Disclaimer: I don't own Mai-hime

Author: This one's a little short but hope you'll like it.


A New Beginning

"Choose…are you going to leave all of this just for that girl?" he calmly looked at her daughter. "All your life you were trained to handle our estate and your just going to give it all up for that good for nothing?"

"Don't insult her father she's not here to defend her self. All my life you have given me everything that I need, you have trained me to become a proper lady and I thank you for that father."

"It's good you understand-"

"But I was never happy." She cut her father up "all those things you have given me never made me happy it was after I met her that I realized how empty my life was."

"You ungrateful little-" he lost it this time he can't believe that his only daughter ,his only heir would turn her back on her for someone who doesn't deserve her. "Hear this Shizuru from the moment you turn your back on me, don't come back unless you're ready to dump that bitch and beg me to forgive you. Until then expect nothing from me. I'll cut off all your cards as well as you allowances, and you can't touch your money on the bank without my authorization. You will receive nothing from me do you hear?!"

"I understand father, but I have already given you my decision if you think you're doing the right thing then by all means do what ever you want. I will prove to you that even without your money I can survive." She stands up and looked at his father for the last time "Farewell father. Thank you for everything." She was about to leave when her father called her.


She stopped on her track but didn't looking back.

"I will never make it easy for you."

With that she left. Turning her back to everything she has. But she knows everything will be alright as long as there together. Her and her Natsuki.


Four Month After

"*sigh*Natsuki?" she entered their apartment. It's been four months now still she can't find a stable job. Indeed his father kept his words. Natsuki's salary from the repair shop is just enough for their daily expenses and rent. Sometimes she feels like a burden to the other girl. She put her things on the table and looked for her girlfriend. "Natsuki?" she's not in the kitchen so she should be in the bedroom. When she opened the door she saw her lying on their bed still wearing her uniform. She sat beside the bed and gently touched her face. "You must be really tired you still have grease on your face." She tried rub it off her face, but Natsuki must be really tired she did not wake she just stirred "You were not even able to take your shoes off.*sigh* I'm sorry my Natsuki for making this hard for you" she took off her shoes and gently arranged her on bed. She took a quick shower and prepared their dinner.

"Natsuki?" she tap her shoulder "Natsuki c'mon now dinners ready" she pull the covers off her, she was about to stand up when a hand pulled her back on bed she lost her balance and landed on top of Natsuki. "Amp!"

She wraps her arms around the warm curve and nuzzled on her neck. "Hmmmm…Good evening lovely ."

"*smirk* Ara-ara my Natsuki seems to be dreaming about me, we need to eat dinner, you've work hard today you need a long rest so c'mon up." She tried to pull her self up but the other girl won't let go. "Natsuki…"

"Hmmmm…has anybody ever tell you that you smell like the sun? Warm and sweet." Her eyes still close.

She pulled her self up a little bit and looked at her girlfriend's face, she just smiled by her comment she gently captured her lips.

Natsuki deepened the kiss , thrusting her tongue inside her mouth, tasting every inch of it, it was a long hot kiss that had every part of her trembling for need. When it was over she nipped her lower lip. She catches her breath a little beat before she spoke "Now about dinner" she flash a smile.

This time Shizuru pulled her closer and slid her arms around her neck " Dinner can wait" then she pulled her for another kiss. Her hand found the side of her breast.

The sensation of her touch weakens her, she's starting to feel so hot inside and out. Before things could get further she pushed her gently "Shi-shizuru. Let's continue this later ok? Let's have dinner first" she's still a little out of breath.

"*sigh* Mou Natsuki why do you have to ruin the moment, bu if that's what my Natsuki wants lets go, though I would really like to have Natsuki for dinner *smirk*" she pulled her up and they went to the kitchen together.

Natsuki could only sigh and tried to hide her blush. They have been together for months still she can't manage to control her blushes every time she teases her.


"So how was your job hunting?" Natsuki ask without looking at the other girl. When she didn't hear her respond she looked at her Shizuru seems to drift somewhere else she just keeps staring on her plate "Shizuru…" she called her again. This time she seems to have wakened up from where ever her mind was.

"Huh? Oh is my Natsuki saying something?" she gave her trademark smile

"I said how was it, you looking for a job I mean?" from what she saw, she already figured out the answer to her question.

"Oh ahm, I have passed my applications, they said they're just going to call for an interview. I got one tomorrow. Don't' worry about it."

She knows Shizuru feels awkward about their situation "I know you can find a better job I believe in you, now let's finish dinner so you can rest too I know you'll need it for tomorrow."

"Ara Natsuki seems to be very eager to take me to bed fu…fu…fu" she watched her girlfriends face turn into different shades of red.

"Shizuru! You very well know that's not what I mean."

"Natsuki but you said awhile ago where going continue what were-"


"Yes my Nat-su-ki" she really love the faces she makes when she's embarrass.

"Eat" jeez why does she always have to tease her like this?


They ate and they made love Natsuki kept her word .

In the middle of the night Shizuru woke up and silently watched her beloved sleep peacefully.

The world she used to live was made for her. It took away almost every human emotion she had. When she met her she realize some things about her self that she never knew before. And now she was happy despite everything they are going through. With her everything will always turn out right. "Thank you" she gave her a peck on her lips and wrap her arms around her and she went back to sleep hoping that tomorrow would be a better day for both of them.


The next day Shizuru woke up first prepared breakfast and Natsuki's bento before waking up the other girl for work. "Natsuki…" she shook her shoulder gently. "Natsuki get up now you'll be late"

"hmmm…Shizuru five more minute." She pulled the sheets up to her head.

"Natsuki if you don't get up soon you'll be late for work" she yanked the covers off her.

"Hey!" it's too early for this.

"If Natsuki won't get up I won't put extra mayo on her lunch" she said this in her sing song voice.

"Oh hell no, I'm up" she jump up out of bed and run to the bathroom for a quick shower.

"fu fu fu I'll be on the kitchen" she went out the room.

Before Natsuki left she kissed her for good luck. She's really sure she's going to get the job.

It's really quite a turn down when she got rejected again. She's becoming desperate. She walks in the streets absentminded. When she turn to the next block she bump into someone "Oh I'm so sorry-Midori-san?"

"Shizuru, I didn't expect to see you here. Where are heading?"

"Where there's job…" she didn't want to sound bitter but it just came out.

Midori sense something "come with me" she pulled the ex kaichu by the hand and took her inside a coffee shop nearby "tell me everything."

Shizuru can only sigh, and told Midori everything…from the very beginning.

"That bad huh? How badly do you need a job?"

"I really need it Midori-san Natsuki has been working hard for the both of us I don't want to be a burden and I want to prove my father wrong about her."

"Are you willing to do any job? It's gonna take a lot of work?"

"Anything Midori-san, if you can help find a job I'll be in your debt "

"*sigh* well then come with me" they both got up and left the coffee shop.

"Hey Natsuki someone's looking for you. Looks rich and her car is a beauty, she's waiting outside."

She got out under the car she's working on and washed her hands before she went out the shop. Before she could come any closer she immediately recognize her unexpected visitor.

"Kuga Natsuki, we need to talk… about my Daughter.


Author: That's it for this chapter please review. Suggestions and comments are welcome…