy Darling lived in the home until she became ill and was forced to move in with her son Danny and his family. The house was then sold to an American family who had moved to England, following the computer business they had been apart of for over ten years. Patrick and Margaret had two twin sons, Billy and Zeke, who were freshmen in college, their youngest daughter, Christine, only a sophomore in high school. Christine wasn't exactly respected by her family, her brothers being the stars of the show. Her hair color was even different; everyone had brown or black hair where she had blonde hair. She was also the one that people forgot about a lot and was almost always on her own especially now that she was in a new country, but even when she was back in America she didn't have many friends. The only thing she really had in life was her dancing; she had done ballet and contemporary since she was almost 4 years old and that seemed to be the only things that made her really happy in the world.

"Christine, since your brothers will be moving out on their own after a few months you can choose what room you want," Margaret called as Christine climbed out of the minivans back seats. Christine threw her back pack over her shoulder and walked into the house, trying her best to ignore the paper balls her brothers were throwing at her. She walked through the large French doors and stopped for a few moments in the living room. She had seen pictures of the Darling house on the computer back at her old house but seeing things in person always made them better. The house had only been abandoned for a year or less but it looked like it had frozen in time. As she made her way upstairs she ran her hand along the oak banister, her fingers feeling the wear and tear it's gone through. The hallway was bare, old white squares taking places of the pictures that had hung up there for what seemed like years. She then continued down the hallway but when she reached the end of it a large white door caught her attention. When she pushed it open she was greeted by a large room, a beautiful stained glass window glowing brightly as the sun shone through it. An old toy chest was left resting against the wall across from the window, the blue color chipping away with age.

"Mom, I think I found my room!" she called as loudly as she could. She set her back pack in the corner of the room before she walked up to the window and slid it open. A cold breeze tore through the summer air and swirled passed her and into the room. Something about the room she was in caused her heart to flutter but she had no idea what it was.

"Wow this place is gigantic, I think we should have this room instead," Billy said as he walked in, both he and Zeke dropping large boxes. Christine whirled around and glared hatefully at the two of them as her hands clenched into fists.

"Would you two just get out of here? Mom said I could choose my room and I've chosen it so get out," she growled. Billy and Zeke chuckled as they shrugged and walked back down the hallway.

"Yeah we'll see if this ends up being permanent or not," Zeke said. Christine waited for them to leave before she relaxed and leaned against the window frame.

"I hope this ends up being better then I'm thinking it's going to be," she whispered to herself before heading out after her brothers.

It took the rest of the evening for Christine to at least get her things into the room, but luckily her father found some time to help her set up her bed before he returned to help set his own room up; at least now she had something to sleep on if her room wasn't finished by the time the sun went down. Luckily it was summertime and school didn't start for the next few months so Christine was able to stay up as late as she wanted and set her room up the way she wanted as well. Dinner didn't last long since the only thing they really had were sandwiches, chips and water they bought at a local deli so she returned to her room and began to unpack her boxes. She filled her dresser with her clothes before covering her bed with her sheets. When she went to unpack her last box though she tripped over her blue soccer ball and collapsed backwards, slamming the door shut. She scrambled to get back to her feet, her parents hating it when you slammed doors in the house.

"Sorry, I fell," she shouted out. When she returned to the box though she remembered about the toy chest. Even though she had seen it when she first walked in she hadn't really opened it or paid much more attention to it. She slowly approached it and sat down onto her knees. She had a feeling that there was something inside although in reality it would be empty, left behind by the old owner. The old iron latch creaked as she lifted it and with an easy shove she lifted the lid. Inside the chest was a little doll with curly blonde yarn for hair, leaves sewn together to create a little outfit along with a small sword attach to his hip. She lifted the doll into her hands and smiled as she brushed her thumb along its cheek.

"I wonder what your name is," she said softly. Something hidden behind the toy chest caught her attention and when she moved it aside an old book collapsed to the ground. The dust that covered the little red book blew away as she lifted it up.

"Adventures of Peter Pan," Christine read aloud as she scanned over the black letters on the books cover. She flipped through the pages and soon came upon a drawing that seemed to be done by a little kid. A boy was in the sky, a golden speck flying up next to him as they soared over the city. The name Peter Pan was scribbled above the boy and the name Tinkerbell scribbled above the little speck. Christine gasped softly when she saw what the boy was wearing and quickly compared it to the doll.

"So you're Peter Pan? Then maybe Tinkerbell is your fairy or something," she whispered softly to herself. Now occupied by the book, she took both of them over to her bed and began to read through the first pages of the book.

"My parents didn't believe me when I told them that Peter Pan was real, but luckily my little brothers John and Michael did," Christine began. She soon learned that the writers name was Wendy darling and that she had lived in the house before Christine's family had bought it. The girl told of adventures she had with her brothers in the magical world known as Neverland and also about the young boy known as Peter Pan. He was sent to Neverland when he escaped from his bed as baby and was soon found by his fairy Tinkerbell in Kensington Gardens who took him to his home of Neverland. There he grew to be an agile flier and swordsmen. He then passed these skills down onto other boys who escaped form their parents, also coming to be known as the lost boys. She then spoke of meeting the vile Captain James Hook of the Jolly Rodger and how he was after Peter for cutting off his hand and feeding it to the crocodile. As she continued on through how Wendy finally met the famous Peter Pan and went to Neverland with her brothers, she found it sad that they chose to come home instead of staying with him; the lost boys also decided they wanted to live the lives the Darlings did and went home with them as well. If Christine could choose, she would have stayed with Peter right on the spot. When she thought it was over she came upon a second adventure.

"I saw Peter only once more after that night. He came many years later but instead of finding me in my bed, he found my daughter Jane sleeping under the covers. After that though, he was never to be seen again," Christine read. That's when the book ended, the rest of the pages a pale white color. Christine looked to the window, the breeze rustling the newly put up curtains.

"I wonder if I will ever meet this Peter Pan," she said. The more she thought about it though, the more she had begun to fall into a deep slumber.

As Christine slept she rolled over to the other side of the bed, the book crashing to the floor but not disturbing her as she curled up against the Peter Pan doll. Her mind was spiraling with thoughts of this mystical boy and even as she slept, goose bumps formed on her arms. Suddenly a shadow soared across the floor but quickly faded away. After a few moments it soon returned, a boy stepping into the room. A small speck appeared by his head soon revealing a blonde headed boy with crystal green eyes.

"Did they come back?" the boy whispered softly as he walked quietly across the room. As they got closer, he could see the blonde hair that was resting against her shoulder.

"Tink, I don't think that's Jane or Wendy," he whispered. The golden speck suddenly faded out and changed into a small woman with golden skin and hair along with a dress made of beautiful green leaves. When they approached the side of Christine's bed though, the boy's foot kicked the fallen book causing him to yelp out in pain. In an instant Christine sat up, the boy vanishing from sight as she looked around in shock.

"Who's there?" she called into the darkness. She hugged the Peter Pan doll close against her as she sat on her bed nervously. Maybe the yelp had come from her dream, that had to be it. After taking another glance around she eased her way back under the covers and soon fell back asleep, the boy already having disappeared back into the night.