I wrote this on a whim, and it turned into something much bigger than I ever imagined! So please review for me! Thanks!

Disclaimer: all characters excluding Violet belong to Stephanie Meyer.

Thus begins the prologue.



Emmet Cullen awoke from unconsciousness feeling like he'd been hit by a bullet train. He found himself lying on the bed in his brother, Edward's room with a massive headache. The voices in the hallway, however, alerted him to the presence of the rest of his family. He stifled a groan as pain ripped through his normally untouchable skull. He didn't want to face his family now.

Maybe not ever.

The events from before he blacked out were hazy at best. All he remembered was the ache in his chest knowing that Rosalie was gone. His lover, his soul-mate, had left him forever. And for what? Being who- no, what- he was.

"Rosalie, I don't understand-" the large vampire began, reaching out towards his beloved before she cringed away.

"You wouldn't. You've always thought being a monster was the best thing ever! Well, I've got a news-flash for you Emmett Cullen! It sucks! And… and-"

"But what about… us?" Emmett continued, attempting to advance on the unstable Rosalie. She raked her long finger nails through her hair, anxiety written on her face as she backed away from him. The emotions she'd been harboring were finally bubbling to the surface.

"Oh please! Don't try that on me. You know the only reason I turned you was because you were a pretty face. I actually thought you being mauled by that bear was pretty amusing."

At this, Emmett was taken back. Sure, he'd always known Rosalie was superficial, but that was sadistic: cruel.

After Rosalie's bruising sentiment, Carlisle Cullen decided to step in for his adopted son.

"Rosalie. You know we all love and accept you for what you are-" Carlisle gestured towards the house where Alice, Jasper, Esme, Edward, his wife Bella and their daughter, Renesmee stood uncertain. All vampires and all family.

"That's just it. I hate what I am, and I hate you!" She pointed at Emmett who stood dejectedly in the middle of the field outside the Cullen house.

"You're the one that reminds me of everything that's wrong with who I am and what I am. The only thing I ever wanted in the world is right there-" Rosalie paused her onslaught only momentarily to point at Renesmee, the product of a vampire father and Bella, the once human mother.

"-and until I have that, I'll… I'll never love you."

With those final words, Rosalie sped off with inhuman speed into the forest until her scent was almost entirely gone. Emmett, however, wasn't letting her go without a fight.

"Emmett, you know she'll be back-" Alice began. Emmett only glanced at her from over his shoulder. Although Alice's future-seeing abilities came in handy, he knew she was conjecturing only from their past experiences with Rosalie's over-dramatic behavior.

"That's a risk I'm not willing to take," he snapped back before following the blonde into the forest.

Rosalie's scent; that beautiful, creamy vanilla. He pictured her long, flowing hair, his fingers running through it… it wasn't hard to track. Emmett stopped running

"Emmett, why do you do these things to me?" Rosalie pleaded, bouncing down from the tree she was in and landing softly beside the larger vampire, taking his hand in her own and rubbing it soothingly.

"I… you know I can't let you go. I love you-"

Before he could even finish his confession, Rosalie had beaten him over the head with a large bough of the tree. Normally it would take an immense amount of force to bring down a vampire the size of Emmett, but Rosalie knew the only way to be free of the Cullens was to sever her ties permanently.

After crushing any hope for her return, and leaving Emmett hopeless and unmoving in the forest, Rosalie had accomplished just that.

"I always knew she had a tongue like a viper, but to do that to him… I don't think I'll ever forgive her," Edward swore outside the door, stroking Bella's face as she cradled their daughter in her arms.

"Edward… how can you just write her off like that? She's your family too-"

"Family wouldn't do that to family." Edward's eyes flared as he remembered the horrible words Rosalie had spat at his brother.

"Lover's quarrel?" Bella tried once more. She couldn't believe that after all they'd been through together, Rosalie would do such a thing to them.

"Why are you protecting her?" Edward asked, not accusingly, but curiously defiant.

"I understand her pain. I understand what it is to lose something you want so much…" Bella sighed, reminiscing of the time Edward had left her 'for her own good.' She'd nearly gone out of her mind with grief and misery.

"In this case, though, what Rosalie wants can never be given to her. Her humanity can't be restored." Edward picked Nessie up from Bella's arms and carried her away as she started to fuss over her parent's feelings. It was all so confusing to her. Rosalie had been like a second mother to her when she was just born, and now… how could she have done this to her uncle?

Renesmee placed her hand on her father's as he set her on the couch in the living room. She showed him pictures of the night Edward and Bella had gotten married; that same night when Rosalie and Emmett had been the last ones on the dance floor, holding each other in their arms with a desperation only true love harbors.

"That's not how it is anymore, my love," he tried to explain.

"Why not?" Renesmee's eyes pleaded for answers which Edward didn't hold.

Emmett closed his eyes once more and wished the throbbing in his head would subside. He couldn't believe all that had just happened to him. He couldn't believe his Rosalie was gone.

Sitting up in bed, Emmett pressed his palms into his closed eyes, hoping to bore the image of her silhouette becoming and smaller and smaller in his dimming vision; out of his life forever as the world went black.

"Emmett, I'm glad you're awake," Carlisle interrupted, sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing his hand on his son's knee.

Emmett's silence didn't bother Carlisle as he tilted his son's chin up and held a finger in front of his gold eyes.

Emmett's emotionless gaze followed the finger of his father back and forth, near and far until the usual dilation had satisfied Carlisle, who worked as a doctor in the Forks Hospital.

"Well that's good. No sign on concussion."

"Can vampires even get a concussion?" Alice asked, her dark hair bouncing as she popped her head in the doorway with Jasper tailing close behind.

"Try and keep your voice down Alice. He may be hypersensitive to sound-"

"I'm not sensitive," Emmett interrupted, sliding his feet out of the uncomfortable satin covers and heading towards the doorway.

"Emmett, where are you going?" Jasper called after his brother as he descended the stairs and headed towards the woods.

"Her scent is days old. You'll never find her." Edward grabbed his brother's shoulder and tried to get him to see reason.

"I'm not going after her alright! I'm just… thirsty," the large Cullen shouted at his worried family, nearly shaking the foundations of the house with his booming denial.

"I'm just thirsty."

It didn't take Emmett long to return to the spot where Rosalie had clubbed him. He remembered the way she'd held his hand before she traitorously knocked him unconscious. What had he possibly done to deserve that amount of unrestrained hostility?

Gripping the tree trunk that the large branch had come off of, Emmett gasped in surprise as he saw a blonde haired woman sitting in the moss, sunlight streaming down her back as she faced away from him.

"Rose?" he called out, rushing towards her before she spun around to face him.

"Violet, actually," she corrected him, pulling her hiking boot back on and straightening herself up to address the stranger.

When Violet turned around, Emmett knew at once he was going to break. It was true, he was dying of thirst, and here, in front of him was the perfect, most innocent, most beautiful prey he could ask for.

She was absolutely angelic. Her face, although nothing like Rosalie's godly complexion, held a glow of celestial nature that he even found akin to his own family when they stood sparkling in the sunlight.

"I'm sorry I disturbed you," Violet began. Emmett shuttered. Her voice was like a sweet rhythm pulsing through his still heart. The cherry on top of the pie, however, was the scent of her blood that flooded his senses when the wind blew. It was intoxicating.

"Sorry for asking, but do you by any chance know Carlisle Cullen? He lives around here, I think," Violet continued, closing her eyes and breathing in deep. Her heart nearly stopped when she caught a whiff of Emmett's intent on the wind.

"You're… a vampire," she whispered, stepping back and finding herself pinned to a tree by the large creature before her.

"Why are you looking for the Cullens?" Emmett asked, his voice bordering on hostile.

"P-please don't hurt me. If you take me to them, I'll let you drink my blood," she reasoned, slightly panicked, although Emmett chuckled at the bargain. Thankfully, her stupidity brought him away from his own potential demise. If he had even attempted to drink her blood, the Cullens would cast him out. It would kill him.

"Alright, climb on."

With that, Emmett took off at vampire speed back toward the Cullen mansion with the mysterious Violet on his back. It took more will power than he expected, however, to let her be so close to him without even taking a single drop of her crimson life-blood. He simply focused on the forest track in front of him.

"Carlisle! There's a girl here to see you." Emmett announced, making a hasty exit away from this Violet who so reminded him of his late love. This same girl who smelled so sweet he wanted to drain her of all the life and beauty she possessed.

"H-hi Dr. Cullen… I'm Violet." The girl cast her blue eyes downward as she spoke, trying to find the words to properly convey her condition.

"Emmett tells me you wanted to see me. Any particular reason why?" Carlisle stared at this illusive girl for a few moments before she spoke. She seemed frightened.

"There's something wrong with me. You're a doctor, aren't you?" she ran forward and clutched the oldest vampire's hand. Her emotion startled Carlisle, but he responded calmly.

"Please, allow me to escort you to Forks General Hospital just down the-"

"It's vampire related, please, I have no where else to go!" she reiterated, squeezing his pale hand desperately.

"Don't come across too many mortals who've heard about us, let alone come seeking our help," Alice interrupted nonchalantly, swinging her lithe body around one of the porch railings as all the Cullens gathered outside to meet this peculiar blonde haired stranger.

"I-I need to become a vampire as soon as possible-"

The whole clan was taken back at once.

"I'm sorry. We can't help you." Carlisle, whose eyes had turned to ice at the mention such a thing, stepped back towards the house before continuing. "I'm not sure you know what you're asking."

Violet, who was so sure she'd found her answer, looked exasperated.

"No, no! I- I have a real problem! Look here!" She commanded, unashamedly ripping off her warm, North-face jacket and next the shirt that lay underneath it until she stood before the Cullens in only her jeans and bra. Violet rushed back toward Carlisle, confident now that she had proof of her need to become a vampire.

Presenting her arms to the confused doctor, Violet stood waiting. A gasp rang out from Carlisle's normally pleasant tone as he noted the bite scars that littered her whole body.

"There's… at least 11 different bites," he whispered, horrified, examining her arms and torso.

"Don't you see? I need to get rid of this immunity before it kills me! I can't die of blood loss, believe me, I've been snacked on too many times-"

"We need to get you inside. Come quickly."

In all his years, Carlisle Cullen had never once been stumped by a mortal illness. Vampire-related mortal illnesses… were something he'd never come across in the entirety of his long, long life.

Once seated inside the house, Violet drew out an old scripture, and Bella recognized it immediately.

"I have that same book! I checked it out at the library before I knew about vampires. It's full of old legends and facts-"

"Exactly. On page… oh, 308 or so, there's a section on the 'Immortal Warriors' who fought and nearly wiped out all the vampires in France. They couldn't be turned, or drained. Unfortunately, they appeared as quickly as they disappeared, and nothing's been heard since." Violet thumbed through the pages and held out the old book to the doctor.

"It appears as though the Volturi annihilated them before they became too serious of a threat," Carlisle murmured as he examined the text.

The room got eerily silent as Esme retreated to the empty kitchen, shortly followed by Alice and Jasper, who went upstairs, hoping to give Carlisle a little more privacy with his new patient.

Edward began to leave, but Bella was so enraptured by the tales, she sat planted on the couch. It didn't help either that Renesmee was not to be moved as she listened to this Violet's mysterious origins. The small girl herself had been born under unusual circumstances.

"How long has this been going on for?" Carlisle began, checking first the pulse, and then breathing of the girl.

"Well, I was 19 when I received my first bite. When I came to I was bleeding in an alley. I healed a few hours later, and that's when I stopped aging." The remaining Cullens waited in suspense and Violet tensed under their gazes as she continued.

"That was about thirty four years ago."

Nessie smiled. Humans were always full of surprises.

If you're re-reading the story, you'll notice things have been redone, to make the dialogue flow a bit better… but all is the same otherwise. Please review!
